The Random Thought Thread


New member
Oct 5, 2017
Those are the best kinds of classic game stories. General Chaos is a really fun strategy game with a group of friends too. But yeah figuring out some of the more complicated old school games without a manual or looking it up is always a real adventure.

Not sure if the video covers it, but the original devs of A52 only ever released one other game, Cheetahmen II (a sequel to the most famous A52 game), then disappeared into the aether from whence they came, until a few years back one resurfaced and released some more old Cheetahmen levels from the A52 prototype.

I like to think that Brad Neely's Cat People was inspired by Cheetahmen.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I prefer Werebears, myself.

heh, woops!

That video was fascinating. While it seems FarSight actually fixed things enough to have a working Genesis cart, it also seems some of the business plans of the Action 52 'creator' rubbed off on them. I'd never heard of this game so that was a fun bit of video game lore to learn about.

Good call. Yeah, seems he definitely did rub off on them, unfortunately.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
Hell yeah Citizen thats a great list of all awesome sega genesis games i love... but dont forget about:
Toejam & Earl
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Predator 2
Zero The Kamakaze Squirrel (worth too much for me)
Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker
Double Dragon
Battletoads & Double Dragon
Streets of Rage
Maximum Carnage
Golden Axe
Kid Chameleon
Earthworm Jim
Mutant League Hockey
NBA Jam TE (im not even into sports but i love this)
Taz Mania
Stimpy's invention (the only good ren & stimpy game)
Dragons Fury (devils crush in japan)
Dragons Revenge
Dino Land (abother weird pinball like the crush games)
Punisher (worth too much)
Growl (worth too much)
Cool Spot... oh man i can go on forever... SEGA Genesis rules!

Edited to Add:
Dick Tracy! How did i forget to list that, man that was a really great one
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New member
Oct 5, 2017
Definitely love most of those too. Was just playing Kid Chameleon the other day, and Decap Attack, which is also great.

I like ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron a lot as well. It got bagged on over the years for not being another roguelike/adventure/collectathon thing like the original, but if you ignore that it's actually a great 2D platformer.

Keeping on platformers, there's the Genesis Aladdin game, the Wonder Boy games, Ristar, Dynamite Headdy. The Genesis was a real platformer powerhouse.

Then there were great srpgs like Warsong (Langrisser) and Shining Force 1-2.

We could probably rattle off another hundred good Genesis games.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Maximum Carnage

Two great games with disappointing sequels.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Aladdin is a great one. Way better than the SNES version. I mentioned awhile back in the emulator thread that my little brother had it when we were kids so I played the hell out of that game, but didn’t realize it’s in the Top 10 Genesis games on, but makes sense looking back.

Bomberman ‘94/Mega Bomberman on Genesis is my favorite of the series.

Biohazard Battle is one a lot of people haven’t heard of, but I played a ton as it was one of the first Genesis games I owned back in the day and was especially a blast with a buddy in 2P mode.

But yeah so many great games. Probably my favorite video game era of all time.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
A lot of older sports games don’t hold up all that well, but I have a couple buddies who still play the EA NHL games on Genesis.


New member
May 24, 2013
Jeff , great to see how much you enjoy this era of gaming . I never played those games unfortunately , I was a late starter , I was introduced to PS3 by my nephews about 7 years ago . how are you enjoying RDR2 ? I`m on rank 70 on the online game . I just do my own thing , having fun . I have 1 Arabian , 1 Appaloosa , 1 Turkoman and 2 Mississippi Fox Trotter horses . only thing a little annoying are the griefers . how`s the 4k tv going ? :cool: the new games are so good on 4k tv , sometimes you feel like you are in the game , so cool :cool:



Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
A lot of older sports games don’t hold up all that well, but I have a couple buddies who still play the EA NHL games on Genesis.

