The Random Thought Thread


New member
Jul 16, 2012
aw poop... still i may have to look into this game. guy martun is awesome he never won first but he got 3rd at isle of man and crashed and almost died a bunch of times, he hold the world record for fastest speed on most land air and sea vehicles, he is a total speed nut lol. also he is a mechanical genius who builds everything. check out his youtube channel theres a good chance youll fall in love with him


Aug 8, 2018
aw poop... still i may have to look into this game. Guy Martin is awesome he never won first but he got 3rd at isle of man and crashed and almost died a bunch of times, he hold the world record for fastest speed on most land air and sea vehicles, he is a total speed nut lol. also he is a mechanical genius who builds everything. check out his youtube channel theres a good chance youll fall in love with him

Not everything even has to have an engine - British record for a cyclist was first time I'd heard of him - set the record at a near impossible 112mph.


New member
Oct 22, 2018
wolf, digital download from xbox store, have redownloaded it 3 or 4 times, hangs up at the start. i think my drive is only 1tb. isle of man was an xbox gold freebie, have not played it much, very difficult.


New member
May 24, 2013
shame ZREXMike i still play Rivals on and off , i like it , yep that TT was funny for the first week i played , i i went into walls hit the footpath , lamp posts , i was a disaster . you have to get into a nice flow . poor old Melbourne had about 1,000 new covid-19 cases in the past week , so back into lockdown for at least the next 6 weeks , the border around Victoria closed , only essential workers and acts of compassion allowed .
lives first here , economy will bounce back , dead people don`t come back .we are right behind our southern brothers and sisters .


New member
May 24, 2013
and on Melbourne , my son and his family live there , looks like i`ll be not seeing them for awhile . celebrate my sons 40th birthday on FaceTime this weekend , next best thing , bloody miss all my family
, one little sacrifice to keep Australia safe , that`s the most important . :cool:


Aug 8, 2018
Taken until me watching the news today to realise that not all Victorians lived over 100 years ago. Logically its obvious that people that live in (the state of) Victoria are Victorians, but I'd never made the connection - is that term commonly used in Australia or was it just the BBC news reporter?


New member
May 24, 2013
yep wilbers , Victorians it is , to insult them , we call them Mexicans because they cross 2 borders in winter to come to the sunshine state , Queensland . . what a bloody sucker i`m for racing games , PS4 sale , Motorcycle Club $2.95 , a triple pack , Beach Buggy Racing , Riptide GP, Riptide GP 2 $5.99 , Grip $17.00 , and the one that caught my eye FIA European Truck Racing Championship $32.00 , a nice mixture for this sucker .:cool:


New member
Oct 22, 2018
Sorry to hear you can't see your family in Melbourne Wolfson. Herein Florida cases have went up as well. i did not have to wear a mask in Walmart today. it is one outside the city limits tho. we are in the grips of a disaster. :(


New member
May 24, 2013
thanks ZREXMike , seen you poor buggers , it`s unreal , your leaders think it`s all over , thank God our boofheads have taken covid-19 seriously, stay safe . as long as people are safe and we don`t lose lives , it`s the No.1 concern . our border reopened between Queensland and New South Wales , this is why i`m going to Tweed Heads after the school holidays . :cool:


Aug 8, 2018
Trimdependence Day! Finally had my haircut - longest gap ever. Only 3 reasons I'd ever leave it so long and all of them extremely unlikely - stranded in a remote location for months, coma, or global pandemic lockdown - in an average lifetime none of those would happen.

Also been to first book auction since March with bidding in the room - ridiculously strong prices on most lots with almost guaranteed losses built in so bought very little. Did buy one online a few days earlier for a third of the price it sold for and consigned that one to the next sale.


New member
May 24, 2013
good onya wilbers , must feel like a new man !!! and a book auction to boot , things are looking brighter for you .:cool:


New member
May 24, 2013
a bit of fun , Karl comes from Queensland , a couple weeks ago he had a go at our Premier about keeping our border shut to New South Wales . good onya Karl !!!:eek:

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Hey fellas, how's it going? Hope you are all safe and sound.

I've had a month from hell, but thankfully I'm on the mend and starting to feel like myself again finally now that I'm coming off of all the meds (was having some nasty panic attacks along the way).

Anyways just wanted to say thanks for all the good vibes you sent my way and to make sure you all are faring better than me.

Like I said, things are much better now and I feel like I'm starting to get my mojo back.


New member
May 24, 2013
bloody great Jeff , i`ve been thinking of you , just stay safe my mate . great vid ,seeing you playing the guitar is music to my ears and eyes . i`ll put a little smile on your dial , i`ll tell you what stupid idea came to noggin . i thought as i`m going to buy the PS5 and the XBOX Series X , why not trade my PS4 PRO and XBOX 1 X now , because if i trade them in when the new consoles come out , i might get bugger all for them . so i went into the city for the first time in over 6 months , i got $871 for the trade on credit . i was over the moon , i still have my old XBOX1S console , so i`ll be using that till i get my hands on the new consoles .so happy for you Jeff . you topped a great day for me , first with the trade and then coming home and seeing you strumming the guitar , can`t get much better :cool::cool:


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Glad to hear your are feeling better. Always enjoy that’s style of blues playing. I like how that guitar shows the edge of the maple top instead of a binding. A very cool natural look that works just as well visually instead of binding.

Just ordered myself a new guitar. I’ll post a pic when it shows up. It’s on backorder right now. I don’t want to say anymore, I’m afraid I’ll jinx it.

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