Table Pack #41 Speculation

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Active member
Nov 6, 2013
But v.e. says the wizard mode makes all the difference.

I do say that, and we'll see if it holds true in TPA. I think the closest comparison to Getaway might be Jack*Bot, actually. The wizard mode in each isn't all that tough to reach and isn't all that deep, but it's still a thrill every time and leaves you wanting more.

I do agree the Supercharger probably won't be very impressive in TPA. Pretty much every element based on mechanical action loses a lot on a computer screen or particularly a pocket phone screen.

And Zaphod, the table won't be a failure if the kickback doesn't make the tunnel every time. I've never seen a real Getaway that made it more than about 50%. It should try, and come close often, but any automated mechanical shot at that distance isn't going to be much better than about 50%, like Thing Flips. And the last thing any TPA table needs is more physics railroads, of course.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
I've seen real tables that consistently made the kickback there.

Properly adjusted it will go in 95% or better. Few operators take the time to fix it now. Because of the angle used to make the "shot", it's much wider open then it appears. believe it or not the table is MORE challenging that way, as the burn rubber send you to a flipper you can't relight the kickback from.

If there's anywhere there SHOULD be a physics railroad, it's that kickback. It's intended by the designer.

AS the table gets dirtier, the angle changes, so eventually it gets off until the table is cleaned again.

But the TPA version never gets dirty, so it would reasonably make it every time.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
But the TPA version never gets dirty, so it would reasonably make it every time.

Now that would be nice. Zaccaria allows the playfield to get dirty, but I don't know that it affects ball physics at all. I imagine it would present a whole new level of difficulty to the physics engine.

I've never met an HS2 where the kickback reliably goes to the tunnel, either. But then, I've never played one in an arcade or other place where the tables were regularly cleaned. Most tables are better with cleaning; some much better than others (Corvette springs to mind).


Mar 25, 2013
It would be kinda neat to have a "routed machine" setting for fun. Basically make the machine a little beat up like you would see in the real world. Have a flipper not work, stop working mid-game, or only have half power. Kickouts may take a few attempts to kick the ball out or might be weak. The angle of the machine is lopsided or too sharp. The tilt meter is either very sensitive or non-existent. Basically randomize the settings so you don't know what type of problems your going to deal with when you start a game.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
It would be kinda neat to have a "routed machine" setting for fun. Basically make the machine a little beat up like you would see in the real world. Have a flipper not work, stop working mid-game, or only have half power. Kickouts may take a few attempts to kick the ball out or might be weak. The angle of the machine is lopsided or too sharp. The tilt meter is either very sensitive or non-existent. Basically randomize the settings so you don't know what type of problems your going to deal with when you start a game.

But only as a setting. That way I can ignore it.

Edit: I take that back. I'd like options to adjust flipper strength, table slope, slingshot strength and so on. Kinda like Zacc. But randomized failure? No.
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Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Now that would be nice. Zaccaria allows the playfield to get dirty, but I don't know that it affects ball physics at all..
It does affect ball physics in real life.

A freshly waxed hs2 you will be sure you aimed right and it will hit the post. on a broken in one you will aim for one shot and hit the one right next to it. really dirty ones will tend to have the plunge not make it all the way around. The game is easiest broken in.

Dirt also causes the ball to get more spin as it rolls. The interactions are complex, but the ball moves slower in general, and there's a greater variation in trajectories with the dirt.
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
What I was trying to say, is I don't believe playfield wear or dirt affects ball movement in Zaccaria. It's just playfield "decoration" if you will.

In real life I'm well aware of the implications of clean vs "broken in" vs "needs a bath!" :D

I reckon building a physics engine to accomodate dirt etc. would be tricky at best.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
It can definitely be said that all TPA's playfields feel brand spanking new and freshly waxed. And the flippers are at full power.

I just got the opportunity to play a real xenon and I was yelling triumphantly the couple of times I was able to get the ball all the way up the right ramp. Broken in tables do offer an extra layer of challenge - which can be fun (sometimes)

Jack white in that guitar doc (turn it up?) said he likes playing on broken imperfect guitars. More of a challenge and more character.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I reckon building a physics engine to accomodate dirt etc. would be tricky at best.

