Stern Pinball Arcade Release Dates


New member
Jan 19, 2016
Man, I wish we had so much as a definite release date for the Steam version.
Now that I have a brand new computer, PC is my primary pinball alliteration intended.


New member
May 24, 2013
what a load of bull**** on release date for Europe,all my racing games come out on xbox 1,pc,ps4 roughly the same time all round the world.Farsight your communication is as quiet as a dunny in the middle of the outback.:( take note of ZEN ZEN ZEN great communication every bloody time,not like you ,anyone would think Farsight have been on the metho for the last 4 years,well back to the Crews Calling all Units,great expansion pack !!!:cool:


New member
Oct 17, 2016
I wonder what is holding up the Xbox and EU versions?

And here I was just wishing for that patch.


They have always published the physical releases in Europe. This time of year is normally busy for disc's being pressed so who knows with only 3 weeks to go before xmas... Maybe we won't see it in PAL Land until 2017. Would be worth the wait if the light/brightness adjustment makes it to the first PAL release of the game. :)


New member
Oct 17, 2016
As PS4 and X1 got their SPA releases, would be good to hear PC target date, as it is next platform i guess.
Had completed last wizard goals on TPA yesterday, so have no much things left to do apart of idling on forum, even already spent money from steam wallet allotted for SPA, for NSUNS4 instead.


Nov 11, 2012
Just looked at the cover art on Amazon for the XB1 version (maybe it's faked) but it has the same "EXCLUSIVE" sticker for Star Trek and both AC/DC special limited editions. If you look at the leaderboards for these, testers are already putting in some scores.


New member
Apr 21, 2012
What's the deal with the LE tables? The box art for the physical discs showed both LEs of Star Trek and AC/DC to be exclusive to the disc based versions. I held off on digital, bought the disc, and no LEs in sight. The box art now replaced the le information to say Ghostbusters will be free dlc once released. Great, but where are my promised LEs?
Last edited:
Oct 15, 2013
What? I've been leaning towards disk and then digital over and over. The only table I really want to play is AC/DC but the Ghostbusters table might be fun. Amazon is still showing the LE exclusives on the disk version. I'm thinking of just getting the AC/DC table digital because in the Stern game it doesn't do a panorama of the table so the only thing you see different is the back glass. Also no shaker motor I believe. So the only difference is back glass and leaderboards? Seems like a waste especially with having to put a disk in every time you want to play. Pinball is really nice in a digital format since I can play for a few minutes or hours it just makes it easier for a quick game, not having to swap out a game I'm playing everyday, Titanfall 2.:)

Anyway with Ghostbusters being free with the disk, hmmmmmmmm. So many dupes from Pinball Arcade. Are all the games using flipper 3.0? It'd still be cheaper to get AC/DC and Ghostbusters by themselves...........................


Feb 8, 2014
What's the deal with the LE tables? The box art for the physical discs showed both LEs of Star Trek and AC/DC to be exclusive to the disc based versions. I held off on digital, bought the disc, and no LEs in sight. The box art now replaced the le information to say Ghostbusters will be free dlc once released. Great, but where are my promises LEs?

No LEs is disappointing. Does the disc version include all of the older Stern tables from Pinball Arcade? Or is it just the new tables plus Ghostbusters as DLC on release?


New member
Apr 21, 2012
I ordered mine from amazon US. I haven't really played it yet. Just popped it in to install and confirmed the le tables aren't there as advertised. Already issues from the get go with the bait and switch of what's included on disc version.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
Bet I know what Day Nine of "Pinball Arcade's 12 Days of Christmas"! is - Stern Pinball Arcade released for mobile. iOS available now and Android to soon follow.

Bought both table packs 1 and 2. Tables look beautiful, play great AND although there is no setting in the options it works with icade. THANK YOU FARSIGHT! Xmas came slightly early this year.

I was a little surprised to see that Mustang was a free table along with Frankenstein. I went ahead and bought table pack table 2 anyway since ghostbusters is going to be included with it when it's released.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
OK still happy as a clam playing modern stern tables on my iPad.

Huge end of game breaking bug - if you get a local high score there are no controls to move the letters or select for your initials - your just stuck and have to quit out of the app. Repeatable on Star Trek, ac/D.C. And mustang

Seriously farsight I would love to be a beta tester


New member
May 10, 2012
This was a nice surprise to wake up to.

Lots of early bugs. Looks too dark, impossible to enter highscores, some views are a little off. Bought it on Ipad but when I log inn on Iphone it asks me to buy again.
The ugly low res carpet is back, etc.

But right now I am only happy to be playing. The worst bugs will be sorted sooner or later. No slowdowns on Ipad Air 2 or Iphone 6S that I could notice so far, and that is big +

I am guessing they wanted it out before Christmas and rushed it a bit. Strange that it is impossible to enter high scores, though

Bought both packs right off the bat. Thanks for giving it to us before Christmas, Farsight.

From only one try on the new tables, they seem to play just fine, and that is the most important thing.

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