Table of the Week Club...Week 37: GORGAR

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Jan 30, 2013
On PC, DX9 doesn't seem to have the new flipper physics, but dx11 does. So if you want to be able to live catch and stuff, better play dx11.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
On PC, DX9 doesn't seem to have the new flipper physics, but dx11 does. So if you want to be able to live catch and stuff, better play dx11.

Darn it, wish I could. Every time TPA is in dx11 the play is super slow so if I want to play on a PC, have to stick with DX9. :(


Jan 30, 2013
Darn it, wish I could. Every time TPA is in dx11 the play is super slow so if I want to play on a PC, have to stick with DX9. :(

Just to be sure, have you tried setting your graphic cards settings to performance over visuals? For me, the default for pinball arcade was't even set to my dedicated graphic card but for my general card, for some reason. No other games have had that as default setting.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Just to be sure, have you tried setting your graphic cards settings to performance over visuals? For me, the default for pinball arcade was't even set to my dedicated graphic card but for my general card, for some reason. No other games have had that as default setting.

I'll try and check that out and see if that works. Not too versed on the tech side of things. I do believe my laptop has one video card only.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Just upped my best from 1.8M to 2.5M for #39 on the leaderboards. Whew! I knew there was a better game coming for this table, just couldn't muster the constant precision/attention that is needed. One little mistake and the ball is wild! Had some luck too offcourse, because some shots will lead into the bumper area and then it's Wheel of Fortune time. My main strategy was to only shoot for targets from the right flipper, as VikingErik already gave as advice. I postpassed everything on the left back to the right, which is very safe and doable. I'm still exploring all "railroads" but I have found enough to get to the extra ball after clearing GORGAR 4 times. In between the bonus X will come and go, as are the 1-4 targets. I stopped aiming at the roving special target, I still find it very hard to hit the 1-4 targets dependably. For the targets I aim at the GAR row, starting with the rightmost and then work to the left. The most tricky target to get down safely is the upper "G" ("GOR"). If you try to hit it dead-on, it's all kind of trouble. The best ricochet is the one from the "R" target in "GAR" at the lower bank. I always try to aim at the left side of targets, this makes the ball go up. If you hit them dead-on or on the right, the ball comes screaming down to the flippers or directly for the outlanes.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
My main strategy was to only shoot for targets from the right flipper, as VikingErik already gave as advice. I postpassed everything on the left back to the right, which is very safe and doable. I'm still exploring all "railroads" but I have found enough to get to the extra ball after clearing GORGAR 4 times. In between the bonus X will come and go, as are the 1-4 targets. I stopped aiming at the roving special target, I still find it very hard to hit the 1-4 targets dependably. For the targets I aim at the GAR row, starting with the rightmost and then work to the left. The most tricky target to get down safely is the upper "G" ("GOR"). If you try to hit it dead-on, it's all kind of trouble. The best ricochet is the one from the "R" target in "GAR" at the lower bank. I always try to aim at the left side of targets, this makes the ball go up. If you hit them dead-on or on the right, the ball comes screaming down to the flippers or directly for the outlanes.

I just tried this method after reading your post, finally got my 500K wizard goal that was eluding me. While I'm not scoring high, that method at least gave me a fairly consistent score each time.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Nice! I think this is definitely a table to keep pounding at, to get a good feel for patterns. I see myself nudging much more pre-emptively and reflexive then when I started playing it again at tne start of the week.


Jan 30, 2013
I also shoot the GAR targets from right flipper, but prefer shooting from left flipper if only the G target is up bacause from right flipper the ball can have a nasty return to left outlane.


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Apr 25, 2014
Gorgar will be in the May TotM! Thread is reopened for comment up until the tourney is over so share your thoughts or strategies. Just a reminder, all the TotW threads relative to this tourney will remain open until its completion

This one is a REAL classic! I would absolutely love to own this one irl someday.

"Gorgar" - "Feet" :p

In 1979, Zaccaria released Hot Wheels and Shooting the Rapids, both awesome games that Gorgar fans will likely enjoy. Both have satisfying spinner shots from that left flipper just like good ol' Gorgar. Zankor has some obvious influance from Gorgar and you can count on being talked to in a wonky voice on many Zacs too. Win the game code in the TotM!


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Sep 27, 2012
i love me some gorgar. ive been better at it the past year. ive got my average game around 600,000 with my all time high a lil over 2,500,000. I have the most success by trying to get the roving ( 1 2 3 4 targets )extra ball lit up asap. then try to get the saucer extra ball lit up as a back up.

when I was a kid our arcade had a brand new gorgar machine and it was a blast. I haven't seen one since irl. such a shame


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Apr 25, 2014
Sounds like you are tourney ready neglectoid! My best on PC dx11 is just over a mil so far, going to have to try to improve tonight.


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Sep 27, 2012
last night I bought a 10 dollar PS gift card for a friend for his PS4. I dloaded totan, mb + gorgar , and no fear. I kicked some butt on gorgar 1.3 million first game. I had never played tpa on the ps4, so I was pretty happy.

im considering upgrading to the ps4 from ps3 so I thought this would be a cheap way to explore some tables. and also a way to spread some pinball love. though I doubt my buddy will ever launch tpa if im not there.

gorgar did have some clicking sound issues, but I didn't notice much other sound issues on the other tables. (I didn't play mb) one thing I didn't like was the smiley ball looked like it was encased in glass. meh.

i'll prolly give the tournament a go this time around. I did compete in the first season, but not the second season tourney.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Sounds like you are tourney ready neglectoid! My best on PC dx11 is just over a mil so far, going to have to try to improve tonight.

Shiz just got real!

As far as Gorgar, only go for the drops, but in a safe way. Always trap up when possible. When multiball starts, be sure to trap up too


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Well, that's Tarek Oberdieck right there :) Guess you don't know him, but just check out some of his other work by walking through all leaderboards...
He's legit BTW
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