iOS - Bug Target banks don't light the shield


New member
Sep 29, 2012
I was playing iOS 2.6.0, Firepower v3 on the iPad last night, and hitting the 1-3 or 4-6 banks did not light the shield reliably. Maybe 1 in 10 times. Anybody seen this?

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
I thought I'd cleared it all up by playing and observing an actual Firepower, but the story turned out to be apparently more complicated. The bottom line is that the real table's behavior is pretty peculiar. I suspect the simulation is mimicking it accurately, whatever it is.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
hm. maybe i was wrong. it does seem like as long as you get 1-3 or 4-6 on ONE BALL then it lights it reliably. no?


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Here is the mystery behind the firepower targets and kickback.

The two three banks are virtual drop target banks, which reset when the ball drains, or all three in a bank are dropped.

The arrows are only for tracking progress towards lighting locks. they are ignored by the kickback relight check.

if 1 and two are lit, and 3 is flashing at the start of the ball, 3 WILL light kickback... provided you hit 1 and 2 first again, even though they are already lit.
if you hit 3 but not 1 and 2, three will turn solid, and 1 and 2 will remain solid as long as 4-5-6 is not finished yet, but the kickback will NOT light. you still must strike 1 and 2, even though the arrows are lit to light the kickback.

Completing 1 2 3 4 5 6, even if they aren't on the same ball will light the kickback.

TPA is correct.

HOWEVER, there are alternate rules for lighting kickbacks.

Function 32
00:pOWER targets light kickback
01: 123 on same ball, or 456 on same ball, or all 6 numbers lit
02: 1 through 6 lit
03: 1 through 6 lit or power targets

01 is default.
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Active member
Nov 6, 2013
if 1 and two are lit, and 3 is flashing at the start of the ball, 3 WILL light kickback... provided you hit 1 and 2 first again, even though they are already lit.

I don't think this is true. My experience (PC) went like this:

For a bank (123 or 456) where ANY target is lit at the start of a ball, you cannot use that bank to relight the kickback until you complete all of 123456 to reset that bank. Then and only then you can complete 123 or 456 normally.

Hit 1 and drain. You can bang on 123 all you want the next ball, but the kickback will never light. You can only light the kickback by completing 456 (if none of them were lit at ball start) or otherwise all of 123456 then either 123 or 456 again.

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