The Random Thought Thread

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
Thanks for all the comments guys. I really need to get a real webpage done some day to post these and blog about them, even if it's to keep it going as a public diary on my efforts. For some of the objects, i have early pics so you can see there is real progression in all the tools I used (camera, scope, processing tools).

kolchak: You are pretty bang on. Usually it is between 22sec-30sec exposures, though sometimes depending on the location in the sky, I can stretch out a few frames at 42 seconds. My main imaging scope is also an 8" SCT, the Celestron CPC800. Most of the pictures above were taken with the Meade DSI2C, DSI3C and DSI3PRO. my DSI3C which I used to get the color info has died recently so I have to either look at another solution or stop being lazy and use the filters I have for the DSI3PRO LOL. That requires going outside in the bug filled summer days or the freezing cold summer nights.

"Outside?" Well yeah, as I mentioned in one of my previous messages, my observatory is my deck in the back of the house. when I decide to image, I get everything out before sundown, get all the wiring connected and everything done except installing the cameras. This includes all the cables that goes into the house via the patio door, then I use painters tape to tape the gap in the patio door (since I can't close it due to the cabling). The cabling includes the power cord to power the scope (for tracking/GPS purposes), one long serial to USB cable to connect to one laptop so that I can tell the scope what object to point to, another USB cable to connect the imaging camera to another laptop (too much for the old laptops to connect to just one). On the same laptop that images, I also do some quick post processing to ensure the data is good WHILE i actually get the data. Finally one more cable that connects to the focuser I have installed on my visual back. This is one of the most important pieces I've added to my scope. Ugh? Well yeah, before it would be me outside telling my wife who's at the computer "ok, is it in focus now" (while I turn the focus knob) with her replying "I can't see a difference". This would repeat with great frustration all the time and some success some of the time. Keep in mind, the success of getting great subs is directly tied to the quest for near perfect focus. There is more to it than that (ie: how's the seeing conditions? Transparency? etc) but focus is sooo important.

Now, I just point the laptop towards the patio door and do a rough focus that at least shows near pinpoint stars, then I go in and finish it off myself using the focus remote. That final focus adjustment needed was a divorce waiting to happen, wife kept getting frustrated, I kept getting frustrated, etc. Now, it's no longer an issue, she's fired but happy :)

Indeed I do stack as much as possible. I'm not a perfectionist though, because if I was I'd have installed the wedge mount I bought along with this scope I think 13 years ago? But the wedge point aren't perfect for the CPC800 and I've done well with the alt-az imaging so I guess it feels too comfortable to get away from. One of the big challenges is in the Ottawa valley, its not always automatic to have decent weather so when I do have the time to image (maybe 2-3 times per YEAR), I don't want to waste my time. When I imaged last month with the scope, it was the first time in 15 months! In saying that well I'm retiring in 4 months so having that available time is going to be enticing :)

I also have an 80mm refractor that I had intention of putting on top of the scope so that I could use it for autoguiding purposes. It's been in storage for the ten years I've had it, I should just sell it lol

I don't have a solar scope yet, looked at the PST often, probably some day because thats the one target we could look at every friggin week :)

So my really good CPC800 (dubbed Seymore... cause it allows me to... see ... more... yuk yuk) is mostly used for imaging. But what to do for just viewing? Well a couple of years ago I bought this off a local amateur astronomer who bought it off the guy that made it. 16" of goodness and monstrosity built into one magical package. Paid a really good price for it too!

