Table Pack #34 speculation thread

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New member
Dec 18, 2013
So tables are releasing every 5 weeks now not 4.
So that means we are getting TAF on the last day of Feb.
How convenient for Farsight.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
So tables are releasing every 5 weeks now not 4.
So that means we are getting TAF on the last day of Feb.
How convenient for Farsight.

I'm just guessing. Farsight doesn't give me release dates. But as long as it's this month it's not late. I'm just factoring in holidays and all the toys on Starship Troopers. I'll be happy if it is sooner.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I'm guessing the holidays put a dent in productivity - having Christmas and New Year on a Thursday meant we essentially had 2 pretty dead 3-day weeks at our place, so I can imagine it might've been the same for FS.

Additionally, I've said it before, I'd rather see them spend an extra week between tables working on non-table stuff like DX11. I can wait 5 or 6 weeks for a new table if it means my overall user experience is going to be improved sooner rather than later.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I'm guessing the holidays put a dent in productivity - having Christmas and New Year on a Thursday meant we essentially had 2 pretty dead 3-day weeks at our place, so I can imagine it might've been the same for FS.

Additionally, I've said it before, I'd rather see them spend an extra week between tables working on non-table stuff like DX11. I can wait 5 or 6 weeks for a new table if it means my overall user experience is going to be improved sooner rather than later.

IMO, we've also been pretty spoiled with the constant release of new tables every month.


New member
Apr 15, 2014
personally, i feel spoiled that tpa even exists! now with what, over fifty nifty tables? it's endless awesomeness to play these tables, even in vicariously virtual form. i've said it before too kratos, though i -hate- to say it (for all our sake) - but for the dev's sanity, i think farsight should ease back now to every two months or so; relax a -little- bit and put more fine-tuning into their releases before they go out.

i recently finally bought up the last two ps3 tables i didn't have yet (lca and hrc), and just find them a little "twitchy", lacking maybe some finesse - especially when i hit a ball up into the slot machine on the left in hrc, and when the ball releases, finding it takes a loooong time to fall back out of the box enough to come back down the ramp... also now seeing that, yes, the ios version of hrc (at least on my oldie 2010 ipod touch) -is- much too fast in comparison to the ps3 version! seems like maybe a "test mode" or throttle isn't set right for the ios release - or at least, it isn't registering a proper framerate/physics throttle on older ios devices. (think that was part of one thread recently, where the debate was whether to do much testing/focus on older ios/other systems... but if it -can- be played on an older device, shouldn't it play correctly? else it makes for a bad impression on potential new players with older devices...)

i was thinking recently about the kitzchy term "casual games" that's used to describe much of the iphoney games market - that they're generally low-involvement, non-shooter games; things to "twiddle your thumbs" with while passing time, waiting for your meal or airplane gate to open, etc etc, and was thinking maybe y'know, pinball might be the first (and ultimate) "casual game" around. (and originally, pre-virtual pin/with real machines, maybe the most expensive ones!) certainly the history of them go back a long ways, along with modern billiards/darts game-room culture. anyhow, this -is- a field i think that is only just going to keep expanding on and on...

i know we all wait on pins (heh!) and needles for the next latest tables - we love 'em! and things like the sony approval holdups don't help... but hey, eventually they'll be here. and it'd be much better for everyone's sanity - and for farsight's rep - to put them out -when they're ready- ... don't rush 'em out in "almost ready" form. of course there'll always be things to tweak and bug-fix, but in the long run, it'd be better to release 'em when they're in a much more tested shape - even if that's only a few weeks' worth. take it easy, farsight guys - -we- aren't going anywhere; we're gonna keep playin' and playin'... and the market and (re)-appreciation of pinball is only going to keep expanding.

and, to put it succinctly and metaphorically, your sh*z is da bomb!

p.s. damn i wish i could be in banning this weekend - have fun setting a record there folks!

p.s.2 - i wish we could have tpa tourneys every weekend... if not maybe every few weeks or so; any possibility that could happen?
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