The long this game takes to get a release..the more people are waiting for XMas sale.

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Aug 31, 2013
Yes it was a discussion about how everyone was wondering when the game was coming out. Then it turned into a discussion about wondering where the game was because there was no real information given to us.

Late August was awhile ago, so was early September. I want to give these people money but they make it really hard. I have a 360 and a PC and I can't play their game.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
@Kovatsh, I totally agree, but this forum is not to right place to discuss a release date or asking for a release date. Here are only the "privileged" KS backers who have their version and enjoy it. They don't care about if the PC version comes in September or in 2014. I'm waiting also for the PC version over a year and in the meantime it relly sucks.


Aug 31, 2013
I would have assumed this was the right place to discuss it, as there is a Beta section that is separate from the PC section.


New member
Jun 14, 2013
Games that have only just come out are not on sale on Steam. So no point in waiting for a sale unless you want to wait over 4 months.


Aug 31, 2013
Pinball FX2 went on sale a month and a half after it was released. It came out in late may, and was in the Summer Sale early July.


Oct 29, 2012
@Kovatsh, I totally agree, but this forum is not to right place to discuss a release date or asking for a release date. Here are only the "privileged" KS backers who have their version and enjoy it. They don't care about if the PC version comes in September or in 2014. I'm waiting also for the PC version over a year and in the meantime it relly sucks.

Actually that is a false assumption. Farsight and the beta testers would like to see to released as soon as possible. Some folks complain about it not coming fast enough. Others will complain if there are bugs. Complaining isn't going to make it get finished any faster. Farsight would love to get your money, but they are a very small development team and are spread thin. They have a lot on their plate with new table development and new console releases that they have commited to already.

Have some patience and it will come soon enough.

Timelord ...


New member
Jan 3, 2013
@Kovatsh, I totally agree, but this forum is not to right place to discuss a release date or asking for a release date. Here are only the "privileged" KS backers who have their version and enjoy it. They don't care about if the PC version comes in September or in 2014. I'm waiting also for the PC version over a year and in the meantime it relly sucks.

That was one of the most ignorant posts I have read on this forum in a long time.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
That was one of the most ignorant posts I have read on this forum in a long time.

I knew that such an answer would come. And of course from a Beta tester. Why do you give such a statement which nobody wants to know? Go on and have fun with your beta version.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
I knew that such an answer would come. And of course from a Beta tester. Why do you give such a statement which nobody wants to know? Go on and have fun with your beta version.

Do you think I paid 415 dollars on the Kickstarter because I don't care about the game? Of course you will get a reply when you are making false statements. You have no idea what you are talking about and it is not up to you nor me to decide when the game gets released.
I give my input on the beta version to Farsight and so does all the other beta testers and the Farsight will decide when the time is right for release.

And I would hazard a guess that Farsight do want to make money and are interested in releasing their product on the PC platform asap.

So please stop posting on the behalf of the beta testers, we are capable of doing that ourselves.


Oct 29, 2012
I knew that such an answer would come. And of course from a Beta tester. Why do you give such a statement which nobody wants to know? Go on and have fun with your beta version.

You are straddling a fine line here.

This forum is not Facebook and our community is unique in that the dev team actually posts here and integrates our input into the end product. You are very welcome to join our community if you wish, but please keep the criticism constructive.

Lets review things OK?

It is not Farsight's decision to keep the DLC from XBOX 360, but Crave's bankruptcy. Every day the DLC is nt published for the XBOX 360 is a revenue loss for Farsight. The DLC is developed on the XBOX 360 first so the DLC is ready to go way before any other hardware platforms. To state that Farsight is holding back DLC for the XBox 360 for any reason other than legal rights is pure hokum.

We are very near XBox ONE and PS4 release. TPA is a Day One title for PS4 so that is probably another priority due to contractual agreement. They are probably rapidly approaching crunch time with that, if not already there. The status of XBox ONE DLC has not been publicly announced, but is probably expected shortly after Launch Day.

The continuing release of DLCs across other platforms must be maintained as well.

Development on PC was not a priority until Steam actually approved the game.

Farsight is a very small dev team. Adding more programmers to a project does not magically make things go faster; it actually can slow down things as new employees must be brought up to speed, which of course takes the attention from more seasoned employees. I know this from actual game development experience as I was in the industry before retirement.

Again, you are free to comment but try to keep things constructive. This is not Facebook and posts like this will likely not be tolerated. At best the community will ignore you and at worst you will be banned. Our community strives to keep the forum a place where the the Farsight dev team will continue to have conversations with our community openly. We are largely self moderating, and if you want to be part of the community it would be wise to keep that in mind as you post.

If you feel the need to vent, try General Game Discussions sub forum or the Chat Room.

Timelord ...
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New member
May 10, 2012
@Kovatsh, I totally agree, but this forum is not to right place to discuss a release date or asking for a release date. Here are only the "privileged" KS backers who have their version and enjoy it. They don't care about if the PC version comes in September or in 2014. I'm waiting also for the PC version over a year and in the meantime it relly sucks.

Now this is a comment like I was talking about in another thread
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Active member
Aug 2, 2013
Very well said Timelord. Lets hope people will pay attention and stop waisting there time. T2 backer $400.00 + tier


Oct 29, 2012
Very well said Timelord. Lets hope people will pay attention and stop waisting there time. T2 backer $400.00 + tier

Thank you, Naildriver74.

And for the record, we all know there are bugs and problems with TPA and they should be pointed out and reported. Using the appropriate bug report template with accurate data helps squash bugs. The more detail, the better. Farsight has to duplicate bugs to trace them down and fix them. Just complaining in general doesn't help much at all.

Constructive criticism helps improve the experience for all. It's not what one says, but how one says it.

Timelord ...
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Active member
Aug 2, 2013
The Farsight team has been working there butts off people should have a little respect for what they are doing.


Aug 6, 2013
Wrong, the pc version is absolutely not their top priority right now.

Kickstarters have to admit that they enjoy the fact that the release date is delayed, as they can enjoy their privileges for a longer period.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
Wrong, the pc version is absolutely not their top priority right now.

Kickstarters have to admit that they enjoy the fact that the release date is delayed, as they can enjoy their privileges for a longer period.

Well spoken, by someone who is not privileged.


New member
Aug 18, 2013
can we please close this pointless topic in which some people pretending for glory to be "Elite" part of TPA's comunity because of $400 payment, and other what they want TPA's release soon so badly what they will not buy game until xmas.
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