Taxi and Harley Davidson release date?

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New member
Mar 17, 2012
So was this actually stated that it would come out today?? FS dont usually give a certain day/data just a week usually. As i think the process with Apple usually is as soon as an app pases cert they put it on the store, so not sure how FS could have given a exact date as Apple dont work this way!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I blame apple for everything!

Ahem..fair point dude but its the 2nd submission for a likely silly reason


New member
Apr 13, 2012
I blame apple for everything!

Ahem..fair point dude but its the 2nd submission for a likely silly reason

From Farsight's Facebook page on September 5:

Unfortunately, there has been a delay in the iOS update and release of Table Pack 5. Due to a problem caused when we updated a files on our CDN (Content Delivery Network), the Harley table download now fails on the iOS update that we submitted to Apple two weeks ago. We will have to make a new build and resubmit it to Apple for approval to fix this issue. The approval process is currently tracking at 10 days, so our new estimated release of Harley and Taxi on iOS in September 15th. We apologize for the delay.

So to recap: (1) Farsight submitted a broken update that would not let you down the Harley Davidson table. (2) Farsight gave an estimated release date of September 15.


New member
May 26, 2012
Looks like I'll just have to kill time by playing some Indiana Jones (which after years of being broken has just had a capacitor replaced and appears to be coming back to life!) :D
Woohoo! All power to your soldering iron, fella! :D

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
Woohoo! All power to your soldering iron, fella! :D

hehe, that'd be Giles' soldering iron, all I did was hover and look on anxiously :D. He'd previously identified what looked like a dodgy cap and replacing that seems to have fixed the reset problem. We're still missing a bit of GI at the top of the table but it's fully playable and everything else works so we're pretty chuffed here. In fact I think I'm going to go and have another go right now :D.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Looks like Santa forgot us again this year. That's what you get for being a Choo-Choo with square wheels. :eek:


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully better than today. New pinball better.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
When will Far Sight learn not to give dates for releases. They should just say table pack x has been submitted to apple today, if no problems are found the apple cert process usually takes no more than 14 days!

Laurence Merraine

New member
May 14, 2012
And what happens on day 15???

Seriously, what they said, it's currently tracking at 10 days. No where did I see them say the 15th. They advised that at that stage it was currently taking 10 days, could easily slip in that time, and getting pissed at them, will only make them release less information in the future. Want to see the day where they don't say anything like other distributors?
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