The LEAST popular table you want to come to The Pinball Arcade


New member
May 26, 2012
Pleased to see Spectrum get some mentions - excellent and unusual game. Defender by Williams is one of their best early-80s games, which borrows heavily from their videogame of the same name. Quite rare though.

Pharaoh is another older Williams pin. It's one of their split-level ones after Black Knight. Kinda simple but both times I've played it at shows, I've been on there for ages.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Pleased to see Spectrum get some mentions - excellent and unusual game. Defender by Williams is one of their best early-80s games, which borrows heavily from their videogame of the same name. Quite rare though.

Pharaoh is another older Williams pin. It's one of their split-level ones after Black Knight. Kinda simple but both times I've played it at shows, I've been on there for ages.

I always loved Defender, the video game, though I was absolutely dreadful at it. I think I'd heard of the pinball table based on Defender, but I hadn't seen it until you mentioned it here. Went and saw some video of it on YouTube. Great nomination! That would be a terrific table to add. It had all of those spectacular Williams sound effects that you'd hear in their video games Defender, Stargate, Robotron, Joust, etc., and also some of their other pinball tables like Firepower. Wish I could get samples of all of those sound effects.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
Pinball Circus? Technically, it's the least popular... only 2 tables exist and only ONE of them is available to play. :)


New member
Dec 27, 2013
Playboy. But only one edition: the 1978 Bally Edition. For it's time, I think it added some innovative features. You had the make some exact shots to score big. When I was on, this game flowed nicely for it's time. When I was off, it was brutal..
Never make to TPA unless an After Hours edition. Just check out those cabinet sides. Who does that?...

I really loved that game. And believe it or not, my friends and I never noticed the cabinet artwork. Almost thirty years after I last played it, I read some article talking about the table and I noticed how it looked with someone playing it!


New member
Sep 28, 2013
Seeing Rollergames mentioned made me pretty happy, but it was a licensed property- a property that may be difficult to re-license, unless the person who currently owns the rights is known.

On a similar note, Midway's Radical is one that I'm honestly surprised doesn't get more love:

I discovered its loveliness at the Seattle Pinball expo in 2012, and it was one of the few games I actually found myself coming back to repeatedly. The ramp mechanics in particular are a lot of fun, and at least slightly unique. Its late-80s/early-90s cheese is lovely as well.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Playboy. But only one edition: the 1978 Bally Edition. For it's time, I think it added some innovative features. You had the make some exact shots to score big. When I was on, this game flowed nicely for it's time. When I was off, it was brutal..
Never make to TPA unless an After Hours edition. Just check out those cabinet sides. Who does that?...

My brother owns that machine , and I'm onboard with a TPA version. Actually I've been spearheading the inclusion of that Pinball Machine sicne I registered here .

The Iron Goat

New member
Sep 5, 2012
I'm tempted to be a troll and say Black Pyramid... though I confess there's a certain sadistic part of me that would actually like to see this in TPA, if only so people can find out how utterly weak this table is.

But to be serious, Swords Of Fury would be my real top pick. It didn't score terribly high in the recent poll, but it looks like an awesome table nonetheless. Ran across a real one a few years ago, but it was sadly out of order. The Black Pyramid next to it worked like a champ, though. :p


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
you are not gonna belive this but it's totally true.

Sword of Fury was internally considered a bad game, the designers called it "D*ck Swords".

Because of this fact, the rules didn't get the polish they should have.

now think of this name, and the fact that when multiball starts the game goes


For what it's worth, i think the game is fun, but it's not really a very deep game, and f-14 tomcat is better.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
you are not gonna belive this but it's totally true.

Sword of Fury was internally considered a bad game, the designers called it "D*ck Swords".

Because of this fact, the rules didn't get the polish they should have.

now think of this name, and the fact that when multiball starts the game goes


For what it's worth, i think the game is fun, but it's not really a very deep game, and f-14 tomcat is better.

That is an interesting factoid. Honestly I agree that the game is pretty fun and definitely a layout that would add variety. I can't for the life of me understand why F-14 is regarded so highly. Great sounds but the playfield gets repetitive and boring to me.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
There's actually quite a few Premiers that I would love to see.

Cactus Jack's, Wipe Out, Hollywood Heat, Bone Busters.

I've played TX, but I'm afraid I'm not as enthusiastic as some people are about it.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
I don't know if this is the least popular, but perhaps gets overlooked. Another classic from one of the all time greats. Actually, this and Comet are the two solid states I'd most like to see.

Maybe you're right but I don't really see a lot of request for it.
It would fit so well in TPA. Art and layout are fabulous and it's a very addictive table.
I spent so many hours on that one...
Never really played Comet but I've got nothing against it for sure.

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