One of my favorite games of all time. Played it nonstop back when it came out. I’d still pay it if I had it.
NHL 93 was so awesome. But when NHl 94 came out and had one-timers, dang! Playing with friends became so much better. Yeah, the graphics don’t hold up and they had player names but not the team names, but it’s still one of my all time favorites. The versions that came after never captured the same charm for me.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Jeff , great to see how much you enjoy this era of gaming . I never played those games unfortunately , I was a late starter , I was introduced to PS3 by my nephews about 7 years ago . how are you enjoying RDR2 ? I`m on rank 70 on the online game . I just do my own thing , having fun . I have 1 Arabian , 1 Appaloosa , 1 Turkoman and 2 Mississippi Fox Trotter horses . only thing a little annoying are the griefers . how`s the 4k tv going ? :cool: the new games are so good on 4k tv , sometimes you feel like you are in the game , so cool :cool:

Nice horse collection you have there mate. My mother-in-law was visiting this week and surprisingly she liked to watch me play Red Dead 2. She used to train horses back in the day so she got a kick out of watching me brush and feed my trusty steed heh...but her and my wife got the biggest kick out of watching me be the world clumsiest outlaw. I was ambushed by a couple bandits on the road and I ended up running straight into a signpost and which of course launched me off my horse, ass over teakettle, before face-planting into the dusty road below. Even I just had to laugh heh. Haven’t tried playing online yet. The story is keeping me busy though. Still loving the TV too. Kinda wish I would’ve got the 65” as my eyes aren’t getting any younger, reading text from the couch isn’t fun, but I sit pretty close when gaming so it’s all good.

Have you tried Steep, the free snowboarding game this month on PS? It’s a pretty good time and the graphics are nice too.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
One of my favorite games of all time. Played it nonstop back when it came out. I’d still pay it if I had it.
NHL 93 was so awesome. But when NHl 94 came out and had one-timers, dang! Playing with friends became so much better. Yeah, the graphics don’t hold up and they had player names but not the team names, but it’s still one of my all time favorites. The versions that came after never captured the same charm for me.

Right on. I didn’t get a chance to play it back then, but everyone I know who did was blown away.

For some reason I really didn’t play many sports games during that era (I think I was too obsessed with Street Fighter 2 at that point). Played a bunch on NES tho (RBI Baseball, Tecmo Bowl, Based Loaded 2, Blades of Steel, and of course one of my favorites: Arch Rivals, the basketball game where there were no fouls so you could punch the daylights out of the other team...basically the grand daddy of NFL Blitz).


New member
May 24, 2013
Nice horse collection you have there mate. My mother-in-law was visiting this week and surprisingly she liked to watch me play Red Dead 2. She used to train horses back in the day so she got a kick out of watching me brush and feed my trusty steed heh...but her and my wife got the biggest kick out of watching me be the world clumsiest outlaw. I was ambushed by a couple bandits on the road and I ended up running straight into a signpost and which of course launched me off my horse, ass over teakettle, before face-planting into the dusty road below. Even I just had to laugh heh. Haven’t tried playing online yet. The story is keeping me busy though. Still loving the TV too. Kinda wish I would’ve got the 65” as my eyes aren’t getting any younger, reading text from the couch isn’t fun, but I sit pretty close when gaming so it’s all good.

Have you tried Steep, the free snowboarding game this month on PS? It’s a pretty good time and the graphics are nice too.
your so funny Jeff , I run into trees and boulders , you gota laugh at yourself . yep I`ve downloaded Steep , I`m leaving it until I get sick of RDR2 , which I think might be a long time . as for the tv , next one we both get , might be an 80 inch in a few years time .:cool:


New member
May 24, 2013
great day and night in the Aust Open tennis . Ash Barty got through and tonight young Greek Stefanos Tsitsipas beat Roger . a souvlaki will be named after Stefanos . big party in Melbourne tonight amongst the Greek community .:cool:


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Hey Kolchak357 are you going to have clear skies for the blood moon?

Still too early to tell. Got my fingers crossed though. Plan on doing a little lunar photography if possible. I’ll post a pic if I get anything good.

Edit: couldn’t get any pics last night. Was cloudy until about 10PM or so. By that time we had super gusty winds. My tripod can’t handle high magnification and high winds. Would have been a blurry mess, so I didn’t even try. :(
Next good lunar eclipse is May of 2021.
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