Table of the Week Club...Week 48: TERMINATOR 2

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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
We started off this grouping of tables with a Kickstarter title, may as well finish with one! Yep, it's time for Terminator 2, and how appropriate as another time traveler is in the midst of his own Kickstarter with the Doctor Who table. You all know the routine, post some stuff, make funny comments.

As a recap, these are the 4 tables to be played in the tourney on January 30th...

- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Tee'd Off
- Earthshaker!
- T2

Get that practice in, as this is our season finale for points.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Repeatable EB's (although hard with those targets timing out quickly) from the top-right cup (via the escape route) and also from bonus multiplier (but the same pesky hold bonus that renders some of them moot). It's the Super Jackpots (50M) where the points are at. Great flow but not deep rulewise. I'm not sure if I'm up for a new grind.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
The points are in repeating Chase Loops. Not for the 5M, but that helps, but the Million+ scores, which have an upper limit of ...? I've got up to 12M.

So that's (0+)1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12 = 78M in Million+
If all of those are 5M Chase loops, add another 13x5 = 65M on top.

143M. Almost 3 Super Jackpots, and a lot quicker and easier.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Repeatable EB's (although hard with those targets timing out quickly)

The targets are easy. From a catch on the right flipper, there's a railroad that hits two of them and rebounds off the jackpot targets into the third, easily completing them in one shot. T2 was the first TPA table after Bride of Pinbot that I went infinite on.

And I've had Chase Loops as high as 40M. That's a billion for the whole cycle. This is definitely faster than super jackpots, if you can consistently go 40-50 shots without missing.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
Had the chase loop up to 26 mil in the Kickstarter tourney. It's the easiest way to score points by far.


New member
May 4, 2012
And I've had Chase Loops as high as 40M. That's a billion for the whole cycle. This is definitely faster than super jackpots, if you can consistently go 40-50 shots without missing.
I don't think you need to go anywhere remotely near 40-50 to beat out SJ's. I actually think somewhere around 3 in a row (consistently) beats SJ. Of course this depends on the amount of time it takes you to start multiball, and then get a SJ, and the fraction of times you do get a SJ in multiball.

My record is somewhere around 17M (not including the 5M) for Chase Loop M+.


New member
Sep 22, 2015
I aimed for 40+ and only pulled off a couple ~20's... I played 10 hours of real pinball at arcade expo yesterday so I have the attention span of less then normal... Which isn't much anyways!


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I don't think you need to go anywhere remotely near 40-50 to beat out SJ's. I actually think somewhere around 3 in a row (consistently) beats SJ. Of course this depends on the amount of time it takes you to start multiball, and then get a SJ, and the fraction of times you do get a SJ in multiball.

Well, I'm good at holding multiball for a while and stringing together super jackpots. The trick there is don't do what all the guides suggest, to catch one ball while making the SJ shot with the other. That's good for one SJ but not for many. Instead, use the time while the ball is loading into the gun to shoot the drop target then skull with the other ball. That way you never have both balls loose on the table at the same time so it's easier to manage and keep going. I can often string together 5 or so SJs keeping the skull-gun loaded with one ball at all times. (Even on the real machine. T2 is the one real machine I own. It's actually easier on the real machine since the skull is in the flipper sweet spot, while TPA's flippers famously can't hit that angle well.)

But yeah, the breakpoint between chase loops and SJs will vary considerably based on your skill at either.
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New member
Jan 30, 2015
Discovered the chase loop exploit millions plus just recently. Did not watch player videos, just sort of tinkered until the ah ha moment ding ding...
In the past was scoring from 100-250mil approx going for superjackpots and loops. Now just scored 750mil using chase loop exploit. Will never enjoy this game again :) thanks a lot.
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