Too much In-Your-FaceBook

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New member
May 18, 2012
Each time I fire-up TPA I get this sign-in FaceBook option, or 'play as guest'. And now even a question is asked if I want to put my high score on FaceBook! No, I don't want to do that. I don't like FaceBook, I have no reason to like it, and no-one should have an excuse or reason to like FB either. All FB wants is to know every little detail about you so that they an make money from your personal information. Why is it that no matter what I do online, even if I want to buy a piece of soap, I get bombarded with too much In-Your-FaceBook questions. A shame that I can't even play a decent game of pinball without been asked at least 2 times about FB. SO, my point is, what is the problem for an option within TPA where we can make a choice to switch on or off FB questions. Because, believe it or not, there are still people on this planet 'that do not like FB'!
Thank you for reading. Please post your comments on FaceBook.
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Judi Chop

New member
May 10, 2012
Hey man i get it im not a fan of facebook either, but the thing is hundreds of millions of other people are. Can you really blame farsight for integrating their game with something that popular. At the end of the day all you have to do is click "no" to the facebook request and be done with it. They've already now added their own new login not through facebook, just don't see how this is something that frustrates people so much. Not trying to start an argument just don't get the holier than though complex over facebook with people nowadays. Its just good business practice having it in there.
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