Tech Expert: Explain ESRam To Me (Xbox One/KI Discussion)

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
So I'm looking at Killer Instinct on the One.

Particle effects, lighting, stages, and models look impressive to me. 1080P, 60FPS, nice...

But the textures are so... current gen. Nothing about them really stands out and impresses me.

And this is a fighting game. You have all the horsepower and memory to push only 2 characters on screen, and a background. You would think, that this would be a technical showcase for this reason but I'm not seeing it in the textures. 5 gigs of ram, that's a 10X increase from the 360, and I'm simply not seeing it.

Is this because the system only has 30 megs of ESRam? Does this mean that on each frame, can only have 32 megs of data in it? I am confused how that works. Would love to have this explained to me.

The 360 only has 10 or so megs of embedded ram. The One has 3 times as much embedded ram. KI looks to me as about a 3X increase in texture fidelity of last gen, not a 10X increase.


Explain ESRam and why the textures in KI aren't that impressive. Thank you in advance !! :~)

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