Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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New member
Nov 1, 2012
I just read through the recent comments on the kickstarter page. It's starting to get pretty ugly on there which is distressing. If new people hear about the campaign they might get scared off by those comments. If you want this to succeed that's the last place you should be going to voice negative concerns.

I got sucked into reading the comments. You have to have a serious lack of class to post your issues with FS on their KS page.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
I really don't understand people that think they are going to prove something to FS by not backing the KS and hoping for its failure. FS knows what issues there are with their product- a failed KS would only make things worse, less revenue, excitement about the game, etc etc. This idea that if the T2 KS fails then FS will have some moment of clarity and perfect their product for each individual person is silly.

Sorry, I just came from the KS comments page. :eek:


New member
May 10, 2012
Okurka. Now were have I heard that name before ;) "No class human"

Btw: If you are here under a different name or reading, please stop complaining and get a life.

PS! Palmer: these things tend to build up in me and I am sorry you got the bulk of my whining. I thought your post was a bit counter useful on this thread, but I have nothing against complaints were they belong and I overreacted. Sorry


Jan 28, 2013
I really don't understand people that think they are going to prove something to FS by not backing the KS and hoping for its failure. FS knows what issues there are with their product- a failed KS would only make things worse, less revenue, excitement about the game, etc etc. This idea that if the T2 KS fails then FS will have some moment of clarity and perfect their product for each individual person is silly.


This is it people, you either want these classic tables or you don't. But make no mistake, if you don't support, and help the pinball community bring these tables to our screens, there's no going back. Pinball dies a little bit more.

Of course, my comment is not aimed at all true TPA Fans, but at the fools on some kind of personal vendetta.
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New member
May 23, 2012
Lmao you guys know a TAF kickstarter would go through the roof in a matter of days right? This is a table that isn't very good according to a lot of people plus FS is not a trustworthy company so I can see. But when it comes to TAF you can throw all that out the window.

No need for the melodrama. Pinball will remain in the same state it always has even if this kickstarter fails.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
No need for the melodrama. Pinball will remain in the same state it always has even if this kickstarter fails.

Pinball will remain the same. But we are not talking pinball, we are talking about simulated pinball on TPA. If this kickstarter fails, then there is a very good chance we will not see any more pins that have a major license attached. You may not care about that, but a lot of people on this forum do. No melodrama intended.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I'm one of the most partisan defenders of the faith here, but I do not understand: Why would T2 not succeeding automatically imply that no future kickstarters would succeed either?

All T2 failing would logically imply is that people were not sufficiently interested in T2, or that many people are disgruntled over the 360/PC/fulfillment situations, which are/were temporary. Neither scenario leads to the conclusion that all future kickstarters must go down in flames. So why all the doom and gloom?


New member
May 19, 2012
I'm one of the most partisan defenders of the faith here, but I do not understand: Why would T2 not succeeding automatically imply that no future kickstarters would succeed either?

All T2 failing would logically imply is that people were not sufficiently interested in T2, or that many people are disgruntled over the 360/PC/fulfillment situations, which are/were temporary. Neither scenario leads to the conclusion that all future kickstarters must go down in flames. So why all the doom and gloom?

Exactly. I wasn't interested in playing the real thing, so certainly not interested in a KS so I can own it for good. Got bored with this table very quickly. But I'd back a KS for a better table like Indy or TAF.


New member
Apr 14, 2012
Alternate Fundraising Method

Spitballing here. Farsight says that they want to keep the costs down for the casual fans. This is probably smart. But it also means that they're maybe turning down revenue that the hardcore fans might be otherwise willing to pay.

So maybe instead of doing a Kickstarter to raise funds for the more premium tables, Farsight could introduce each table at a higher price. Maybe instead of $5 per table pack, they'd first hit at $10. They'd be very upfront about the cost increase, and they'd mention right away that this is a limited-time price, and that the price will drop as soon as the next table pack is released. They'd also mention that half of all revenue generated during this first month will be going into a Premium Tables Fund, toward the next-stated premium table that's in their sights.

This accomplishes a couple of things. It allows the most hardcore fans to contribute each month into the Premium Tables Fund. Instead of doing this once or twice a year with Kickstarter, we'll all be adding to this fund constantly, little by little. If you're not a hardcore fan, you'll probably never even notice this price increase. And if you are a hardcore fan and your wallet is thin, you can just wait another month and get it after the price drop.

With this in place, we'd get contributions from the day one buyers that don't contribute to the Kickstarter campaign. This, I think, is fair. If you're a big enough fan that you're getting these table packs right away, you're probably a big enough fan to know that your contributions to this fund can make a difference.

Farsight would have to be very transparent during this process. Perhaps they could even build something into the app that will show the current status of the Premium Tables Fund, and maybe the people who are contributing will be publicly recognized for their contributions, with in-game exclusives or something. Or maybe they'll be publicly listed as a benefactor, and they'll be thanked for the efforts in pinball preservation.

