Request Stern's Monopoly


New member
Jun 10, 2012
Absolutely. Very similar to RCT that people talk about more on here for some reason, but better (IMO), with more to do, and a more appealing license to casual players. I'm a "me too" on this one.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
There are a lot of table wish list threads. If you are going to start a thread for a single pin, then give us something to chew on. Do you or have you owned this pin? Or where do you play it? What grabs you about the design/art/layout? Unique table features that make it special. Post a pic or vid.
Even make up a story....maybe you hid under under a Monopoly pin during thunderstorms as a child. Make us love it like you do.


Feb 20, 2013
I can contribute to why this would be such a fun table, as SuperCharo is my partner in crime in heading over to the local bowling alley and spending all day running this table.

Cross-property table themes always make me skeptical. I'm not interested in tables based off of movies with actors portraying characters that are going to long outlive them, or tables that try to emulate the rules of other games. But this machine really makes the familiarity of Monopoly a fun addition to the variety of action.

In my experience with this table there is more of a feel of ownership of the action than most other tables I play. Too many other tables seem to be a battle against the 'random' attraction of the ball to the out lanes, and has very little to do with real skill or ball control.

It's a stand out good time. I'd suggest people give it a spin if they get a chance.


New member
Jan 22, 2013
I remember playing this one a long time ago at the NASCAR Café in Citywalk Orlando. At one point, the ball kept going in and out of a hole in the board, resulting in me getting free points. Never knew how the game ended though, as I had to leave before seeing it drop for good. I'd like to think that it set an unbeatable high score.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I've never seen one in person. Sounds like a strange theme choice for pinball. But after watching video of it, it looks fun. That rotating flipper on the right side is strange. Seems like a lot of bling crammed into that table. Might take a while to figure out exactly what I should be doing. Sort of how I felt about RBION the first 20 times I played it. I think this is a licensed table we may actually see. Has to be one of the cheaper licenses, doesn't it?

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Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
I've played this a few times, but it hasn't really grabbed me, yet. Sometimes it takes me a while to warm to a Lawlor table.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I've never seen one in person. Sounds like a strange theme choice for pinball. But after watching video of it, it looks fun. That rotating flipper on the right side is strange. Seems like a lot of bling crammed into that table. Might take a while to figure out exactly what I should be doing. Sort of how I felt about RBION the first 20 times I played it. I think this is a licensed table we may actually see. Has to be one of the cheaper licenses, doesn't it?

Based on the sheer number of places and other licenses that license Monopoly and put their theme on it, it must not be that expensive.

I would love to see and play this table. Apparently VP has this really cool version that actually uses a lot of flash...but for all that flash it's absolutely unplayable on my poor little laptop.

That said, I'd still like to see an RCT table done as well.


New member
Mar 18, 2013
I enjoy Monopoly because of the reasons Atomic Boy stated. Also it's very exciting and nostalgic at the same time. Great commentary on the action from the Monopoly Man. I just keep picturing myself playing it on TAP-It's classic family fun.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I have played Monopoly but its been a while. For an early 2000's Stern it's one of the better ones. Honestly, with limited amount of Sterns we're going to get (due to licensing), I'm really expecting to get his one. No arguments here.


New member
May 10, 2012
No complaints from me if we get it. Looks good enough. Not one hundred % sold on the moving flipper but probably not a big deal either. Bring it on :)


New member
Nov 28, 2012
He totally must have been smoking something when he designed that whacky table. A spinning flipper? Crazy dice rolls, game board? It looks totally insane. I would love to try it. ;)


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I am pretty sure I read that Safe Cracker is what we ended up with instead of a Monopoly branded table because the license wasn't secured. To me that machine could have been a monopoly with some changes. Not the monopoly we know today but a table that would fit that theme.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I would absolutely love to have this table as part of TPA.

On my mini-vacation to Long Beach, WA this past weekend, I saw this table not once, but TWICE.

The first time was at a restaurant/pub called the Wet Dog in Astoria, OR. I saw the backglass and ran towards it, although I was disheartened as I got closer... The power was off. Yep, a big "OUT OF ORDER" sign was taped to the main glass over the playing field.

Then, while in Long Beach, my gal and I went to a pizza place just south of town called Chico's Pizza. They also had it!! And, it was also out of order. Darn it!!!

Anyway, I'll throw my request hat in for Monopoly as well.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Finally spent real quality time with one today, the funky features and layout baffled me when I first tried it a few weeks back but I'm digging it now, different and fun, good shots, modes, and great callouts. Too bad there's a license involved, humph.

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