The Addams Family Kickstarter Backer Tournament (19/5-28/5)


New member
Jun 11, 2012
913M? That seems hardly possible. I can see how the 600M+ scores were done, but adding another 300M on top of that is stretching things.

Well I did it so I know how it was done :cool:
I have to say though that it was damn nearly a perfect game. I doubt I can top that again in a reasonable number of tries.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Well I did it so I know how it was done :cool:
I have to say though that it was damn nearly a perfect game. I doubt I can top that again in a reasonable number of tries.

Well okay.

I have an idea of how it was done. And yes I guess it does need to be damned near perfect.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Also something I found out during this tournament is that there's still a flipper delay on ps3 at 720p. It's very very small but probably like 1-2ms more than on steam. It's small enough that it only requires a small adjustment though. In 1080p it was just totally impossible to gauge the shots correctly.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Also something I found out during this tournament is that there's still a flipper delay on ps3 at 720p. It's very very small but probably like 1-2ms more than on steam. It's small enough that it only requires a small adjustment though. In 1080p it was just totally impossible to gauge the shots correctly.

For the slight delay even in 720p, try to plug your PS3 controller with the USB cable to the console. It has been said that playing TPA with a wireless controller can induce this little delay.

In 1080p, yes, TPA is unplayable. FS pretends it comes from the players' TV, but it's just caused by the fact that TPA is very poorly optimized on PS3 in this screen resolution.
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
Definitely no (noticeable) flipper delay using a wireless controller on PC. Though I've not hooked it up to my TV. Anyway there's no delay I noticed on my WiiU which is hooked up to a TV.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Some pretty tight competition arrived on the PSN side. Current #1 is at 715M, with the #2 at 690M and change. I was pretty happy with that game honestly since even though it's not really that close to the Steam score, I made a pretty big blunder during it in accidentally locking a ball towards multiball, which cost me probably almost a minute of gametime.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
This tournament ends.
When can we see the result of this tourney?

Weird. I could swear it was supposed to run for 11 more hours or something. Oh well.

e: Also PSN doesn't even have a participant listing up. Boo.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Caught me off guard. Pretty sure the splash screen said it ran until 8pm PDT (11pm EDT) tonight. Also the Android tournament claims I didn't participate; except I did and when I click through to the results, my score is there.

I know FS have hinted at having a few problems lately (a server crash!!) but this is a bit silly :D


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Caught me off guard. Pretty sure the splash screen said it ran until 8pm PDT (11pm EDT) tonight. Also the Android tournament claims I didn't participate; except I did and when I click through to the results, my score is there.

I know FS have hinted at having a few problems lately (a server crash!!) but this is a bit silly :D

I've noticed the tournaments end early pretty much every time I've been in one. I don't know what the issue is, but it seems pretty consistent. Both PS3 and Steam claim I didn't participate either but my score is still in the listing at least for Steam. PS3 doesn't show any scores for anyone atm.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
So can you share your strategy now?

Although my guess is it is fairly simple: just keep shooting 4-Way Combos.


Even with Graveyard at the minimum of 1M, each 4-Way Combo nets you:
5M (3-Way) + 10M (4-Way) + (1M to 10M million plus) + 5M Graveyard = 21M to 30M.

It takes about 15s to make a 4-Way Combo. So 4 per minute. The first 9 will not be maxed but will still net you (9 x 20M) + 45M = 225M, with around 7:45 left on the clock. Gives you 7 x 4 + 3 = 31 further attempts at the combo. For 31 x 30M = 930M. So theoretically an absolutely perfect run would net you 225M + 930M = 1155M! Though you will be at 5x bonus and those 40 Bear Kicks plus whatever modes you started at 15/25/35 (should be Mamushka, 6M, Quick Multiball - so 6M + Mamushka) will roll into your bonus, which you will of course collect by draining right before the timer hits zero. Maybe another 30-50M? So 1.2B is theoretically possible.

Your 913M was a poor score. Nowhere near perfect ;)


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Not quite. Due to the variance of the bounces from the ramp I'm pretty sure it's not possible to get consistent enough at the four way. I may just not be good enough to do it, but from some testing that seemed to be the case.

Ok here's my actual strategy:

0-30 seconds (optional): Get the graveyard max room. This makes the jets grow the graveyard value much faster. This step is optional, but does allow for a higher score eventually.

30 seconds - 3 minutes: Get the graveyard value to at least 3 million by pegging the jets. Preferably 4 million if you can. This part is luck based to a fairly large extent.

3 minutes - 10 minutes: Hit the left orbit from the right flipper, hit the side ramp from the upper right flipper, hit the graveyard from the graveyard flipper. This three way combo nets you 35 million for every combo once you have max graveyard and max million+. Repeat this till you run out of time. This is the key part of the strategy. You need to get consistent at all three shots because missing any of them is potentially a drain.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Old bug (as usual on PS3). Each time a tournament ends, the final results can't be checked in-game (only the All-Time Ranking).

Usually, the TPA website is the solution (, but for this KS tournament, it seems we have to wait for FS newsletter to know the final ranking.

That's a real bummer. Did anyone happen to catch what the top looked like earlier today before it closed?


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Results are out (a backers-only message was sent via KS). If you want a prize, you have to send a message via KS to FS, presumably to authenticate who you are.

I can't post the results since it was an embedded image that appears to not want to show up here, possibly because there's some authentication involved.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Results are out (a backers-only message was sent via KS). If you want a prize, you have to send a message via KS to FS, presumably to authenticate who you are.

I can't post the results since it was an embedded image that appears to not want to show up here, possibly because there's some authentication involved.

I have the results in an image file, but I deleted the post, since I'm not sure if Farsight doesn't want us to post stuff from the email here. Probably not a thing, but playing it safe.

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