Other things to consider. Maybe instead of predesignating the table, you'll get one vote for every dollar that you donate. A month-one purchase will get you five votes, and you'll be able to get more votes by donating outside of the app. And at a certain interval, maybe, the community will vote on the next table.

Another thing to consider is that even though this will raise more money, I think, Farsight will lose a greater percentage of this money to Apple or Google when they take their 30% cut. The cut for Kickstarter is much less than this. But then again, a $10 contribution on Kickstarter loses not just the Kickstarter cut (5% for Kickstarter and 3-5% for a payment processor), but also the amount that they'd otherwise generate from a five dollar App Store sale.

$10.00 first month table packs
$7.00 after 30% App Store fees
$3.50 toward Farsight profit
$3.50 toward the Premium Tables Fund

$10.00 Kickstarter donation
$9.20-$9.00 after 5% Kickstarter fee and 3-5% payment processing fees
$5.70-$5.50 after lost $3.50 from App Store is taken into account
$5.70-$5.50 toward the Premium Tables Fund
$0.00 toward Farsight profit

So in the end, it all kind of depends on how many sales they'd get during the first month. Would they get enough to make up for everything? Who knows. But it's maybe worth thinking about.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
If T2 doesn't get funded then we won't see T2 on TPA, ever.

Saying that, there's plenty of tables we'll probably never see on TPA (Terminator 3, Pinball 2000s, Lord of the Rings, AC/DC, Rollergames, and dare I say it, TAF) so it's not a horrific deal even if it doesn't get funded. We knew at the very start that The Pinball Arcade probably wasn't going to get all the tables that we wanted, and I think it's the bizarre successes (We'd never get Elvira, we'd never get Twilight Zone, we'd never get Star Trek) in the past that have made us believe that ALL licenses are obtainable.

Just a few weeks ago we were talking about how incredible the emulated T2 on Visual Pinball was, even if it didn't get funded the superfans would still be able to play it on their cabs or PC through that. Whereas, if it DOESN'T get funded then we'd see two smaller tables in the slot instead, two tables that would never be emulated to the Farsight standards in VP.

I don't even think it's awful on Farsight's behalf if they lose out on it, right now Kickstarter itself is kinda in a slump and it was an awkward time to launch the kickstarter. If it gets funded then it's an unexpected success, if not then it's not the end of the world. Once August comes and TPA is launched on Wii U and PC (and maybe even 360) and the poll results come in, we'd be in a much better position to do another kickstarter (even though it wouldn't be T2).

So just don't you guys go getting worked up about it not getting funded, and on the flipside try not to donate ridiculous sums of money that you couldn't afford if it does get funded. If it happens it happens, and there's not much more that can be said about it.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
right now Kickstarter itself is kinda in a slump and it was an awkward time to launch the kickstarter.

Where did you hear that kickstarter is in a slump? If it really is in a slump I don't see why that would make this an awkward time for this campaign. I didn't consider the state of kickstarter when deciding if I was going to donate to this campaign or not. I would guess that most people contributing to T2 pinball don't think about that either.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I've been saying Kickstarter is a fad that's going to wear off quick for a while. I hate to say that because I really want Pinball Arcade kickstarters to succeed. But yeah, when it first came out or whatever it was crazy, you could kickstart anything. I mean just look at the Ouya lol sorry Ouya fans. Just saying. There was also something called "girls vs. tropes in gaming" that got kickstarted, as well as a millionaire who raised money to send his girl to RPG camp or something. Both on Gaf I remember. Doubt those would be successful if done today.

Also I'm happy to say that noone uses the word "trope" anymore. And thank god.


New member
Mar 4, 2012
I wouldn't say that Kickstarter as a fad is really wearing off, but more of a market that is maturing. There seem to be a lot more calculated (less risky) projects that are aimed towards backers that want unique or niche products that simply aren't offered any other way.

It's also interesting to note that Double fine, the San Fran based game company that set the precedent for highest funded game (3.3million dollars), just double dipped in the crowd funding market with another game project (15 months after the first) that finished just yesterday. It ended at 169% of their original goal taking in 1.2 million! Sure it wasn't the overwhelming 834% over their last Kickstarted game, but crowd funders were willing to pitch in on this recent one even before the project from last year has been fulfilled.

I too would really hate to see TPA Terminator 2 Kickstarter fail, but it's still really early on, and unless they announce a really exciting stretch goal, I don't see this one leaping across the finish line immediately.

Additionally, I would hope that in the future, instead of Farsight just choosing a title to Kickstart, that they will let us vote on which titles (of maybe a group of games since the licensing end of it isn't so straighforward) they want us to crowd fund. I think if the community picks the titles, then we're more likely to show more enthusiasm & support, rather than FS basically saying "Hey, here is T2, fund it if you want it made."
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