The PS3 "super patch"

Jan 6, 2013
Mid March...late summer man this is getting really old for me.I bought tpa on my 360 over a year in a 1/2 ago to be told just a couple of more weeks for new dlc or for the tables that were all ready out for all the other consoles and they are still not out i waited for one F-in year.So i said the hell with it i will buy The Vita and i did about 4 months ago here i go again just 2 more weeks ..ok really this time just 2more weeks. How can you get F##k# on 2 systems i do not know ..but i did


New member
Dec 22, 2013
I just download the 1.15 update (362 MB). Is this the mega patch ? I didn't see anything new. Worse, the game froze on some random action on Black knight.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I just download the 1.15 update (362 MB). Is this the mega patch ? I didn't see anything new. Worse, the game froze on some random action on Black knight.

I'm pretty sure that it's not the mega patch. I think this is just the patch for packs 19 and 20.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I just download the 1.15 update (362 MB). Is this the mega patch ? I didn't see anything new. Worse, the game froze on some random action on Black knight.

Yep, the update is bigger than usual (276MB > 362MB) but it's not the megapatch (I hope it will be a lot bigger than that!). I didn't notice something new too, maybe the table tiles in the selection menu have a better resolution (I can read the table name, now).


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I just download the 1.15 update (362 MB). Is this the mega patch ? I didn't see anything new. Worse, the game froze on some random action on Black knight.

Version 1.15 IS NOT the Mega Patch. It's bigger than previous patches because it contains assets for 6 tables instead of the usual 4 tables.

The Mega Patch is still in testing and has not been submitted to Sony as of yet.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Singling out and directly attacking another member because of their opinion is prohibited on this forum. Members are allowed to post their own opinions on whatever subject is being discussed, but posting an accusatory rant that is directly aimed toward a specific member is unacceptable.


New member
Sep 12, 2013
Singling out and directly attacking another member because of their opinion is prohibited on this forum. Members are allowed to post their own opinions on whatever subject is being discussed, but posting an accusatory rant that is directly aimed toward a specific member is unacceptable.

Is that what I did? I only gave my opinion just as he did. I never "accused" anyone of anything. Nor was I "ranting". I didn't attack him.

Are you guys stressed out or something?

EDIT: You took that the wrong way PiN WiZ and brakel. You've got me all wrong.
Last edited:


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Is that what I did? I only gave my opinion just as he did. I never "accused" anyone of anything. Nor was I "ranting". I didn't attack him.

Are you guys stressed out or something?

You accused another member of being a "trophy hunter", so please be more careful with the way you word your own opinions, especially when they're in response to someone else's opinion.


New member
Sep 12, 2013

Are you serious?!?

"Trophy hunter" is an insult now? WOW.

Well in that case, why didn't you just edit that one term out of my post? Why delete the whole thing?


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012

Are you serious?!?

"Trophy hunter" is an insult now? WOW.

Well in that case, why didn't you just edit that one term out of my post? Why delete the whole thing?

While it's not an insult, it is grounds for provocation and that's the kind of behavior we frown upon around here. We would like all of our members to feel free to post their opinions on subjects being discussed without being singled out and provoked by other forum members.

There's nothing left to say on this subject...please take my advice above and move on.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Trophy hunters have been using that wobbly "replay value" argument for the longest time now and it still hasn't dawned on them how flawed it is.

Its really not flawed at all, you just seem to have a hard time understanding perspective. Its actually very simple if you manage to look at it from a point of view other than your own.

If someone plays a game more than they would have otherwise, because they are trying to obtain a trophy, it has added replay value for them. It doesn't matter if it the same thing didn't apply to you, it did to them, and therefore is perfectly valid and not the least bit flawed.

This may really not make sense to you, but there are people out there for which the score adds no replay value whatsoever. They are simply playing to "beat the game", unlock the trophies, finish the wizard goals, complete all the modes etc.. They don't care a lick about playing again after they reach that goal. Their lack of concern for improving their score doesn't in any way invalidate the replay value you derive from trying to improve yours. The fact that you continue to play the game to improve your score after you have completed those other goals means that high score and leaderboard position has in fact added replay value for you.

