Table Pack #17 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Confirmed!

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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I think Bobby had a change of heart after Sorcerer won "Best 1980's Machine" at this year's Texas Pinball Festival which is why it was left off the Williams Poll. This table is pretty much a given now.

Excellent to hear that!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Oh wow. But I would assume that it was voted "Best 1980's Machine" of that show. Because seriously, if we're talking the 1980's in general, Sorcerer ain't in that race.

Yes, it was voted best of that show, but there were many 80's tables on hand at the show (including 80's tables that are already released on The Pinball Arcade).

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
Same here. Played a really-well conditioned in Maine over the weekend, found it very fun!

Can I ask where in Maine, and were there any other pins?

By the way, if you happen to get to Old Orchard Beach, there's a Funhouse in rough shape, an Addams Family, a Simpsons (DE) and a ST:TNG at the arcade down on the pier.

As for my prediction, I'm gonna go with either Fish Tales or High Speed paired with Victory.
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New member
Sep 8, 2012
Yeah, I'd actually be pretty disappointed if we didn't get a re-released Sorcerer. It was one of my favorite PHOF tables.

My feelings exactly.

I think Bobby had a change of heart after Sorcerer won "Best 1980's Machine" at this year's Texas Pinball Festival which is why it was left off the Williams Poll. This table is pretty much a given now.

I'm very glad to hear this.

For my table pack #17 speculation I'm guessing it will be Fish Tales and Teed Off.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
Oh wow. But I would assume that it was voted "Best 1980's Machine" of that show. Because seriously, if we're talking the 1980's in general, Sorcerer ain't in that race.

I haven't been to TPF, but if its like any other pinball show that I've been to, the awards generally go to the quality of condition or restoration of the machine, not the gameplay. I welcome Sorcerer in TPA, I just hope they make the lock ramp a hard, drainy shot.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
For my table pack #17 speculation I'm guessing it will be Fish Tales and Teed Off.

They've never done two DMD's in one pack before. Not that they can't ever do it, and Tee'd Off isn't especially a big draw similar to the majority of classic Williams/Bally DMD's, but I would expect Tee'd Off to go with a high profile older Williams such as High Speed or Cyclone.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
High Speed and Teed off would be great. Better yet, release High Speed and Victory together!!!

Maybe it's just me, but the logic in some of the choices for the Pinball packs just baffles me. For instance, Central Park and Big Shot would have made a perfect pair, as would Elvira and Scared Stiff. They could have lumped Pinbot and Bride of Pinbot together. Funhouse and Circus Volitare would play nice as well. Then pair Theater of Magic with Ripley's. Gorgar and Centar seem pretty in sync. No Good Gophers would pair well with Tee'd Off obviously since they're both golf themed.

And yes, I know most of those tables were released at different times and what not, but by releasing themed packs, get people more of what they want. Everybody seems complain that they always get a turd with every gold nugget. And for some reason Goin' Nuts was everyone's turd that they got with Flight2000, but it's my "nugget". I'll buy all of them anyway. I also forgot most of the packs and what went with what because they're all lumped alphabetically in my tables list.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
High Speed and Teed off would be great. Better yet, release High Speed and Victory together!!!

Maybe it's just me, but the logic in some of the choices for the Pinball packs just baffles me. For instance, Central Park and Big Shot would have made a perfect pair, as would Elvira and Scared Stiff. They could have lumped Pinbot and Bride of Pinbot together. Funhouse and Circus Volitare would play nice as well. Then pair Theater of Magic with Ripley's. Gorgar and Centar seem pretty in sync. No Good Gophers would pair well with Tee'd Off obviously since they're both golf themed.

