Timed Tournament?


New member
Jan 7, 2013
What exactly does the '20 minutes per session' mean?
Is that 20 minutes per table for the whole tournament?
Or 20 minutes a day for all 8 tables?
Or 20 minutes for all tables totally within the two weeks?

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Haunted House is also one of the Tournament tables - which on Android has an unlimited scoring bug (cradle a ball on the attic left flipper - dodgy switch sends score up continuously) which has been reported in the bugs thread several times.


Haunted House is also one of the Tournament tables - which on Android has an unlimited scoring bug (cradle a ball on the attic left flipper - dodgy switch sends score up continuously) which has been reported in the bugs thread several times.

yes, but with a 20 minute time limit the scoring bug that produce ~1000 points every 3 seconds will only score a max of 400,000 points within the 20:00 time limit, which makes the scoring bug hardly exploitable in a timed tournament.

I did an experiment with it last night to time out the amount of points it gives and extrapolated the maximum possible in the time allotted.

1 good ball can score that much and more in far less time.

to anser the OP question: You get 20: minutes maximum per table, and the standard FS tourney rules apply. Unlimited entries, highest score gets new point value, etc.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
It's not even 20 minutes per table, it's 20 minutes per game. Pretty ridiculous I think. Last time I had a 20 minute long game was on theatre of magic, not on one of the gottliebs...

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
It's not even 20 minutes per table, it's 20 minutes per game. Pretty ridiculous I think. Last time I had a 20 minute long game was on theatre of magic, not on one of the gottliebs...
Not at all ridiculous for some tables. People can and have played Ripley's, Scared Stiff, and Twilight Zone for 5 hours or longer on a single game.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Not at all ridiculous for some tables. People can and have played Ripley's, Scared Stiff, and Twilight Zone for 5 hours or longer on a single game.

One of the things I don't like about virtual pinball. In real life you'd never be able to do that, standing up for that long to start with...


New member
Jan 29, 2013
I was into the new format until I finished my first game of Class of 1812 (took about 6 minutes) and was excited to see how many more games i could squeeze into the remaining time trying to top my score. So I start a new game, and ... the timer has reset to 20 minutes.

So, this new format doesn't really address the "unlimited entry" issue at all. Someone can still grind away at unlimited 20-minute games to try and top their previous score for 2 weeks. I can see how the time limit is a help if they are unable to get tournament modes to work (eliminating extra balls) but I really wish they would limit the absolute play time to something reasonable (not 336 hours) or have a credit limit...the best part of tournaments for me is the pressure of having to score well on a certain individual game. Maybe it's just me though :)


the best part of tournaments for me is the pressure of having to score well on a certain individual game.

Enjoy the pressure of trying to get LITZ as well as at least one regulation Mb and a powerball mania in 20 minutes on TZ then :D

Or alternatively enjoy the pressure of trying to top 50 M and run the timer out on Class of 1812

That's a completely different strategy of play tho, isn't it.

How I wish we could get HoF-points in tournaments. Just broke 2M on HH...

You've got it locked then :D I choked after my first ball. Still have only done one run of one game on each table last night.
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New member
Aug 10, 2012
One of the things I don't like about virtual pinball. In real life you'd never be able to do that, standing up for that long to start with...

Um. Standing for 5 hours really isn't that hard. Unless you're told to stand absolutely still. Plus in pinball you're leaning on the table



New member
Sep 9, 2013
Um. Standing for 5 hours really isn't that hard. Unless you're told to stand absolutely still. Plus in pinball you're leaning on the table


Standing in the one place for five hours is REALLY tough on the feet. It does depend on the type of floor, though. Ever seen the images of the Stern factory where the players stand on sheets of cardboard? I think that's to soften the floor. I even struggle with regular pinball tournaments, with breaks. I do have flat feet though.

I suppose my main point was that pinball doesn't have a pause button, unless you count the start of a ball, or if a loaded ball doesn't fire automatically when you lock a ball etc. But even that wouldn't work outside of a home environment.

I'm sure there are some people out there that can do five hour games of real pinball, but their number will be considerably smaller than those on TPA.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Back in high school and college I worked as a cashier at a few places. Standing in one place for four hours without a break was the norm. During Christmas time and big sales it wasn't unusual to work for 6 hours or more without a break. Good places had rubber mats to stand on. Bad places had thin industrial carpeting stretched over concrete. Someone in Ok physical shape can do it with no problem. Just sore feet and legs at the end of the day.


Hmm, just got this screen after a 1.4B game on TZ?

Edit: picture too small, anyway, it says times up and 0 points.

Edit2: score got posted.
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I suppose my main point was that pinball doesn't have a pause button...
Actually, Twilight Zone with the V9.4H or V9.4CH ROM does have a pause feature. Cradle a ball in either flipper, then press the Extra Ball button. The music will stop. Once it does, you can let go of the flipper button and the game will hold it for you for up to 15 minutes (the limit is there to keep the coil from burning up). Press the Extra Ball button again to resume.

TPA's TZ uses the V9.2 ROM, so don't try this with TPA.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
So, this new format doesn't really address the "unlimited entry" issue at all. Someone can still grind away at unlimited 20-minute games to try and top their previous score for 2 weeks.

Hey, at least it's an attempt at making things better! The problem before was that some of those scores just flat out became unobtainable once you realized how long you'd have to play to beat them. Therefore you'd give up playing all together. With 20 minutes, you know where the end is. If you are able to last the full time, you have a much better barometer of seeing just how off from the top score you really are.

When we do five minute challenges in the chat room, scores can be wildly different, and it's all about figuring out how to score the most in a given period of time. That means you might just have to change your usual strategy of playing the table. Perfect example is Creature...do you try and get unlimited millions on the left ramp and maximize that way, or do you try and get multiball (which can be time consuming) and then go for jackpots? Jackpots for sure will boost the score, but if you miss them and go back to single ball mode, you're now way behind in points to the guy that was going for easy millions. So it's all about strategy and maximizing points.

First though, you gotta be able to hit the 20 minute mark.

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