Table design: The good, bad and ugly.


New member
Jul 28, 2013
Have any opinions about the design/art work of the TPA/SPA tables?

Obviously, some are outstanding, and others... aren't.

For "aren't," LCA comes to mind. Looks like the art was created by the boss's middle school nephew instead of a pro with artistic talent. The anatomy of the female on the bottom left of the play field is downright creepy.

Then, there's Al's Garage band. Love the rock and roll theme, but the cartoony art doesn't jive. Would love to see it with a skin more in the style of the licensed rock and roll machines.

On the other end of the spectrum, any of the Williams tables are superb IMO. Space shuttle comes to mind. Uncluttered, and well done.

I'm hoping the pinball mavens can perhaps offer some history on the graphic design of certain tables. Perhaps cluttered artwork may have been implemented in order to distract the player's eyes from paying total attention to the given game? Bone Busters and a few SPA tables come to mind.

I'm looking foreword to hearing your rants and raves, as it's been (for me) on the dull side lately (where's hothamboy? He always seemed to have a gift for starting interesting topics).

And forgive me if this has been brought up before. Just trying to strike up something to bide the time before the next release.


New member
Apr 25, 2017
There is a show on Amazon that you can rent or buy that has to do with pinball art and trying to preserve it. I didn't watch it and think it may be kind of short, but you may enjoy it if you're into art.

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