Tony Hawk HD

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Anyone pull the trigger (or planning to when it hits PS3/PC)? I'm tempted.....I thought the first two THPS games were the best of the series, and I was a big fan back in the day, so I'll probably end up getting this eventually.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Im at a campsite without internet (but with 360 hehe), or I wouldve gotten it as I was a major 2/3 fan. However reviews (from people also loving that franchise) have been lackluster so I might keep the 1200 bucks in my pocket or buying something else. As its made in unrealengne I do wonder how the physics and controls feel. Also no Revert is a bit sucky (although I did learn to like to grind and transfer-jump to keep combo's up. Apparantly revert will e introduced in DLC, but that makes the price of entry only hight.

Go have a look at, they have a quicklook where you can see them play it, and check out what levels they included.

Now keeping my fingers crossed for the other sunner of arcade releases.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
I got it on wed & I'm really enjoying it, if you liked the first two games then you should like it. I do miss the revert, and the graphics look a bit dated but it is still great fun.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I downloaded the demo, and that was enough for me. It has lackluster graphics, which only move at 30 fps, and they didn't include all levels from TH 1 and 2 - just the "best" ones. I haven't played the originals in years, but I remember that the Warehouse and Hanger (which were both really similar) were hardly the "best" levels. You're better off getting THPS 2X, which is one of the few original XBox titles compatible with the 360, has all the levels of 1 and 2 (plus a few exclusive ones) and you can probably find it cheaper than $15. Save your 1200 points for the TPA downloads, whenever that will be.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Back home for a week, so I dowloaded the demo. Played for an hour, deleted it and bought Captain America and Fantastic Four for Zen. It wasnt horrible as such...just very mediocre and not worth 15 bucks imo. Had a lot more fun with Cap (didnt play F4 much yet).


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I'll probably pick it up for the ps3 after it comes out for it. I think I've owned every tony hawk through THUG 2.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
I bought it blind, and I regret it. This game is basically half of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X, which is compatible with the Xbox 360, and I bought years ago. Sure, it might not have HD graphics, but at least it has ALL the levels from the first two games.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I wish I could find a cheap copy of 2X....but even is sold out.

Oh well, I'll just stick to Skate might be too weird to go back to THPS after playing Skate 1-3 for so long anyway.

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