The Addams Family - Progress Thread

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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
POTO is Data East, correct? Based on Bobby's statement, we won't be seeing DE tables for still a little while. Possibly this season yes, but not at the start. Let's put that horse back in the barn (sorry, DokkenRokken!)


New member
Jul 6, 2012
POTO is Data East, correct? Based on Bobby's statement, we won't be seeing DE tables for still a little while. Possibly this season yes, but not at the start. Let's put that horse back in the barn (sorry, DokkenRokken!)

If Phantom Of The Opera is off the table for a while, and Bone Busters makes for a "meh" start to Season 4, I'm beginning to suspect we may see a break from our two horror-themed table pattern. Could Red & Ted's Roadshow start Season 4? If it doesn't, it'll be one of the first few of the season, methinks.


Mar 25, 2013
He said gold edition MIGHT be only for certain kickstart levels, with the possibility of it coming to the masses later. So for all you that want to feel exclusive, there ya go. Personally, I say let it be exclusive for a year, then open it up to everyone else.

That sounds fair to me too. Initially I was thinking it would be good to have TAF CE as an exclusive Kickstarter reward and then offer it as tournament rewards. But a timed Kickstarter exclusive sounds fine. A year might be a bit long. If TAF + TAF CE comes in Jan/Feb time-frame I can see releasing TAF CE to the masses for October as a bonus Halloween table.

In any case I think if its in the $75-$100 tier range that is fair and I would be in for that.


Apr 7, 2014
No TAF until 2015

Thats total bull****

So could be another 6 months than

Thanks Farsight

I hear ya PM. When Booby said that it was a long pause all I heard were crickets. Sad....
They need a strong opener now for Season 4 big time to sell those Season Passes.
When Bobby said 2015 in that moment of silence my jaw hit the floor. Shocked!

I still don't get what everyone is so upset about? Stop being a bunch of spoiled brats. :p

You guys FINALLY get TAF confirmed, and you're mad because it's not in your hand ASAP? lol It takes time to get the KS ready, KS the table, and then get the rewards out, as well as finish the table. I mean, you guys have only waited YEARS just for them to get a deal in place for it, I think you can wait just a tad bit longer for the table to arrive.

It's not like a table that some of us other fans would like to see, like "Dr. Who", which will never happen. lol

Enjoy it, be happy, and it'll be here soon enough.
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Apr 7, 2014
POTO is Data East, correct? Based on Bobby's statement, we won't be seeing DE tables for still a little while. Possibly this season yes, but not at the start. Let's put that horse back in the barn (sorry, DokkenRokken!)

I think you'll be surprised. lol


New member
Mar 12, 2013
I still don't get what everyone is so upset about? Stop being a bunch of spoiled brats. :p

You guys FINALLY get TAF confirmed, and you're mad because it's not in your hand ASAP?

But... I wants it now! :) LOL

Seriously, TAF went from "it's never going to happen" to "ready in 2015". I'm happy.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I'll be happy with a basic 'get the (pro) table free on the platform of your choice' level. But would be sorely tempted by the LCE if it's offered and the price is reasonable (in the $100-$200 range?)

Also if they're planning on doing both regular and LCE editions, it will take longer. They'd need to do 2 tables instead of 1.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Looks like we won't be playing TAF until early 2015 with a successful KS. Kinda sad......

Nice to hear they are still pursuing Disney on IDJ! They won't give up!

Some Sega & Data East tables are in our near future!

Some Sony Movie Property Licenses were included in a TAF bundle deal that was made.. Hmmm???? What Sony Movie licensed tables could they be???

TAF not releasing until next year now will be included as a Season 4 table not a stand alone table release. Looks like there will be some stretch goals on this KS.

There will be gold edition and regular versions of TAF gold edition will require a higher donation to receive that version. We might not get the gold edition if we don't donate to a higher level. No Guarantee if we will ever have Gold Edition to the masses. Hmmmm.......

This is a good idea...I'd pony up a little extra to get essentially two versions of the game.

I was thinking maybe before christmas
Now it could be christmas 2015

Maybe just get season 4 pass
Not sure yet

Not sure if I want to donate anymore

Oh, cool, yeah, don't donate. Help it NEVER come...that's so much better than early 2015. Your thought process is impeccable...we should all think like you. Remember, if the KS doesn't get funded...We.Will.Not.See.TAF.

PM you are probably right on POTO it has to be a kick ass table to start Season 4 with. Folks are going to be pissed that TAF is next year with a successful KS by mid October.

Since I have iPad 3 it's back to single purchases monthly. Oh well..........

Really only 2 folks seem to be upset about the timeline. But those two folk post it ad nauseum, creating the false impression that a lot of people are upset about it.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Didn't Bobby mention something about other Addams Foundation authorized kickstarter rewards (or somethink like that)? Wonder what he is referring to with that. Hmm?


Apr 7, 2014
This is a good idea...I'd pony up a little extra to get essentially two versions of the game.

Oh, cool, yeah, don't donate. Help it NEVER come...that's so much better than early 2015. Your thought process is impeccable...we should all think like you. Remember, if the KS doesn't get funded...We.Will.Not.See.TAF.

Really only 2 folks seem to be upset about the timeline. But those two folk post it ad nauseum, creating the false impression that a lot of people are upset about it.

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