I present to you... GIGANTOR!!! take a good look, the sucker is even on WHEELS!!!



p.s. yeah when pointed to the zenith (straight up) I do need to use a ladder lol
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New member
May 24, 2013
there are some low life bastards in the world. this mongrel trying to take our loved reptiles . so glad our albino blue tongue got a great home .:cool:


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Gigantor made me laugh. I’ve looked through some scopes where you need to use a rolling ladder to get to the eyepiece. The views are so bright and fantastic. But I’ll never buy one. They are a pretty costly investment and a little bit of a hassle to store and setup. I’m pretty lazy and I know I wouldn’t use it as much as I should. But I sure love seeing them at star parties. Saw a guy bring one to a viewing party in a small horse trailer once. Think it was a 23 incher. Dumbbell nebula was so amazing through it.
I’d love to see what you could do with that 80mm refractor. I’m guessing you could get some pretty wide field of view shots. Andromeda pics with a scope like that always impress me.
Thanks for taking the time to explain your setup.
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The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
The 80mm refractor I have is NOT the ED80, which is well known for astro-photography. Although it would be decent for viewing the moon, I'm not so sure on deep sky objects.

There's a guy that has a 1 meter scope around where I live. I'm not tried it but I can't image such a beast. I mean 36"+ ??

With Gigantor, I can take it apart and put back together in 15min so totally portable. Since it is a Do-IT-Yourself, it was a lot cheaper. It has a telerad finder, a cray (I think?) focuser, the primary has a fan and the eyepiece has a heater, both plug in via cigarette lighter adapter. The clincher? it cost me something like $400 USD.
Can't beat that for that aperture!


New member
May 24, 2013
loafer and Kolchak i wagged too much school , but i`m learning from you guys , thanks .:cool: on a sad note . us Greeks are a funny mob , we are taught from a young age to respect our elders , even if they are not related you still call them Auntie and Uncle and you treat them as your own . yesterday we were all sobbing at the deaths in all the nursing homes and especially St. Basil`s . even the minister Jenny Mikakos broke down .


New member
May 24, 2013
this is what happens when you have bloody dipsticks that don`t follow rules , they went everywhere in Brisbane , the one you saw in the start of the vid , i walk past everyday . and there was another shop close by as well . bloody idiots , had to close 2 schools and nursing homes and track and trace everyone . that`s only what 2 people started .


New member
May 24, 2013
every afternoon we are briefed by federal doctors , no pollies , just the docs who run our show , thank god .:cool:


New member
May 24, 2013
this is my daily routine , Dad usually sleeps till 9-00 am , i take off at 6-30 am on my walk and usually finish just after 8-30 am . i have pack pack witch has my medications , umbrella , 1 tube and 1 bottle of hand sanitizer and wipes . all my banking is done at a teller machine where i use my wipes and then the hand sanitizer . all my shopping is done at Woolies on the way home . i just grab a few items i need , no basket , through the self serve . they provide hand sanitizer going in and going out . have to be careful as Dad is not in the best nik . when i come home i take Dad for a walk around the block , then i shower him , we have breakfast , after that put on movies for Dad and i play games . our life is very routine . have to keep Dad away from everything and nearly everyone . when anyone comes no hugging or kissing anymore and 2 metres apart . i have only been to lunch twice in the last 6 months , once at my cousins place and once we went to lunch at the Greek yiros shop . i miss the Grandkids and my kids , haven`t seen them since january , only facetime .the border has been a mess , just waiting for things to settle down . that`s life .:cool:


Aug 8, 2018
Today marks the start of the pilot of limited crowds at certain UK sporting events, but snooker is the only one operating today. Boris Johnson just announced that it won't be happening from tomorrow onwards, so that only lasted a few hours.

You do have to feel sorry for the player who pulled out because he didn't want to play in front of an audience.


New member
May 24, 2013
Today marks the start of the pilot of limited crowds at certain UK sporting events, but snooker is the only one operating today. Boris Johnson just announced that it won't be happening from tomorrow onwards, so that only lasted a few hours.

You do have to feel sorry for the player who pulled out because he didn't want to play in front of an audience.
bloody hell wilbers , why the turn around by Boris ? :cool:


Aug 8, 2018
bloody hell wilbers , why the turn around by Boris ? :cool:

All of the easing in restrictions that would have happened on 1st August have been cancelled, and a few new ones are getting put in place next week. Greater Manchester has got more restrictions added again and its a really sunny day for once so parts of the south coast have gone a bit mad again

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