The Next Kickstarter - A Request Thread

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
An in-game message about the kickstarter program explaining what it is and that they will get their money back if the kickstarter fails is very important for future tables that are not as popular as Star Trek TNG is.
While I understand the positives of in-game promotion for a kickstarter, and while I happily contributed to the TZ kickstarter, I really don't want the game itself asking me for money. It does that enough when I purchase DLC. :p


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Hi Gail Schwartz here. I don't know why they need the money to kickstart? I thought they were a big company? Do u know how much it cost to get companies to release tables to us? Confused. I have Williams phof also on reg xbox gotlied phof. I thought they had a lot of money ? Why are we paying if we want to? Anyway if I could ever find out how it works I would send money. I would like Addams family /kiss/baby pacman/ 8 ball d/Tommy/ terminator 2. Etc.

They are not a big company. While they did the coding for PHOF they did not publish it. I think Crave was the publisher. They probably had some money before they started developing TPA. They were developing it for a while and paying people without getting a return. The kickstarter was just for the amount of money above the normal licensing costs it was not to develop the whole thing. They said that the premium license would not be commercially viable. In other words if they sold the table for more money to cover the licensing costs then they would expect to sell fewer of that table thereby never making a profit on it. With the extra licensing fee covered they can sell the table for the normal amount and expect it to sell well.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
FarSight clearly stated that doing a table like The Twilight Zone was not commercially viable for them, therefore were probably never going to do the table. It was us, not FarSight, that recommended doing a Kickstarter Project to help pay for the upfront licensing fees. Had all of us not stepped up to the plate, The Twilight Zone, and any other costly licensed table, might have never seen the light of day.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
FarSight can make the week of July 8th a huge week for The Pinball Arcade if they play their cards right. Coming off a holiday week for the US, FarSight should look into doing the following to make the most of a potential buzz week for The Pinball Arcade:

July 10th : Release DLC Table Packs #1, #2 and #3 for the Xbox 360 (XBLA)

July 11th : Release The Pinball Arcade on the PS3 and PS Vita in the European Market

July 12th : Release DLC Table Packs #4 on Android and iOS

July 13th : Kick off the Star Trek : The Next Generation Kickstarter Project

The huge buzz coming off of three consecutive days of big releases for The Pinball Arcade could help fund the ST:TNG Kickstarter in no time IMO. I hope FarSight takes this into consideration and plans properly for this within the next week.

....and some PC NEWS too! :D


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
The only thing about this kickstarter stuff so early from TPA is that I bet other properties will want more money then before..

Once again, the reason why we all requested FarSight do a Kickstarter was for the simple fact that FarSight had already negotiated all the licenses and if we didn't help fund the upfront licensing, the table would have possibly never seen the light of day. Also, the licenses FarSight negotiated with CBS was a timed deal where if FarSight didn't sign the deal by a certain time, they would have had to renegotiate the licenses again with CBS, possibly resulting in higher upfront licensing fees.
Mar 9, 2012
Once again, the reason why we all requested FarSight do a Kickstarter was for the simple fact that FarSight had already negotiated all the licenses and if we didn't help fund the upfront licensing, the table would have possibly never seen the light of day. Also, the licenses FarSight negotiated with CBS was a timed deal where if FarSight didn't sign the deal by a certain time, they would have had to renegotiate the licenses again with CBS, possibly resulting in higher upfront licensing fees.

The only thing I was talking about is because of the success of kickstarter it may down the road raise the price of other licenses that they want..


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
The only thing I was talking about is because of the success of kickstarter it may down the road raise the price of other licenses that they want..

Yes, you are correct, but without Kickstarter these tables would have never been done, so the risk was worth taking IMHO.

Another thing others need to keep in mind is that there is always a chance that FarSight may not be able to make tables for years to come. I wish them all the success in the world, but I would like to see as many of the top 50 tables as possible before something unforeseen prevents them from making more tables. If that means we have to help fund a few of those tables, then so be it.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Yes, you are correct, but without Kickstarter these tables would have never been done, so the risk was worth taking IMHO.

Another thing others need to keep in mind is that there is always a chance that FarSight may not be able to make tables for years to come. I wish them all the success in the world, but I would like to see as many of the top 50 tables as possible before something unforeseen prevents them from making more tables. If that means we have to help fund a few of those tables, then so be it.

I totally agree with getting tables that are, generally, regarded in high esteem. My main issue is when a table like Harley Davidson or Dr. Dude (sorry I just don't care for it) take the place of so many other "better" pins that may not get to see the light of day on TPA. When looking at the bigger picture I'm probably in the minority here but that's just my thoughts on the subject of table selection.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
FarSight can make the week of July 8th a huge week for The Pinball Arcade if they play their cards right. Coming off a holiday week for the US, FarSight should look into doing the following to make the most of a potential buzz week for The Pinball Arcade:

July 10th : Release DLC Table Packs #1, #2 and #3 for the Xbox 360 (XBLA)

July 11th : Release The Pinball Arcade on the PS3 and PS Vita in the European Market

July 12th : Release DLC Table Packs #4 on Android and iOS

July 13th : Kick off the Star Trek : The Next Generation Kickstarter Project

The huge buzz coming off of three consecutive days of big releases for The Pinball Arcade could help fund the ST:TNG Kickstarter in no time IMO. I hope FarSight takes this into consideration and plans properly for this within the next week.

That is tough to do because they have to wait until Microsoft, Sony, and Apple get off their asses and approve the software, which they keep the developers in the dark about most of the time. In all cases, I don't think it is Farsight that gets to pick the dates.


New member
Jun 29, 2012
I think that they should make changes to their higher level donations. I personally have no interest in hanging out with the farsight team or having a tournament in my home town. A great incentive for higher level donations (10,000 dollars or more) is to let the person select a table of their choice to be made in the pinball arcade. The table chosen would have to be a table that farsight already has the liscences to. They could set the limit to 3 or 4 tables. Do you guys think there would be any interest in this?

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
That's definitely a better incentive, though I guess they run the risk of someone picking a table that few others would be interested in buying (which could make it a bust financially when they release it).


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Maybe they can pick from a list of tables that FS provides? Here's 40 have 24 hours to make your selection. How cool would that be?


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Great they have announcements but I think there are hordes of people waiting to see bug fixes and consistency in releases. Plus it is still pretty close to the end of the last one. I would much rather see September be the date as I think by then they will convince the doubters they have their stuff together.


New member
Apr 14, 2012
An in-game message about the kickstarter program explaining what it is and that they will get their money back if the kickstarter fails is very important for future tables that are not as popular as Star Trek TNG is.

This would not be possible on iOS. Soliciting donations within the app runs afoul of the App Store’s guidelines, and could get the app pulled or rejected.

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