The Random Thought Thread


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Fights breaking out in grocery stores over water and toilet paper.
Staple foods, cleaning supplies, and paper products are all empty shelves around me. Crazy people are hoarding and creating a unnecessary situation.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
k88dad , like you , my main concern is my Dad , he`s 87 and hasn`t been in the best nik . there is no need to panic , our boofhead pollies have left it to the expert doctors , thank God !!!! . they said things will change on an hourly basis . as of tomorrow all football codes men and women will be played behind closed doors . as usual we follow like sheep hehe , we`re good at that . the Governments biggest concern is for the elderly , and we have a bloody lot of them . when it comes to the elderly we look after them .

Yeah, I'm the same way. My dad is 84 and in poor health. Took me an hour to convince him not to go to church last weekend.


Dec 14, 2018
so many cases are popping up around me in boston right now. seems to be spreading very fast. The grocery stores are being picked apart by crazed animals here now, and i really didnt expect it to be that bad so heads up to all you folks in places that havnt had a ton of cases pop up yet, once you do it will get bad at the grocery store. I don't think at this point avoiding getting CV is something we can realistically do in cities. Just got to get it and heal it off. Once you get over it you cannot re-catch the virus. I think the scare won't be going away until a large chunk of the population has caught and recovered from it, making the general population virus safe. this could go on for a year or longer. Definitively not something that can blow over in a month or two.

This spread has been going on since November of last year. While there may in fact be new cases around you, unless these are family members or close friends, I'd suggest you take the reported numbers with a grain of salt. The PCR test has an 80% false positive rate for coronavirus infection, and until you end up in the ICU there is no way to tell if it is the specific COVID-19 strain. However, be prepared for a two month "shutdown" and be safe.


Dec 14, 2018
Just a follow up on the "testing" protocol.

The coronovirus test is based on PCR, a manufacturing technique. When used as a test it does not produce a positive/negative result, but simply the number of cycles required to detect genetic material. The division between positive and negative is an arbitrary number of cycles chosen by the testers. If positive means infected and negative means uninfected, then there are cases of people going from infected to uninfected and back to infected again in a couple of days. Scientist are detecting novel RNA in multiple patients with influenza or pneumonia-like conditions, and are assuming that the detection of RNA (which is believed to be wrapped in proteins to form an RNA virus, as coronaviruses are believed to be) is equivalent to isolation of the virus. It is not, and one of the groups I am familiar with informed me "they do not perform tests for detecting infectious virus in the blood."


New member
May 24, 2013
we all in the same boat paddling up ships creek without a paddle .Kolchak i`m lucky my Dad listens when he remembers hehe , i`ve kept him inside , just walking around the block , no more visiting or going shopping , that`s it . he doesn`t mind , he`s a little lazy hehe !!! we`re getting a bonus one off $750 from the government low income and pensioners , that`s 6.5 million of us , i hope either the next gen console from XBOX or PSN comes soon . stay safe everyone .


New member
May 24, 2013
wow just put my sports channel on , a College basketball game with a crowd . unreal , the NBA suspends and the College goes on with a crowd !!!:rolleyes:


New member
May 24, 2013
it was in the live section of my sports channel Naildriver , i hope it was a replay not live , i nearly died when i saw the crowd , i don`t mind if they play behind closed doors , but i prefer to suspend all sports until we can see where we are heading . you know how much i love sport , but for everyone`s sake i like all sports to be suspended .i feel sorry for everyone losing there jobs , that is so hard to watch .


New member
May 24, 2013
Naildriver , we`re lucky here , all State and Territories leaders and our Prime Minister are acting as one unit and allowing the great doctors to direct everything . politics have been thrown out the window . we abuse and name call our pollies , but when there`s an emergency they act as one and i tip my hat to them . there is a long road ahead of us , a lot of lives will lost , very sad. my Dad has been kept away from everyone and everything . from what i see you don`t have much leadership over in the USA , the orange boy should stand in the back and allow the doctors to take complete control .the orange boy thought it was a joke , bloody fool . you need your armed forces to start building temp hospitals , your army is fantastic at this . they acted too slow.i`m praying for everyone .


