The Walking Dead


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Wow, looks fun. I hope there's a mode where i can peg Andrea in the face w/ an Apollo 13-esque multiball.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Looks great!
Let's hope it doesn't get boring like the tv show ^^

Ok... who wants this in TPA?
I sure do ^^


Staff member
May 8, 2012
In all the commentary I've listened to about this table, I'm really surprised that no one has raised the issue of Zen Studios and their already released The Walking Dead digital table.

Yes, the designs are different. But it is interesting to see that the studio said "Two different pinball games? Sure, why not", and didn't offer exclusivity to Zen.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
The Zen table is based upon the Travelers Tales video game, not the show.

Does anybody know who designed the stern table?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I think it's a John Borg design. Lyman doing the code.

At least that is what they are saying on Pinside.
Last edited:


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Looks cool. Decent art, interesting gimmicks and toys and looks like it should be a decently fast player with some good open areas. Can't wait to see some videos in action, especially the whole fishtank gimmick.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
While the layout doesn't grab me like the way Metallica did (love at first sight) I appreciate the original art. Nonetheless, as a bigger fan of the comic (which is black and white by the way) I can only fantasize what that version would look like. A modern re interpretation of Centaur? Jebus Freaken' Chrimeney!!!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Yeah, the pro jumped in price. But the LE is a tad cheaper than the Star Trek LE was.
I think the playfield looks super. But I guess we need some video to see what is really going on. I see the LE is using the same cannon thingy they used for the Austin Powers pin. Must have had some of them laying around the shop.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
To be honest, the playfield looks like every Jon Borg. Standard modern pin features - two flippers, bumpers, rollovers and orbits, one or two ramps, toy in the middle (that probably starts multiball, knowing him). I'm not saying his tables are bad but they never try anything new. Games like Avatar are so dull I can never play more than two games. Crossbow is slightly different, but is just a glorified cannon and, as has been pointed out, is taken from Austin Powers.

Don't like zombies much, anyway.


Mar 25, 2013
Like the theme and like the look. Hopefully it'll be available to play at the Chicago Pinball Expo this October. And have it for one of the Halloween tables in TPA next year. ;)


New member
May 10, 2012
To be honest, the playfield looks like every Jon Borg. Standard modern pin features - two flippers, bumpers, rollovers and orbits, one or two ramps, toy in the middle (that probably starts multiball, knowing him). I'm not saying his tables are bad but they never try anything new. Games like Avatar are so dull I can never play more than two games. Crossbow is slightly different, but is just a glorified cannon and, as has been pointed out, is taken from Austin Powers.

Don't like zombies much, anyway.

I think you just described every modern Stern pinball machine here, not just John Borg.
Yes, Steve Ritchie games usually have more flow and I tend to like them better in the long run, but John Borg playfields are a lot more varied than SR tables, in my view. He does have a big toy up the middle pretty often, but he is not alone in that regard.

TWD looks fun and a lot better than I expected. I like the artwork. (apart from the big AMC logo)
Btw: That's some huge ramps. The right ramp almost looks to long. If Lyman is doing the code, we might have a winner here.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I think you just described every modern Stern pinball machine here, not just John Borg.
Yes, Steve Ritchie games usually have more flow and I tend to like them better in the long run, but John Borg playfields are a lot more varied than SR tables, in my view. He does have a big toy up the middle pretty often, but he is not alone in that regard.

TWD looks fun and a lot better than I expected. I like the artwork. (apart from the big AMC logo)
Btw: That's some huge ramps. The right ramp almost looks to long. If Lyman is doing the code, we might have a winner here.

Point taken about Ritche, but I do get a lot more enjoyment out of his games than Jon's. Gomez generally tries new ideas but Avengers was a turkey. Mustang playfield feel a bit more unusual, with the target bank bang in the middle. I've only had one game on it, though.

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