The gal on the right look exactly like the Kristin Wiig character on SNL for the Lawrence Welk skits, where she has the tiny doll hands and big ol' forehead.
1975 painting of Jean-Claude Meynard.
ok extork mang, i only discovered this guy thru wired today, but omg is his sh*t sick...integrated oscilloscope-stage display showing the ravey-drum-bass tones he's generating, a real musicio-scientist! knocks me out!
sorry i'm too old-fogey for dub-step (even skinny puppy's latest tries at it leave me a bit cold); this shix is more in-between industrial, drum-bass and ebm to me...
i hadn't been this knocked out by a "youtube find" since kutiman - they may both "not doing anything new", but just doing it their way - somehow really rings awesome in my ears!