Dec 14, 2018
Naildriver , we`re lucky here , all State and Territories leaders and our Prime Minister are acting as one unit and allowing the great doctors to direct everything . politics have been thrown out the window . we abuse and name call our pollies , but when there`s an emergency they act as one and i tip my hat to them . there is a long road ahead of us , a lot of lives will lost , very sad. my Dad has been kept away from everyone and everything . from what i see you don`t have much leadership over in the USA , the orange boy should stand in the back and allow the doctors to take complete control .the orange boy thought it was a joke , bloody fool . you need your armed forces to start building temp hospitals , your army is fantastic at this . they acted too slow.i`m praying for everyone .

What a **** comment. I see you get your news from the "Fake" variety. Trump closed travel with China (in Feb) weeks before anyone else in the World and was called a racist for doing this. He then invoked wartime measures to allow for much of the bureaucracy to be suspended within our emergency supply chains. Also, you need to understand how States within the United States work, and much of the actual oversight and "work" is handled at the Governor and Mayor level on a state by state basis which Trump and the Federal government is not able to completely supersede. And Trump never thought this was a joke and in fact has been criticized by many within the international community as overreacting. Anyway, Field (Army) hospitals are not meant to be critical care respiratory centers, but Trump had already directed our two large Medical ships to dock in New York and California while our FEMA people are working directly with State and Local governments. Regardless, the world needs to get this right over the next couple months, and while there will be long term and permanent changes in the way many of us conduct our daily routines, hopefully the world comes out from this stronger and better prepared for the future.

Looking at current areas in the World, Italy averages over 1650 deaths per normal day everyday, and while the Italy situation being reported is astonishing, it is ultimately manageable. Japan is now opening areas and attractions back up. China is "reporting" no new cases. So if you want some real news, talk to friends or follow some real people on instagram in each country to get what is really happening.

Here is an interesting video that may explain what is happening

Plus the world currencies seem to indicate that the USA is the only country that anyone in the world has any faith in getting us out of this mess.
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Feb 2, 2018
^^ "Various German media examined Wodarg's claims for accuracy and concluded that his statements would largely contradict the verifiable facts, some statements were neither refutable nor verifiable, but on closer examination proved to be misleading"

Sent from my SM-T725 using Tapatalk


Dec 14, 2018
^^ "Various German media examined Wodarg's claims for accuracy and concluded that his statements would largely contradict the verifiable facts, some statements were neither refutable nor verifiable, but on closer examination proved to be misleading"

Sent from my SM-T725 using Tapatalk

That may be the most worthless non-definitive "quote" I have ever read.

Links please to actual experts and medical journals or studies, not just a shoutout to an anonymous "media." The yearly seasonal flu-like numbers are available from many reputable sources, private and government, and all the numbers presented in the video are exactly what we all have understood to be fact.

In the meantime take a look at each European countries newly passed "emergency" laws and legislation.

From the recent Reddit AMA Bill Gates did.

[–]thisisbillgates 478 points 6 hours ago

The question of which businesses should keep going is tricky. Certainly food supply and the health system. We still need water, electricity and the internet. Supply chains for critical things need to be maintained. Countries are still figuring out what to keep running.

Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.

[–]thewallrus 83 points 6 hours ago

Digital certificates? Are you saying each person individually will receive a document that says we were tested? Can that be used against us?

[–]Telescope_Horizon 47 points 5 hours ago

No, he's saying Microsoft and MIT developed "tatoo markers" that show whether you have recieved a vaccine or not. This will be coupled with Gate's new invention, ID2020, which is a digital ID microchip implanted under the skin.

of course he has more practice at public relations than me, so he can put it more mildly

[–]gabe_athouse69 49 points 5 hours ago

That third link is the most disturbing website I've ever seen
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New member
Jul 16, 2012
i blame myself. right before all this i got hyped up about Steven King's the stand being remade into a new series... and then i actually reread the entire book and preceded to then rewatch the original 4 part tv series from the 90's, and then just to consume it in every possible way I also read the 31 issues marvel comic adaption. and then poof this thing outbreaks and so yep, it's my dumb luck thing gets me everytime. sorry about that.