The whole logic in the releases is that putting out 2 EM tables would not translate to great sales. Given the high cost of digitizing the tables, every pal needs to sell well. If it was thought a pack would not do so great, they would potentially be taking a big loss. For the same reason, it would sell great to match 2 dmd tables because that's what people seem to be drawn to but it reduces the potential for balance in a future pack. Every pack has a table that is generally very strong paired with one that is relatively weak with the idea that one table could carry the pack, or you have two moderately strong tables together. Strong tables generally have more modern features like a dmd because those tend to sell a game despite how good the table is.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
The trick is -exactly- to split similar tables up. I can see why putting both Elvira tables in one pack is "logical", but it also makes sense to force someone who just wants the Elvira tables to buy two separate packs instead. And then maybe they will try Big Shot and find out they like it, and buy the Central Park pack.
I think it makes perfect sense.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
The whole logic in the releases is that putting out 2 EM tables would not translate to great sales. Given the high cost of digitizing the tables, every pal needs to sell well. If it was thought a pack would not do so great, they would potentially be taking a big loss. For the same reason, it would sell great to match 2 dmd tables because that's what people seem to be drawn to but it reduces the potential for balance in a future pack. Every pack has a table that is generally very strong paired with one that is relatively weak with the idea that one table could carry the pack, or you have two moderately strong tables together. Strong tables generally have more modern features like a dmd because those tend to sell a game despite how good the table is.

You got it. This is why I won't be buying the next table pack, I just can't justify paying $5 for tables I know I'm not going to play. I'll try the demos though ;)


You got it. This is why I won't be buying the next table pack, I just can't justify paying $5 for tables I know I'm not going to play. I'll try the demos though ;)

How exactly do you know you won't play them? Did your time machine drop you off here to tell us all just how much better a certain era of machine is, or that there are very big problems with how these particular machines have been digitized?

Unless you have already had the opportunity to try them out you don't know if you would buy them or not

This is ****ing Centaur and Pin*Bot all over again.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
The whole logic in the releases is that putting out 2 EM tables would not translate to great sales. Given the high cost of digitizing the tables, every pal needs to sell well. If it was thought a pack would not do so great, they would potentially be taking a big loss. For the same reason, it would sell great to match 2 dmd tables because that's what people seem to be drawn to but it reduces the potential for balance in a future pack. Every pack has a table that is generally very strong paired with one that is relatively weak with the idea that one table could carry the pack, or you have two moderately strong tables together. Strong tables generally have more modern features like a dmd because those tend to sell a game despite how good the table is.

Yes, I was going to post the same thing. From a business perspective pair a table which you predict to be a lower sales volume table with a high one. Personally, with many packs I prefer the tables which would have lower sales if they were sold standalone but I know most people playing TPA want the tables with have toys on them.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
How exactly do you know you won't play them? Did your time machine drop you off here to tell us all just how much better a certain era of machine is, or that there are very big problems with how these particular machines have been digitized?

Unless you have already had the opportunity to try them out you don't know if you would buy them or not

This is ****ing Centaur and Pin*Bot all over again.

I used to think like that - I was all geeked out to play Scared Stiff when it came out,and I was thinking - why even bother to play Big Shot? It really took me by surprise just how much I enjoyed that pin! (initially I played it more than SS)

After that,I have made it a point to keep an open mind when it comes to older tables. I found out that Genie is pretty decent,and that I'm looking forward to Flight 2000. Besides - I happen to think that the prices that FS has for the table packs are okay. So there is my take on it.

PS: I'm now a Senior Member! Hooray for me :)


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I used to think like that - I was all geeked out to play Scared Stiff when it came out,and I was thinking - why even bother to play Big Shot? It really took me by surprise just how much I enjoyed that pin! (initially I played it more than SS)

After that,I have made it a point to keep an open mind when it comes to older tables. I found out that Genie is pretty decent,and that I'm looking forward to Flight 2000. Besides - I happen to think that the prices that FS has for the table packs are okay. So there is my take on it.

PS: I'm now a Senior Member! Hooray for me :)

I think the thing to keep in mind is that with the newer tables, there is a point where you don't feel a need to play them. Just like with video beat the wizard mode or boss and get the ending and what's left? Sure they are fun but the older tables like Gorgar and Centaur are just brutally challenging and all about getting high scores in the same way Pac-Man, Galaga and other old video games have a replay value not found in modern games that you beat and then sell or forget about.

Congrats on being a senior member, btw!
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