It's the correct forum and we'll be increasing the size of the special buttons, some menus buttons, and the camera button as well as increasing the touch zones for the initial entry buttons.
FlippyFloppy, that's great to hear. Another missing menu item is the the option to turn scrolling view on or off.
Thanks for the continued support and keep bringing great tables to TPA! Looking forward to the update to fix these bugs.
FlippyFloppy, I just found another glitch and I'm not sure if it has been reported yet. I just beat the grand master table score on Taxi and after it completed I get no leader board popup to compare weekly or overall scores and all menu buttons are missing. I will have to exit the app and force close and open again.
Did the App freeze all together or did the Final Score screen not pop up?
This leads me into the next issue. When I turn tilt meter and ball control ON a check mark appears but in the options menu it seems like the tilt, multiball camera, and event camera settings are turned on with the yellow circle. While invert nudge and show touch scheme are off with the yellow circle. I understand why the settings can be interpreted as such but they aren't universal between pro menu and options menu. I will share photos if requested. I don't think this is a bug.
It is a bug. It was reported during the UI beta run on PC that several of the switch settings were backwards to what they actually did, but nothing was done about it.
I just played a game of Pin-Bot and hit a high-score of 10 million plus, and entered my initials as usual, but all the highscores read “9,999,999.” Is that a new quirk? It’s been awhile since I’ve played Pin-Bot and done well enough to have to put in my initials.
I just played a game of Pin-Bot and hit a high-score of 10 million plus, and entered my initials as usual, but all the highscores read “9,999,999.” Is that a new quirk? It’s been awhile since I’ve played Pin-Bot and done well enough to have to put in my initials.
Don't know why, but the app is just closing on me mid-game. This is only happening in the new ui and since I bought the new season. Happened twice on No Fear and Judge Dread. Not stoked.
Seems to happen whenever you complete a goal in your second game, something like this. That was a major shocker when I reached the Billionaire club on Bride of Pinbot and the app just crashed.As I have to redo all goals after a reinstall on my iPad, I have stopped playing.
Also, I have the same issue that sometimes the game ends and I cannot start a new one (MM and Totan).
Cool if the fix is coming. Now the app isn't uploading the scores to the leaderboards and I'm having the same issue as JefferyD mentioned regarding having to reboot after entering initials. All the buttons disappear. Woo hoo.There is a known issue with crashing when goals are achieved - FS are working on a fix. I believe a patch was already released for Steam, mobile is probably just around the corner.
That's awful about losing your high score and goals. I gave up on the app for a long time as it was acting glitchy with the frame rate which made the pins unplayable.Seems to happen whenever you complete a goal in your second game, something like this. That was a major shocker when I reached the Billionaire club on Bride of Pinbot and the app just crashed.As I have to redo all goals after a reinstall on my iPad, I have stopped playing.
Also, I have the same issue that sometimes the game ends and I cannot start a new one (MM and Totan).