Top 10 Pinball Arcade Machines So Far!


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Okay,now that I've finally bought all the tables for iOS,and given them some decent play - here are my top 10 and why:

1: Attack From Mars - This was the game I was always looking to play whenever I saw pinballs either at a truck stop or at an arcade. My love of Sci-Fi and the fact that even today it is fun to play makes this my easy No.1 . This pin being announced for TPA is what made me get the game in the first place.

2: Medieval Madness - Yes, I know that it is a lot like AFM. So what??? It's still a blast to play,and it happens to be the table that my friends who aren't into pinball like I am know the best.

3: Scared Stiff - See above. This so far is the only table I have the Pro version of - and it was worth it.

4: Creature from the Black Lagoon - Again,see above. Yes,it is an easier pin. But I mostly play for fun and this table has it in spades! MOVE YOUR CAR!!!

5: Star Trek: The Next Generation - Keeping with the Sci-Fi theme...there is just so much to do on this pin.Fun to play - and the fact that I am a Trekkie helps here (side note - just saw Marina Sirtis at ConnectiCon and she was awesome!)

6: Theatre of Magic - I was never good at this pin IRL.But with all of the different gadgets,things to do,and shots to make - it always kept me coming back for more...

7: Big Shot - I bought that pack for SS only - thinking I'd never play this pin more than once or twice. Was I ever wrong! I've probably spent more time playing this pin (other than AFM) than any other. It's very addicting & it make me look at the older pinball tables in a different light.

8: The Machine: Bride of Pin*Bot I HATED the original table. (Mostly because I'm horrible at playing it.) Playing this was a pleasant surprise and still fun to play today.

9: Centaur - This is a table that I've never played IRL,but on TPA it's a lot of fun.Beautiful,challenging,and different make this pin get into my Top 10.

10: {Tie} Black Hole/Twilight Zone - If I had taken this poll back when it first started,than BH would have been my clear cut choice. I spent hours playing this on the 360 - and finally beating Wizard Mode on it makes this a favorite of mine.

As for TZ, I love the theme of the table,but out of all the pins in TPA that I've played IRL - this is the hardest by far,and not much fun to play.Being able to spend time (and not $$$) with it on TPA had shown me why most of you like to play it. After AFM,probably the one I'm most looking forward to playing when the 360 gets updated.

Just missing my top 10 - Firepower,Funhouse,Genie,Monster Bash,Taxi

And finally,for the hell of bottom three,in no particular order:

Harley-Davidson - As fun as Taxi is in that table pack,HD is not. I'm just not feeling it.

Pin*Bot - My stance has somewhat changed on this pin,but not enough to keep it out of my bottom three.

Cirqus Voltaire - It was a toss up between this and NGG... But I think that I haven't given the latter enough of a chance yet,and I'm still learning on how to play it. As for the former - I really can't think of a single reason why I don't like it - other than the theme (and that's iffy.) I'm just not feeling the love for this pin,even after multiple plays. Maybe somebody can explain to me why I should like/care about this pin...

Anyways,there are my picks.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
I only have six tables, and my list would go like this:

1. Cirqus Voltaire
2. Theatre of Magic
3. Funhouse
4. Ripley's Believe it or Not!
5. Tales of the Arabian Nights
6. Black Hole


Jul 16, 2013
1. Scared Stiff
2. Tales of the Arabian Nights
3. Theatre of Magic
4. Medieval Madness
5. Attack from Mars
6. Cirqus Voltaire
7. Elvira & the Party Monsters
8. Twilight Zone
9. Bride of Pinbot
10. Dr. Dude

My least favorites are easily:

1. Centaur
2. Gorgar
3. Genie
4. Black Knight
5. Black Hole


New member
Jul 27, 2012
My current Top 10:

1. White Water
2. Twilight Zone
3. Attack From Mars
4. Medieval Madness
5. Bride of Pin*Bot
6. Taxi
7. Elvira and the Party Monsters
8. No Good Gofers
9. Creature from the Black Lagoon
10. Big Shot

Least favorite 5:

Central Park
Black Knight
Cirqus Voltaire


May 10, 2013
Current Top 10:

Big Shot
Monster Bash
Attack From Mars
Cactus Canyon
Space Shuttle
Black Hole
Bride of Pin*Bot

Least likely to play:

Arabian Nights
Dr. Dude
White Water
Central Park (for some reason my ears seem over-sensitive to the ringing sounds.)
Pin*Bot (I like it but I get tired of typing in my initials in for the high scores; wish they’d fix that.)


