Table Pack #53 Speculation

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Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Aside from tables that have good gameplay, the original aim of Farsight is also to include tables that have made a significant contribution to the development of pinball or are otherwise a novelty. Maybe Banzai Run with a playable backglass fits that description (or are there earlier examples?)


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
the thing is, a lot of those novelties have very short fun factor. And backglass game on Banazi run is as fun as those 20€ toy pinballs.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
the thing is, a lot of those novelties have very short fun factor. And backglass game on Banazi run is as fun as those 20€ toy pinballs.

Your opinion. Not mine.

I have played Banzal Run numerous times. It is the table that brought me back into pinball. While I admit it doesn't have the deepest rule set - it is fun to play. It isn't ANYTHING like Safecracker - so that comparison doesn't fly. (IMO)

There are people that LOVE Twilight Zone - probably mostly for its deep rule set. There are also people out there who don't like it - for pretty much the same reason.

Not everyone is a fan of everything. I get that. What I don't get are the people who have to belittle someone else's opinion just because they don't agree with it.

As an example - the debate over who is the better pinball designer. Pat Lawlor vs Steve Ritchie. "Shot selection" vs "flow".
Debate all you want. Personally - it's 1A & 1B to me. They are both awesome designers. Maybe fundamentally different in their approach - but both great in their own right.

I might not know all the nunances of pinball. But I know enough to have an opinion. Like I don't know anything about Special Force.I've never played it. So any opinion would be based on either videos that I've seen or someone else's opinion that I value. But it wouldn't hold the same weight because I personally haven't tried it.

However - I've played Radical enough to know I could care less if it ever gets into TPA. To me, for many reasons - Banzai Run is "274797847" times the better game.

I'm not going to belittle anyone's opinion about what tables they want in TPA. Some I agree with - some I don't.

No one on this forum don't belittle mine.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
I get that there are people that genuinely like that game. I also like a lot of simple tables (cyclone, comet, hurricane, dr. dude......).
Sure, it is not like Safecracker where everything is pure luck. But also, the main goal is to get up there. And then you don't play pinball anymore, all shots are predefined (FS will like that :D) and I lose interest after a few games.


Jul 3, 2015
Aside from tables that have good gameplay, the original aim of Farsight is also to include tables that have made a significant contribution to the development of pinball or are otherwise a novelty. Maybe Banzai Run with a playable backglass fits that description (or are there earlier examples?)

There's Stern Catacomb with a playable bagatelle type game on the backboard.

Williams Big Guns also has a back board bagatelle game, but I don't remember how much control the player actually has over it.

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
Williams Big Guns also has a back board bagatelle game, but I don't remember how much control the player actually has over it.

You can't control the Big Guns back board game, it's pure gambling. A small ball is shot into a few lanes. Maybe a nudge change the result but it's impossible to control the board game.
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New member
May 1, 2016
Actually, it's possible to use lane change on the backbox. The bowtie mentions this as well.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Nice trivia gentlemen!
Just a little sidestep then: Yesterday I was with my youngest in a skate hall for his birthday party. Exactly the place you expect: cool dudes abide, funky/groovy music and a very relaxed atmosphere. Only thing missing was a pinball machine. Offcourse they want one after I told them about the idea, but is has to have a (and/or) skateboard/skate park/BMX/stunt theme.

I found this one: (INDER 'Skateboard')
And this one: (Midway 'Radical!')
The slightly offtopic: (Bally 'Skateball')
BMX: (Bally 'BMX')
and No Fear: (Williams 'No Fear: Dangerous Sports'), will fit the bill too probably

Any other ideas?

And then back on topic offcourse... :)


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
No other ideas. But I think that No Fear and Radical! are best choices because they are a bit more "extreme".
But have to say that the BMX is new to me and I like very much what I see here


New member
Oct 20, 2012
You can't control the Big Guns back board game, it's pure gambling. A small ball is shot into a few lanes. Maybe a nudge change the result but it's impossible to control the board game.

I get irked whenever FarSight incorporates "luck" into their wizard goals (or even standard goals, for that matter). Like JB's 4 of a kind (which requires the cheat button, if it decides to work) qnd the 240M roll the dice goal, which may or may not require cheating (mine did).

Although I must admit to cheering out loud when going from "snake eyes" to 12-that was a good rush!
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
Nice trivia gentlemen!
Just a little sidestep then: Yesterday I was with my youngest in a skate hall for his birthday party. Exactly the place you expect: cool dudes abide, funky/groovy music and a very relaxed atmosphere. Only thing missing was a pinball machine. Offcourse they want one after I told them about the idea, but is has to have a (and/or) skateboard/skate park/BMX/stunt theme.

I found this one: (INDER 'Skateboard')
And this one: (Midway 'Radical!')
The slightly offtopic: (Bally 'Skateball')
BMX: (Bally 'BMX')
and No Fear: (Williams 'No Fear: Dangerous Sports'), will fit the bill too probably

Any other ideas?

And then back on topic offcourse... :)

I'd say Radical! is the obvious choice, of course it's 30 years old and finding one in good condition will be a challenge. No Fear is only 20 years old, but doesn't have skateboarding in it.



Mar 25, 2013

Skateball is one I kept going back to at VFW. It's a simple table but I love the layout and all the drop shots.

But BMX is really unique. If you look at the lower level playfield you'll see there are no inlanes feeding to the flippers, just outlanes. But there are two extra buttons on the cabinet that turn the outlanes in to inlanes temporarily. If you've played Dungeons & Dragons it has a similar feature (designed by the same person). The whole outlane to inlane mechanic makes really frantic gameplay, especially when the ball is traveling fast. So to keep the ball alive on the table you really need to be on your toes with hitting all those buttons - many times within a split second of each other.

No idea on the ruleset for the table. All my time was spent just getting used to the outlane to inlane mechanic. But that alone made the table pretty fun.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I didn't care for BMX when I played it at Arcade Expo, but that's just me. I do think Radical is fun and would pair nicely with a Rollergames. Vector should also be looked at for this type of venue. My biggest problem with No Fear is that stupid brand. I hated their slogans on tees back in the day, as everything about them screamed 'poser'. It was the 90's version of Town & Country from the 80's. You know, for people that didn't actually do the sport, but wanted to appear like they did.

For the record, Body Glove or Maui and Sons were the acceptable brands of choice for beach sports. Vision, Stussy, and Vans for the skateboard crowd. Actual surfers and skateboarders shunned those all, but they truly despised the person who wore Town & Country and would openly mock the person that did.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I hated their slogans on tees back in the day, as everything about them screamed 'poser'. It was the 90's version of Town & Country from the 80's. You know, for people that didn't actually do the sport, but wanted to appear like they did.

Kinda like those "Big Johnson" T-shirts back in the day.


New member
Apr 17, 2015
pretty ironic i'd say, since the only income surfers & boarders got, was directly from those endorsers mentioned. kids back then!


New member
Jul 8, 2016
the landlord is correct :p
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