the HTC DNA looks amazing, most dots per inch ever made on a screen, i want one!


New member
Jul 16, 2012
I'm about 2 weeks away from my upgrade discount on a new phone at verizon. so
while researching to see what phones are the best around I found out about the
HTC DNA. It's an Android and has the most impressive dots per inch ever made on
a screen. It's got a 1920x1080 monitor at 440 pixals per inch. the iphone 4/5
has 326ppi and 960x640/1136x640 so as you can see it kind of blows away apple's screens.
1920x1080 is a resolution that previously we have only seen on higher end android tablets, imagine running
Pinball Arcade on an impressive 1080p tablet like the ASUS transformer infinity but than shinking it down
onto a little phone screen keeping the same pixal count... wow! best of all it's android so I don't have to
buy every table over again since i already did that on my old transformer pad (sorry Farsight, but rest assured
as soon as the PC version comes out I'll gladly buy em all again and keep buying them, I am addicted like crack).

If anyone has a HTC DNA already and wants to post some screens of the pinball arcade running on it so i can drools over them for
the next 2 weeks till i get one that would be awesome :)

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
The battery will blow all that good(specs) away. I was forced to buy the extended battery for the REZOUND. But this is NOT an option for the DNA!!!

Be careful with your decision.

You should get the Note 2 or wait for the GS4 or something into next year.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
It lasted 8 hours in the play video non stop till the phone dies test, that's not to horrible considering it will be in my pocket with the screen off most the time.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
I changed my mind about the HTC DNA, I was reading all the reviews and such and it just lacks space. It claims to be 16gb but when you actually get one it only has about 11gb that you can use. Once I install all of pinball arcade (most essential app!) and then get a decent amount of music to listen to on it (I like to keep at least 6 to 8 gigs of mp3's on my phone, very important to me to have music) that just doesn't leave much room at all for photos. And it certainly doesn't leave any room to put any 1080p videos on the phone so I can actually enjoy what a movie is like on that tiny 1080p screen. Also your kind of right about the battery, I'm probably going to need something that can last longer between charging. I need something with a micro SD slot that can read 64gb cards so I never have to worry about space.

The Note 2 seems pretty awesome, it has a very good battery life and can take 64gb cards. however it's 720p and I'm pretty set on wanting something with a 1080p screen and pretty soon there's going to be allot of options on more phones with those beautiful little monitors and if I buy something now I'm just going to feel like I missed out when all those hit the market.

I feel like the HTC could have really stolen the show from allot of buyers if it had a micro sd slot. I read in Japan it came out as the J Butterfly and did have a card slot. I'm not sure what idiot thought the USA Verizon version shouldn't have one, I guess someone at Verizon didn't want it competing to much with their other phones. I could have tolerated the not so great battery life if it only had a slot.

I'm going to try and hold out on my phone upgrading till someone puts a card slot on a 1080p.

Word going around is that Samsung will release the next phone with 1080p and they always put an sd card slot. There has been all kinds of rumors in the phone news about what is coming out when. Samsung is apparently trying to put my dream phone on the market soon but is having complications mass producing the 1080p 4.9in screens. It's all rumors and nothing is solid but people are thinking the Samsung Galaxy s4 will be announced in january and see release in march or april, provided Samsung figures out it's screen production and can get enough of them made to fulfill the market.

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
Sweet, I might be upgrading my phone next fall. By then the note 3 or equivalent will be out with more power than needed for a phone. :)

Do you know if you can give an old smartphone to a family or friend and have them not pay a data plan? For instance if someone who has a basic phone inherits a smartphone. Do they have to actually change plans?


New member
Jul 16, 2012
im pretty sure that is possible at Verizon, even without internet on the go it would still be a really cool compared to non touch flip phone

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