New member
Feb 28, 2013
Aggregated Top Ten after 22 voters:

rank. Game (total points, change in ranking since 7/5)

1. Attack from Mars (131.88, +0)
2. Medieval Madness (106.88, +0)
3. Monster Bash (84.88, +0)
4. White Water (65.5, +0)
5. Twilight Zone (63.5, +2)
6. Theatre of Magic (61.0, +0)
6. Star Trek (61.0, -1)
8. Centaur (60.0, +0)
9. Scared Stiff (57.0, +1)
10. Tales of the Arabian Nights (49.38, -1)

- I didn't count Punisher's rankings, as six out of only six tables owned would skew the results too much - post again after you've bought more tables! :)


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I was going to participate but I don't think I can. I trimmed out 10-12 or so and I couldn't cut anymore from my list. Had about 20 tables and I couldn't even rank them. So many good ones. Would be easier to rank my bottom 10.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
1. Attack from Mars
2. Twilight Zone
3. Medieval Madness
4. Theatre of Magic
5. Whirlwind
6. Monster Bash
7. Centaur
8. Pinbot
9. Champion Pub
10.Tales of the Arabian Nights


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
1. White Water
2. Twilight Zone
3. Flight 2000
4. Whirlwind
5. Big Shot
6. Attack From Mars
7. Pin*Bot
8. Centaur
9. Space Shuttle
10. No Good Gofers


Apr 12, 2012
Hmmm, top 10?

1) Funhouse
2) Attack From Mars
3) Medieval Madness
4) Theatre of Magic
5) Monster Bash
6) Elvira and the Party Monsters
7) Creature from the Black Lagoon
8) Scared Stiff
10) Whitewater

Bottom 4:
1) Genie
2) Black Knight
3) Black Hole
4) Cirqus Voltaire


New member
Sep 27, 2012
1. monster bash - I love this game so much.
2. medieval madness - keeps me coming back
3. attack from mars - such a classic
4. centaur - this machine beats me up often, however once in awhile it lets me shine
5. champion pub - haven't played it on ps3 yet, however I have played a lot IRL
6. scared stiff - good easy fun
7. whirlwind - same as #5
8. gorgar - this machine kicks my butt, im gonna get that 1,000,000 pts. someday
9. Elvira and the party monsters - this is the machine that I play when I want to "grind" (usually end up failing)
10. twilight zone - great machine, it would of been ranked higher but i'm not much into "stop & go" tables. still a great challenge.
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New member
Jul 23, 2013
My currently Top Ten:

-Monster Bash (probably my fav table!)
-Medieval Madness
-Twighlight Zone
-Attack from Mars
-Scared Stiff
-Theatre Of Magic
-Star Trek TNG
-Creature From The BlacK Lagoon
-White Water (from hate to love...Elvira has gone :))

The right outlane of White Water drive me crazy and now I know how to handle it and have fun and better scores!
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New member
Jul 20, 2012
Top Ten:

1. Firepower
2. Space Shuttle
3. Big Shot
4. Attack From Mars
5. Central Park
6. Doctor Dude
7. Medieval Madness
8. Tales of the Arabian Nights
9. Black Hole
10. Funhouse

FP is probably for nostalgic reasons but I still love the pin. I can't believe how much more fun SpaceShuttle is on TPA compared to PHOF; reminds me of why I would seek it out in the arcades. BS is one of the most fun EMs I have ever played. AFM...while I am not a huge fan of DMDs, this one is a lot of fun. CP...I am a masochist. DD...totally addictive gameplay, once you anesthetize yourself to the silly noises. MM has always been fun for me, and I love Tina Fey and the TROLLS. TOTAN is a genuine classic. BH...didn't like it at first, but then played it on PS3, and I was was wowed. FH..because I like being called names by talking plastic heads.

Least favorite, by a country mile, is Harley Davidson 3ed. And that pains me to say that since I ride one.


