STERN Future Tables Speculation


New member
Oct 5, 2017
Black Sabbath could fill the role of a darker pin and another metal pin. Judas Priest and Megadeth are also remaining options for major metal band pins.

I'm surprised there haven't been more Nintendo collaborations. Nintendo licenses companies to slap their IPs on everything. Nintendo appeals to such a wide age range, new Nintendo pins would be a good way to draw kids to pinball while still maintaining appeal to older lifelong gamers.

Mario, Zelda, Pokémon. A new Mario pin alone would be great. Mario has so many power-ups now, they could integrate a bunch of them. Complete a task, earn a power-up, which starts a mode and/or changes scoring. The pf could represent different worlds. The bottom half could be the Mushroom Kingdom zone, top left could be underground, top right could be underwear, and there could be a raised pf area with a lowering ramp representing the castles. They could get a Boo house in there somewhere too. Complete a mode, shoot up to the castle, complete the raised mini-pf (maybe a Bowser bash toy), "Thank you Mario! But our Princess is in another castle!" But once you've run through all the normal modes and gotten into Wizard mode, you can save the Princess for a big score (kinda like TotAN). Granted, the goal of the Gottlieb game was already to save the Princess by destroying castles, but, I mean, it IS Mario after all.

Complete everything once and the second time around you're playing as Luigi trying to save Daisy, with different rules and harder modes, and Luigi audio instead of Mario.


New member
Jul 5, 2013
You know, I'm kind of surprised there isn't a Jimmy Buffett Margaritaville table.

Pop bumpers making steel drum sounds, lots of fun playfield toys based on the imagery from his songs/restaurants, fun music. Seems like a missed opportunity.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
I am hoping that they re-skin iron maiden as the originally intended ARCHER theme. I love the IMdn play field but really don't like the music. I know a couple of collectors that won't purchase it because they have small children. Not that archer is for kiddos (show's content is very adult) - but the graphics and music is definitely less satanic.

Really want a Bob's Burgers table (but I am super biased)


New member
Jul 5, 2013
I am hoping that they re-skin iron maiden as the originally intended ARCHER theme. I love the IMdn play field but really don't like the music. I know a couple of collectors that won't purchase it because they have small children. Not that archer is for kiddos (show's content is very adult) - but the graphics and music is definitely less satanic.

Really want a Bob's Burgers table (but I am super biased)

I'm out of the loop, but why did Archer get changed?


New member
Aug 27, 2014
I'm out of the loop, but why did Archer get changed?

my understanding from shop talk - so take it as pinball gossip or correct where appropriate
Keith Elwin was designing an archer table
John Trudeau was designing the iron maiden table - which was cancelled (due to reasons)
Stern pushed the Guardians of the Galaxy table out instead
Elwin took over the iron maiden design - replacing the archer theme with the iron maiden theme


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Another true head-scratcher... how has there never been a pinball table based on the H.P. Lovecraft Cthulu mythos?

It's public domain now, so literally anyone could make a Cthulu table without paying a license fee to anyone.


Aug 8, 2018
We just got Iron Maiden and I thiiiiiiiiiink Deadpool is supposed to be next (although not officially announced) and a new Elvira table possibly after that, so...

What sort of licensed tables do you think Stern will make next?

What tables do you hope they will make next?

I could see them possibly going after the Stranger Things license for a future table, if they haven't already.

19 months later, and looks like you were correct with one of your guesses.



New member
Jul 16, 2012
nice cant wait till my area gets one of these. i totally said they need to make this a pin a couple years ago, i guess thats just a no brainer. im gonna make some predictions, next jersey jack is going to give us Forest Gump, and stern will give us Nightmare Before Christmas.

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
Nightmare before Christmas would actually work very well as a pin. Unfortunately unless a sequel of sorts comes out, the IP is too old to be a guaranteed hit (the jury is still out on The Munsters)

I like the idea of the projector but I don't know if it will look good with too much ambient lighting. The video gives it a washed out look that is unpleasing to the eyes


New member
Jul 16, 2012
Stranger Things is AWESOME!!! had a good bunch of plays on the pro version at Roxy's a4cade in Cambridge MA and I love it. Ive played all the new sterns and it's really one of the best from the past couple years. I think I like Iron Maiden just a tiny bit more, but that might be because ive had more time to learn it. Elvira 3 is also pretty awesome, and Jurrasic Park was also great (though the lower half of the playfeild art seems blurry and boring and i wish there was some sort of texture on that map so it didnt seem like a bunch of blur effects on color shading, but that doesn't effect play). They have been slamming these out of the park lately 2019 was a great year.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
word on the streets is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be the next table from stern. not officially confirmed yet but allot of people are talking about it and it seems legit


New member
Jul 16, 2012
okay so tmnt maybe the 2nd next table to be released, word now is a pin based on the classic Heavy Metal comics and movies will be the next stern. however it will be in a limited batch and only an expensive LE priced edition will exist, no pro. and it seems to be a retheme of the star wars home version.
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
okay so tmnt maybe the 2nd next table to be released, word now is a pin based on the classic Heavy Metal comics and movies will be the next stern. however it will be in a limited batch and only an expensive LE priced edition will exist, no pro. and it seems to be a retheme of the star wars home version.

Sounds terribly overpriced for a reskin of their home-pin. I assume the art will be great and everything else will be subpar. They will not sell many of these at those prices.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
yeah what's going on with this heavy metal table is they do not care if it profits or not, it's a prepaid very low run commissioned from the Heavy Metal Magazine guys. So stern already made some profit from it or whatever. But they are having a preorder and running off extra machines for any demand it might have. But jeez it's a retheme of the cheap home version of star wars which if any one didnt know is not at all the same table as the real stern star wars. And this designed to be a cheap home layout table is being reskined and marked up to deluxe pricing. it's pretty ridiculous.

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