The PS3 "super patch"


New member
May 10, 2012
Hey Monkeygrass,
2) I did bring up the multi-player controller support suggestion and my supervisor was told by programmers that it's a nightmare to get working on Every platform. I'll continue to support the idea here at the office and see what happens.

Thanks man, that means a lot that you're trying. I won't hold my breath but it is one of the few games that we play as a family (My wife and her senior citizen parents!) so that would be very, very much appreciated. :) Really

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Hello Forum Members,

Just to give everyone an update on the Mega Patch status, it's been in Sony's hands so were just awaiting approval. The patch didn't pass our in house testing and instead of delaying the patch any further, we wanted to send the Mega patch that would address several bugs and performance issues because that is what the idea behind the Mega patch is. Basically what the mega-patch is going to do is prompt everyone to download individual updated tables from the PSN store when anyone with an outdated goes in to play it. It shouldn't delete your trophies or save data because it is only replacing your tables.

The features pulled include the Challenge Mode and updated control settings for our Vita users. With that being said we are working on the next patch to implement these features and any other updates.

I can't give a set date since I don't know where its at with Sony, but I imagine it's not going to be much longer. Just wait for the newsletter and we should have some positive news!

The patch didn't pass in-house testing but was sent out anyway? Isn't this risky?:confused:


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Thanks for the news, FlippyFloppy.

One more question for the road :p :

Is the megapatch a "one shot" patching process, or will it be possible to patch again a table after it?

Let's say, for example, that a new big bug pops up on AFM after the megapatch. Will it be possible to patch the table again or FS will be stuck again because of Sony's DLC patching policies?

Thanks for all, you're a chief!
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New member
Apr 20, 2013
Thanks for the news, FlippyFloppy.

One more question for the road :p :

Is the megapatch a "one shot" patching process, or will it be possible to patch again a table after it?

Let's say, for example, that a new big bug pops up on AFM after the megapatch. Will it be possible to patch the table again or FS will be stuck again because of Sony's DLC patching policies?

Thanks for all, you're a chief!

Flippy has confirmed that the megapatch will allow further patching down the road.


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
I think what flippyfloppy meant was that they pulled the buggy features from the patch and will add them in later when they are fixed.

Ya thats what I meant Edan. I received a lot of criticism over those post on the forums especially after it reached Facebook, so I'll have to refrain from making anymore announcements. Besides, that's what our Newsletters are for ;)


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I received a lot of criticism over those post on the forums especially after it reached Facebook, so I'll have to refrain from making anymore announcements

Yuck, Facebook, where people forget all polite manners. No kind of such behaviors in the TPA Fans Forums (I guess :p). Too bad you have to refrain your announcements because of some dumb guys.


New member
May 23, 2012
Ya thats what I meant Edan. I received a lot of criticism over those post on the forums especially after it reached Facebook, so I'll have to refrain from making anymore announcements. Besides, that's what our Newsletters are for ;)

Unfortunately I stopped getting those newsletters again. I put my email in on the website multiple times too...


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Ya thats what I meant Edan. I received a lot of criticism over those post on the forums especially after it reached Facebook, so I'll have to refrain from making anymore announcements. Besides, that's what our Newsletters are for ;)

Aww don't do that. Not your fault people can't read.
Thanks for all the info!
Looking forward to the update.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Hello Forum Members,

Just to give everyone an update on the Mega Patch status, it's been in Sony's hands so were just awaiting approval. The patch didn't pass our in house testing and instead of delaying the patch any further, we wanted to send the Mega patch that would address several bugs and performance issues because that is what the idea behind the Mega patch is. Basically what the mega-patch is going to do is prompt everyone to download individual updated tables from the PSN store when anyone with an outdated goes in to play it. It shouldn't delete your trophies or save data because it is only replacing your tables.

The features pulled include the Challenge Mode and updated control settings for our Vita users. With that being said we are working on the next patch to implement these features and any other updates.

I can't give a set date since I don't know where its at with Sony, but I imagine it's not going to be much longer. Just wait for the newsletter and we should have some positive news!

Thanks for the updates. Much appreciated.

Is it safe to say the stereoscopic 3D feature is still due to be included with this patch?

Also, do you have a number on how many tables will be required to be downloaded to complete the patch?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I could gather, downloading this patch will prompt the download of individual tables.
I know it's certainly not a top priority, but is there any chance the classic table flyers will be replaced with higher resolution versions?

I posted a comparison a couple years ago showing how the flyers from The Williams Hall of Fame Collection are much superior. The flyers in TPA look to be around 640x480ish and don't look so hot on a large HDTV. It would be nice to be able to read the text on them. I know not everyone cares about these but hey, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. :)

Thanks again.


New member
Jan 14, 2014
Where is this patch? I cant wait, hopely performance issues will be solved. A bit dalayed flippers reaction in ps3 version, on some tables really ruins experiance. You can really notice the difference, when you played ps4 version as well, which is perfectly responsive to me.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
It's official. As per the newsletter, Fish Tales and Black Rose are coming 4/1 and the mega patch with it (meaning on or before 4/1)


New member
Sep 8, 2012
It's official. As per the newsletter, Fish Tales and Black Rose are coming 4/1 and the mega patch with it (meaning on or before 4/1)

Yeah, and its going to include 3D finally which a lot of people have been waiting for. I'm more interested in seeing how much gameplay improvement there is myself..


New member
Apr 20, 2012
So was the patch downgraded from Mega to Super??
They've been calling it the "Megapatch" all along until now.

Anyway, m looking forward to the stereoscopic 3D. I hope they took their time with each table and didn't just apply a quick and dirty 3D filter to them. I love how great the Zen tables look in 3D, but there are definitely some tables that look better in 3D than others.

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