Nov 23, 2013
Whats wrong with HD. But I have the need for speed :). We seem to have the opposite taste. Firepower is by far the worst table of season 1 and 2. If I am nostalgic it´s to relatively modern tables like medieval madness. Many of the tables is still quite fresh some games is initially fun but get old soon and some grows. Currently whirlwind, ripley believe it or not may be some of my favourites. championship pub and the golf themed tables no good goofers and tee´d off is really not bad either. Wonder if I don´t enjoy tee´d off even better :)


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Top Ten:

1. Firepower
2. Space Shuttle
3. Big Shot
4. Attack From Mars
5. Central Park
6. Doctor Dude
7. Medieval Madness
8. Tales of the Arabian Nights
9. Black Hole
10. Funhouse

FP is probably for nostalgic reasons but I still love the pin. I can't believe how much more fun SpaceShuttle is on TPA compared to PHOF; reminds me of why I would seek it out in the arcades. BS is one of the most fun EMs I have ever played. AFM...while I am not a huge fan of DMDs, this one is a lot of fun. CP...I am a masochist. DD...totally addictive gameplay, once you anesthetize yourself to the silly noises. MM has always been fun for me, and I love Tina Fey and the TROLLS. TOTAN is a genuine classic. BH...didn't like it at first, but then played it on PS3, and I was was wowed. FH..because I like being called names by talking plastic heads.

Least favorite, by a country mile, is Harley Davidson 3ed. And that pains me to say that since I ride one.

I had no idea Tina Fey was on MM. You learn something new every day!

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
1. WhiteWater - love the flow of this game. It's just so perfectly balanced and fun to play.
2. Medieval Madness - the rulesets, the humor.
3. Arabian Nights - Innovative gimmicks and a genuinly fun and generous table
4. Theatre of Magic - Quite simple but brilliant
5. Attack from Mars - same as MM
6. No good gofers - Love all the different things you can do
7. Champion Pub - Fun theme
8. Twilight zone - Great, but I am surprised I don't play it very often.
9. Star trek - Love the table but can't seem to get that Wow-feeling about it.
10. Creature of the black lagoon - Like the theme and it has a nice flow to it.

Cactus Canyon would be up here as well but it is just too drainy to be fun. Love the theme and the gadgets and such, if it would just a bit adjusted it would be top-5! It interrupts all the sense of flow when you have a really great ball interrupted to many times from completely unsaveable SDTM and outlanes.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
In order of best first:

1. Space Shuttle
2. BOP
3. Centaur
4. Big shot
5. Blackhole
6. Gorgar
7. Pinbot
8. MM
9. AFM
10. Firepower


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
You guys might be interested in The Pinball Arcade table ratings thread. : D The current top ten as voted in the 110 entries received to date (with their average score from 1-10) are:

The Pinball Arcade table ratings
1. 8.75 — Medieval Madness
2. 8.59 — Monster Bash
3. 8.52 — The Twilight Zone
4. 8.46 — Attack from Mars
5. 8.34 — Theatre of Magic
6. 8.06 — Terminator 2: Judgment Day
7. 7.82 — White Water
8. 7.81 — Star Trek: The Next Generation
9. 7.53 — Taxi
10. 7.44 — Tales of the Arabian Nights


Nov 23, 2013
1. WhiteWater - love the flow of this game. It's just so perfectly balanced and fun to play.
2. Medieval Madness - the rulesets, the humor.
3. Arabian Nights - Innovative gimmicks and a genuinly fun and generous table
4. Theatre of Magic - Quite simple but brilliant
5. Attack from Mars - same as MM
6. No good gofers - Love all the different things you can do
7. Champion Pub - Fun theme
8. Twilight zone - Great, but I am surprised I don't play it very often.
9. Star trek - Love the table but can't seem to get that Wow-feeling about it.
10. Creature of the black lagoon - Like the theme and it has a nice flow to it.

Cactus Canyon would be up here as well but it is just too drainy to be fun. Love the theme and the gadgets and such, if it would just a bit adjusted it would be top-5! It interrupts all the sense of flow when you have a really great ball interrupted to many times from completely unsaveable SDTM and outlanes.

Star Trek is drainy like hell for me much more so then Cactus Canyon :). White water feels to simple and booring to me but I am still learning. As for firepower I tried to disable the sound from it and listen to music. It was then actually quite playable. Super simple but then that´s good when trying to enjoy music.

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