timeframe on dx11

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Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
Mike ... we really appreciate it. I think most of us here in this thread would agree that once you go portrait .... you never go back. Those of us who have gone portait have dropped some cash into our setups and the dx11 update will be a true game changer and a much anticipated upgrade to our homemade simulated pinball machine setups.


I just said to myself "wow" that would be amazing to see. Talk about utilizing an older tv you've always wanted to upgrade. Here's an excuse! :p


Great job Mike!


Nov 15, 2013
Portrait is the only way to play. Hell, I didn't even install the top shelf on my desk because when I flip my monitor, it doesn't fit.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
If portrait isn't working, maybe the guy with the custom camera thing could get it up and running? Or at least let us take a peek if it's deemed too buggy for FS to allow for it?


New member
Apr 15, 2015
Will the post processing bug be fixed with the direct x 11 update? Currently TPA gives me a horrible jaggy image when post processing is turned on. I think it's tied to the fact I'm in portrait mode at 1024x1280. I'm using a gtx 750 ti w/ a i5 3570K, plenty overhead for this game. Hoping with dx11 portrait mode (re-added) this bug will finally be fixed. Anyone else using 1024x1280 get this bug on the normal TPA?

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
Will the post processing bug be fixed with the direct x 11 update? Currently TPA gives me a horrible jaggy image when post processing is turned on. I think it's tied to the fact I'm in portrait mode at 1024x1280. I'm using a gtx 750 ti w/ a i5 3570K, plenty overhead for this game. Hoping with dx11 portrait mode (re-added) this bug will finally be fixed. Anyone else using 1024x1280 get this bug on the normal TPA?

The same happens for me using 720p. I have roughly the 860m card and the game looks flawlessly in my 1080p monitor. So I always assumed it was just a low resolution to handle the post-process

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012

Have you and your team determined if a public beta is necessary? If so, will it be rolled out before you research/develop Portrait support?



New member
Apr 25, 2014
A really big thank you to Mike Reitmeyer for the info and even more for all your hard work. We really appreciate you!

Where can the DX11 option be seen on the steam version? I played last night but didnt see

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
I need to discuss with management how they want me to handle the release and/or public beta.

I wanted to get all the major bugs fixed so everything looks good before trying portrait. I'm hoping it won't be much work. Unless something major pops up today I might get to it today, if not tomorrow.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
A really big thank you to Mike Reitmeyer for the info and even more for all your hard work. We really appreciate you!

Where can the DX11 option be seen on the steam version? I played last night but didnt see

It's not available yet. When you click play, it should bring up a dialog with 3 options that say play dx9, dx11 or config utility. The DX11 one will give you an error, since the executable is not there yet.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Ok thnx I Mike Im gonna have a look I played a bunch of season 4 last night but that option never came up for me.

Off topic but I just want to say the level of polish on new tables is increasing noticeably IMO. Season 4 has played great for me so far on PC.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
It's not available yet. When you click play, it should bring up a dialog with 3 options that say play dx9, dx11 or config utility. The DX11 one will give you an error, since the executable is not there yet.

You only get that if you click "Play" from within Steam (or select the game from the Steam systray icon?)

If you use a desktop shortcut, you won't get the menu, since that points directly to the .exe.

So for anyone who wants to default to DX11, I assume they're going to need to create a new shortcut.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
If you need to create a shortcut when it comes out, just point it to PinballArcade11.exe instead of PinballArcade.exe. Both will be in the same folder.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Tension is getting more intense by the minute...I already opened the shortcut properties and changed it to 11.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Maybe a new pinball is in order:




New member
Jan 26, 2014
Yes, the intensity makes me feel tense :p

I had the feeling my english was a bit off there :p

still: soooo exited for this. finally had time to test noexe's cam mod which is freakin awesome. if all is out I'm so gonna play the hell out of this game (again).
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