You both used Super Mario Bros. as an example and it really is a perfect one. When that game was new there were many people that only played it until they reached the ending. Once they reached that goal (or accomplishment by another name <hint>), they considered the game finished and didn't play it anymore. Then there were other people that kept playing trying to improve their score, or how fast they could finish the game, or collect all the coins, or not use warps, or whatever. The point is that those people found replay value in goals that some other people did not care about.

I myself played a ton of Street Fighter II (and Turbo) on the SNES to beat the game on 8 star difficulty with every character without losing a round. Everyone else I knew thought that was a complete waste of time, but I did play the game a lot more than I would have because I set that goal for myself. That definitely added a lot of replay value for me even though it didn't for any of my friends.

I guess I can sum this up by saying that your arguing against someone else's reasons for continuing to play a game because they are not your own is completely absurd and can only come from a position of ignorance. Learn to appreciate things from other people's perspectives and you'll be better off for it.

EDIT: I see a few other posts happened while I was writing this, I guess the point has already been made.


New member
Sep 12, 2013
Damn it, I was just about to log out, but then I saw your post ER777! Why won't you guys let me go! Hahahaha...

Anyway, real quick, what you failed to see here ER777 is that I made my points based on the actual truth. It's a fact that trophies can only be earned once (per profile), whereas a person can have infinite attempts at surpassing a previous high score. These are unshakable facts. Whether or not someone is interested in any of those things is irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. It's a fact that chasing a new high score provides a true source of what we call "replay value", whereas seeking out trophies DOES NOT. The key word here is REPLAY. I'd like to see you re-lock your trophies and then unlock them again...


And now, I'm going to cry to the mods that you were so so mean to me when you said I have a "hard time understanding perspective" because it really burned me to the core and I'll never be the same again. PiN WiZ! Oh PiN WiZ! Can you please protect me from this digital evil-doer? I'm such a sissy and I can't handle his strong opinion! Oh! I'm dying over here! Help me! (Make sure you do the same thing, ER777! Report me to the mods since I just made you cry... right? I made you cry, right? I mean that's what happens when people have a debate on the internet... mmhmm...)


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Version 1.15 IS NOT the Mega Patch. It's bigger than previous patches because it contains assets for 6 tables instead of the usual 4 tables.

The Mega Patch is still in testing and has not been submitted to Sony as of yet.

You implying that Fish Tales and Black Rose are included in the patch? So we may see them sooner than expected?


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
You implying that Fish Tales and Black Rose are included in the patch? So we may see them sooner than expected?

I'm not implying that they'll be released sooner than expected...only that the resources for Fish Tales and Black Rose were included with the recent patch.

Another patch will be required to update the UI to include the Season 3 menu options which is still slated for March.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Damn it, I was just about to log out, but then I saw your post ER777! Why won't you guys let me go! Hahahaha...

Anyway, real quick, what you failed to see here ER777 is that I made my points based on the actual truth. It's a fact that trophies can only be earned once (per profile), whereas a person can have infinite attempts at surpassing a previous high score. These are unshakable facts. Whether or not someone is interested in any of those things is irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. It's a fact that chasing a new high score provides a true source of what we call "replay value", whereas seeking out trophies DOES NOT. The key word here is REPLAY. I'd like to see you re-lock your trophies and then unlock them again...


And now, I'm going to cry to the mods that you were so so mean to me when you said I have a "hard time understanding perspective" because it really burned me to the core and I'll never be the same again. PiN WiZ! Oh PiN WiZ! Can you please protect me from this digital evil-doer? I'm such a sissy and I can't handle his strong opinion! Oh! I'm dying over here! Help me! (Make sure you do the same thing, ER777! Report me to the mods since I just made you cry... right? I made you cry, right? I mean that's what happens when people have a debate on the internet... mmhmm...)

Probably not the right direction to take this......

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