Table Pack #5 And #6 On Vita/PS3 Delayed


New member
Feb 20, 2012
For a little light relief here is Farsight trying their hardest to bring us DLC on various formats;



New member
Jun 13, 2012
Wow I don't know if you guys do yoga or if you smoke tons of weed but you sure take this news better than I do. Aren't you guys sick of seeing every DLC being delayed at least once. Every single one. They always have a good reason, it's not their fault. When someone keeps failing he may always have good reason he's still a failure. PSN store redesign? Come on! I'm pretty sure the TPA dlc will be the only dlc delayed today. If others can respect the date they fix why on earth can't Farsight do it. I know they are a small team and they are probably all friends but there somebody on this team that don't do a good enough job that should
be replaced. I will still buy it when they finally release it and I still love them, but I think they suck a bit.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I think its got to the stage now where everyone expects things to go wrong, that way they are not quite so upset when it inevitably does. I'm sure Norman Wisdom is alive and working at Farsight.


Jul 11, 2012
On PS store news it says the facelift is the 23rd. But it was down for maintenance yesterday? So how long is this "DELAY" going to be? Does FS have to start the submission process all over again?


Sep 12, 2012
Disappointment again and VP/Vpinmame have Pax emulation...if only I had a computer....tired of delays and bugged out patches!


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Weird.. PSN never went down for maintenance at all yesterday for me (in NY), and it looks no different tonight. I think the EU store changed today and we get it on the 23rd (as Skill_Shot mentioned)
There is a nice deal for Zen 2's Halloween themed DLC tables [3 for $4.19]. So I will be playing some new pinball tables after all. :)

Captain Rumwood

New member
Apr 25, 2012
From Facebook,

This just in! Unfortunately, the PSVita patch that enables the download of table pack 5 and 6 failed SCEA’s approval due to a library update. The issue has been fixed and re-submitted. Unfortunately we will be delaying the release of those two packs in North America. At Sony’s suggestion (because of cross-platform entitlements), we are delaying the PS3 update until we can release the Vita version as well. We will keep you posted and announce new release dates when we get them.


. . . . I was looking forward to playing both tables today. . . . .
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New member
Sep 13, 2012
Wow I don't know if you guys do yoga or if you smoke tons of weed but you sure take this news better than I do. Aren't you guys sick of seeing every DLC being delayed at least once. Every single one. They always have a good reason, it's not their fault. When someone keeps failing he may always have good reason he's still a failure. PSN store redesign? Come on! I'm pretty sure the TPA dlc will be the only dlc delayed today. If others can respect the date they fix why on earth can't Farsight do it. I know they are a small team and they are probably all friends but there somebody on this team that don't do a good enough job that should
be replaced. I will still buy it when they finally release it and I still love them, but I think they suck a bit.

I have to agree, if this was the first or second time there was a problem I would be more understanding but this is becoming routine and I really don't care who's to blame. I bought this game late (a few months ago) and there has been a problem or a delay each and every time there's been an update. I seriously feel it's about time they think about giving us one of these table packs for free or simply getting their act together. This really has nothing to do with being able to play a new table tomorrow or next week and everything to do with how we're being treated as paying customers. I mean if I owned a restaurant and you came in and ordered a meal and I said "Sorry, you'll have to come back next Thursday to get your meal." you would laugh in my face and walk out. I'm sure we can all understand a problem from time to time but a problem every time is a different story.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
I agree. In the beginning things like these were called "growing pains" and it was thought that they would stop happening after the first few packs are out... but actually it seems to be a habit that never goes away.

Well, I love the game like everyone else on here but those delays right left and center are getting tiresome.


New member
May 10, 2012
Every time I read about free packs because of delays I want to bang my head in the nearest wall, Heavy metal style


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Every time I read about free packs because of delays I want to bang my head in the nearest wall, Heavy metal style

Every time I read about DELAYED packs I want to bang my head in the nearest wall, Heavy metal style


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
This really has nothing to do with being able to play a new table tomorrow or next week and everything to do with how we're being treated as paying customers.

As a paying customer for the PS3 version, I've so far payed $20 over the initial asking price. Or to use your analogy of a restaurant, I bought my entree and have since spent $20 on drinks and dessert. I have gotten way more game time out of that money spent than any other game recently that I can think of. At this particular moment, with the current version update, can you honestly say what you have purchased was not worth the money?

In regards to future table releases, and this is why I'm fine being patient, I recognize that the 2 tables a month plan was just a goal. There is no binding contract, I didn't pay for these in advance, FarSight didn't make me a promise that I need to take them to court over. I think the sting we all feel is when other platforms get to play before we do. And yeah, that kinda sucks. But again, so far I have gotten what I've paid for. To those that bought an Xbox exclusively for the reason of playing TPA, well that was your decision based off of presumed information. Ask the players of Skyrim on PS3 how they're liking their decision when after the fact it was announced there'd be no further support.

When I bought Uncharted 3, I paid for the 'fortune hunters' dlc, without anything more than the promise of future maps and skins. It was a solid month and a half before we even got our first downloads, at which point I was wondering if it was worth the money at all. In the end I felt it was (after everything was finally released) but its not a method I'd ever do again, buying sight unseen. So had FS wanted me to buy the core tables AND spend the additional $20 for future tables, all the while maintaining a specific release schedule that they then weren't able to meet, outrage would be justified. Implying that they are screwing customers over though, as has been said in various posts on various threads, that is just absurd. I have gotten what I paid for, and I feel it was a bargain. Even if they had stopped after only that core pack, it was worth the money.