New member
May 24, 2013
trash80 keep on living in gaga land mate , look at what the dumb orange one says .you need to get your orange boy glasses off . you talk a lot of crap.:rolleyes:


New member
May 24, 2013
your hospital ships will be ready when ? where are the masks , ventilators , gowns gloves for hospitals , paramedics and firemen ? yep we saw him go off at the reporters like a dumby . get your lips off the orange boys butt or you`ll turn orange !!! that`s it for me , mate . you can go and adore the dumbest President the world has seen . :cool:


Dec 14, 2018
your hospital ships will be ready when ? where are the masks , ventilators , gowns gloves for hospitals , paramedics and firemen ? yep we saw him go off at the reporters like a dumby . get your lips off the orange boys butt or you`ll turn orange !!! that`s it for me , mate . you can go and adore the dumbest President the world has seen . :cool:

Just sad really that this is what you have as a retort and you could get some truthful answers just by doing your own research and being informed of the actual situation. From the Presidents briefing:

It all started when Alexander asked Trump if his “impulse to put a positive spin on things” could be giving Americans a “false sense of hope” amid the pandemic. The president explained he had a “good feeling” about possible solutions the FDA is working on.
“Let’s see what happens, we have nothing to lose,” Trump said.
Alexander interrupted the next reporter who was called on and shouted, “What do you say to Americans who are scared?”
“I say that you’re a terrible reporter. That’s what I say,” Trump fired back.
“I think that’s a very nasty question and I think it’s a very bad signal that you’re putting out to the American people,” Trump said. “The American people are looking for answers and they’re looking for hope. And you’re doing sensationalism and, the same with NBC and Con-cast. I don’t call it Comcast, I call it Con-cast” You ought to be ashamed of yourself,” Trump said before moving on to the next reporter.
“This is a very valid concern that people have,” a reporter told Trump about Alexander’s question about Americans who are scared. Trump then stepped aside and allowed Dr. Anthony Fauci to answer questions about Americans who are concerned about the drug being worked on to combat coronavirus.
“Do you really think going off on Peter, going off on the network is appropriate,” another reporter asked.
“I do, because… I think Peter is not a good journalist when it comes to fairness,” Trump said.
Trump said it’s a time to “come together” but “dishonest journalists” make it harder.
“When people are dishonest, they truly do hurt our country,” Trump said.
Trump said the American people have done an incredible job thus far.
“We’re going to come out stronger, better, bigger in every way,” he said. “Our country has been incredible.”
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo even got pulled into the fray when he took a question later during the briefing and was asked about disinformation related to the coronavirus pandemic.
“This idea of transparency and accurate information is very important, it’s how we protect American people from something like this ever happening again,” Pompeo said.
Pompeo was then asked if he feels compromised when the president attacks news organizations.
“Does it undermine you at all when the president stands up here and attacks news outlets, calling us untrustworthy?” a reporter asked.
Pompeo dismissed the comment and moved onto the next question as Trump shook his head in the background.
“I’ve had my frustration with reporters, too. All I ask when I talk to the media is that you listen to what we say and report it accurately,” Pompeo said. “It’s frustrating… we have a responsibility to tell the American people the truth and those who are reporting on what we are doing and saying have an equal responsibility to report accurately.”

You can decide if Trump was wrong (he is half the time IMO) but the US press is openly parroting Communist Chinese propaganda now, which is a much bigger problem.

Regarding the masks, Trump signed a bill a few days ago that removed the liability issues that kept 3M and Honeywell from being able to sell masks and other equipment directly to the medical field. We have over 30,000 ventilators within the private healthcare system already and with the Federal government now directing their additional supply to the "Hotspots," most of what you may see on the news is hyperbole. And today GM offered to switch manufacturing lines over to ventilators and other specialized equipment if needed. Paramedics are still doing their jobs. Firemen are still doing their jobs. And while anecdotal, based on my own travels around to local hospitals and discussions with doctor friends, the "supply and manpower shortage" is being blown way out of proportion.

The Comfort and Mercy (equipped for TRAUMA patients) are on their way, and it may be weeks before they have anyone in their care. But these ships will be ready if and when **** hits the fan. Hopefully we don't need them.

Don't you feel like you are watching a movie?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I rarely pay attention to this thread, so imagine my surprise to check in a see politics. I’m not here to say “stop it”, only to say keep it respectful. That means not purposely provoking either side with name calling, describing Trump’s coloring, referring to media sources as ‘fake’ simply because they don’t align with Trump, etc.

I’ve seen how quickly these sort of back and forths can become dumpster fires that spread to the rest of a forum, and I don’t want that to happen here. Discuss, debate, keep it to this thread, but please be respectful to each other. Emotions are high across the globe right now, we’re all having a shared experience. Remember that.

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