Actually simulating dirt particles would be quite the task, but you can get pretty close by just increasing and varying the friction with the table surface. And like most questions related to pinball simulation physics, Pro Pinball already did this way ahead of everyone else, eighteen years ago. :)


New member
Apr 25, 2014
I was kinda hoping FarSight had been able to emulate the SAM system and it was Mustang. The reference being McQueen drives a Mustang in the film Bullitt.

Any reason this is not a possibility? A surprise would be awesome.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Great, I have really high expectations for this one as much as it has been hyped on this board. Can't wait


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Do we know if it's being released on the 21st or the 28th on Steam?

The 4-week schedule says the 21st, but since it's the first table of Season 5 it may be pushed back a week to get extra features (new UI?) put in....


New member
Feb 27, 2015
I always wondered if it was every 4 weeks but it does appear for Farsight it's the last Friday of the month. That's just a guess though.


New member
May 4, 2012
The official TPA news/announcement pages on Steam are here:
and they have these release dates, to which I've added weeks between releases:

  # TABLE                    S/TP    DATE      WKS SINCE LAST TABLE PACK
    TPA released on Steam         2013-11-04m
    S1 & 2 packs released         2013-11-12t
    CBW / El Dorado          2/20 2013-1?-??
 41 Fish Tales               3/21 2013-12-16m
 42 Black Rose               3/22 2014-01-17f  4.5
 43 Black Knight 2000        3/23 2014-02-14f  4
 44 WHO dunnit               3/24 2014-03-14f  4
 45 High Speed               3/25 2014-04-11f  4
 46 Junk Yard                3/26 2014-05-09f  4
 47 Lights...Camera...Action 3/27 2014-06-06f  4
 48 High Roller Casino       3/28 2014-07-11f   5
 49 Diner                    3/29 2014-08-08f  4
 50 Bram Stoker's Dracula    3/30 2014-09-18r    6
 51 Phantom of the Opera     4/31 2014-10-10f 3
 52 The Party Zone           4/32 2014-11-14f   5
 53 Earthshaker              4/33 2014-12-19f?  5
 54 Starship Troopers        4/34 2015-01-23f   5
 55 The Addams Family        4/35 2015-02-20f  4
 56 Cyclone                  4/36 2015-03-27f   5
 57 Jack*Bot                 4/37 2015-04-24f  4
 58 Xenon                    4/38 2015-05-22f  4
 60 Red & Ted's Road Show    4/39 2015-06-19f  4
 61 Safe Cracker             4/40 2015-07-24f   5
 62 The Getaway: HS2         5/51 2015-08-21f? 4?

- Earthshaker is the only table without a blurb. If it was released on 2014-12-19, it would be 5 weeks before and after other releases.
- Fish Tales was indeed a Monday release, as an early Christmas present.
- CBW and ElDor weren't available on 2013-11-12, apparently.

I don't think there is any evidence to say which of August 21 or 28 is more likely... :)


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
How do I get in on these betas? I've found some pretty major issues in the past. Like when they intruduce the icade option, but clicking on it without a device locked up the whole app on the keyboard screen without an exit button


New member
Feb 8, 2014
How do I get in on these betas? I've found some pretty major issues in the past. Like when they intruduce the icade option, but clicking on it without a device locked up the whole app on the keyboard screen without an exit button

Android beta is run via Google+ Communities, but since you're an iOS player I assume that's not of interest to you.
No idea how to get on the iOS beta, but I assume there are folks around here who are in on it.
PC beta was a T2 Kickstarter tier award, so that's closed for now, and wasn't offered in the TAF Kickstarter for some weird reason (unless the TAF Beta Testing/Early Access tier award wasn't just for TAF but in perpetuity thereafter... anyone know?)
Don't believe there are beta programs for PSN/XBLIVE since I don't think Sony or MS allow such things.
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