So ask yourself this...are the delays enough of a turn off that you will not buy more tables ever? Are the delayed promises enough to make you stop playing the game today? Cause odds are, if you have taken the time to join this forum, you're hooked. And you can scream and complain all you want, but you know and I know you'll buy the new tables at some point, cause you won't be able to resist. FarSight has tapped into and created an addiction to pinball in me that I need to keep feeding. As long as I know more is on the way, I can wait.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
There is a nice deal for Zen 2's Halloween themed DLC tables [3 for $4.19]. So I will be playing some new pinball tables after all. :)

Yup, 3 tables for under $5 that work fine on a game that was given away free as an upgrade. Looks like I'll be spending some time with Zen Pinball 2. No need to rush out bugged tables Far Sight, the inferior competition has you covered.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
To be fair I never said anything about not getting my moneys worth. I also never mentioned anything about broken promises by Farsight. Trust me I can wait for a few tables, I can even go so far as to say I don't need to play this game at all. I also mentioned if they would simply get their act together which is by far what I'd rather see over a free $5.

Sure, I enjoy the game and yes, I've played more than $2.50 worth of pinball on each table and I will most likely buy new packs when they come but I can honestly say I can't remember any other game I've ever bought with this many problems. I think it's fair to say that there has been a lot of disappointment that goes along with owning this game and leave it at that.

Isn't this technically the second time this pack has been delayed though? I could be wrong, I don't really follow the details that closely.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
As a paying customer for the PS3 version, I've so far payed $20 over the initial asking price. Or to use your analogy of a restaurant, I bought my entree and have since spent $20 on drinks and dessert. I have gotten way more game time out of that money spent than any other game recently that I can think of. At this particular moment, with the current version update, can you honestly say what you have purchased was not worth the money?

In regards to future table releases, and this is why I'm fine being patient, I recognize that the 2 tables a month plan was just a goal. There is no binding contract, I didn't pay for these in advance, FarSight didn't make me a promise that I need to take them to court over. I think the sting we all feel is when other platforms get to play before we do. And yeah, that kinda sucks. But again, so far I have gotten what I've paid for. To those that bought an Xbox exclusively for the reason of playing TPA, well that was your decision based off of presumed information. Ask the players of Skyrim on PS3 how they're liking their decision when after the fact it was announced there'd be no further support.

When I bought Uncharted 3, I paid for the 'fortune hunters' dlc, without anything more than the promise of future maps and skins. It was a solid month and a half before we even got our first downloads, at which point I was wondering if it was worth the money at all. In the end I felt it was (after everything was finally released) but its not a method I'd ever do again, buying sight unseen. So had FS wanted me to buy the core tables AND spend the additional $20 for future tables, all the while maintaining a specific release schedule that they then weren't able to meet, outrage would be justified. Implying that they are screwing customers over though, as has been said in various posts on various threads, that is just absurd. I have gotten what I paid for, and I feel it was a bargain. Even if they had stopped after only that core pack, it was worth the money.

So ask yourself this...are the delays enough of a turn off that you will not buy more tables ever? Are the delayed promises enough to make you stop playing the game today? Cause odds are, if you have taken the time to join this forum, you're hooked. And you can scream and complain all you want, but you know and I know you'll buy the new tables at some point, cause you won't be able to resist. FarSight has tapped into and created an addiction to pinball in me that I need to keep feeding. As long as I know more is on the way, I can wait.

Here here. Pretty much says what I was thinking. I find the reaction on Farsight's Facebook page to be very disheartening indeed; the sense of outrage and entitlement is completely disproportionate, bordering on the hysterical. At the end of the day this is just a game, albeit one that I think is thoroughly marvellous.

Farsight would be better to take a "It's ready when it's ready" approach and completely scrap the current approach of providing approximate release dates. Then people couldn't cry foul and would merely have to wait. After all, consumer is king, so if having to wait an extra week or two is such an inconvenience then vote with your feet and don't bother purchasing future tables.

As a European PSN user I have had to wait months to even get hold of the inital game, but even with all the bugs and issues I have found it to be well worth the wait and have already sunk hours into it. If it never got another table or update I would say I have already had more value out of it than most £40 games.

I think watching the game evolve/improve over time from community feedback and extra development time actually makes it even more interesting. I look forward to every new update and find myself on here reading about what is coming in the medium term. Most games get dumped on the shelf and then forgotten about by the developers, bugs and all.

It seems odd to stop enjoying a game and declare a boycott based on some add-on you have yet to even buy.

For me, I will keep enjoying the great tables I already have access to and look forward to the improvements and additions that are still to come.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Here here. Pretty much says what I was thinking. I find the reaction on Farsight's Facebook page to be very disheartening indeed; the sense of outrage and entitlement is completely disproportionate, bordering on the hysterical. At the end of the day this is just a game, albeit one that I think is thoroughly marvellous.

I think watching the game evolve/improve over time from community feedback and extra development time actually makes it even more interesting. I look forward to every new update and find myself on here reading about what is coming in the medium term. Most games get dumped on the shelf and then forgotten about by the developers, bugs and all.

It seems odd to stop enjoying a game and declare a boycott based on some add-on you have yet to even buy.


I shortened your quote, but I agree with everything you said , except not giving us timeframes , that is just a matter of the more mature of us to take any due dates with a grain of salt as not a promise but a estimated release date . My only qualm with the recent PS3 /Vita delay is giving out the bad news on the 11 th hour on a monday prior to the tuesday of the expected release , that was too short notice .

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