Top 3 Showdown: Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

Vote for a Pre-1980 Table

  • Fireballâ„¢

    Votes: 47 13.1%
  • Paragonâ„¢

    Votes: 149 41.6%
  • Xenonâ„¢

    Votes: 162 45.3%

  • Total voters

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Did you not read my post on the last page? Enough of this sort of jibber jabber. I usually don't mind the back and forth if it's done in good humor (as it usually is) but y'all are taking it too far. Like I said......chiiiiill. It's only pinball :)

Thanx for saying "to chill out". These specific statements were going too far eh.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
New poll from FarSight, same vote from me-Paragon.

Seriously, why are we doing this again? Did someone complain about confusing ballots or hanging chads? Will this eventually end up before the U.S. Supreme Court?


New member
Jun 30, 2013
Maybe a double pack with Xenon and Paragon and charge us the same price as a single table!
This. Also, if you voted Xenon or Paragon in the first round, only to switch sides, you're wishy-washy. Xenon for me, baby. Only behind 3 votes atm. 2 now that I've cast my ballot. Also can we get uncensored playfields in TPA / After Dark? Pretty Please? :rolleyes:


New member
May 10, 2012
I actually think that it is ok to have a final top 3 voting. That way, those who voted for the less popular titles have another chance to have a saying. Besides, voting is fun ;)

Hope they call it off while Paragon is still on top :)

Not to sure that second place equals a place in tpa later. 8 ball De Luxe and Seawich came in second place the last time. That was a long time ago and it does not look like they will be in there soon. (hope I am wrong, of course)


New member
Jan 9, 2013
always a firm believer in the maxim of say what you mean and mean what you say..... i voted Xenon, and i'd do it again, and again and again. i simply don't see why you'd vote xenon in round 1 and then flip-flop in round 2.... unless you have absolutely no conviction in your beliefs.... now had Space Invaders been up for nomination......

sorry to all the xenon haters but c'mon guys, just respect the democratic process and the views expressed that are not shared by you.... and respect the outcome and final decision

my reason for voting Xenon is quite simply the powerful draw of nostalgia; i don't care that xenon is deemed a one-trick-pony by the flipperati here, i just want to be delighted by a time-trip back to my misspent youth in the arcades circa 1980. every other table on the first round list was a complete unknown to me and starts me shuddering and the thought of another Genie, Going Nuts, Central Park.

HOWEVER, peace & brotherly love to all...whatever the outcome

Montgomery Gabrys

New member
Mar 20, 2012
re: baby pics : Think about them much? Must be payday at Neverland Ranch.

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Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Just a hunch, but I bet we'll probably see all three of these eventually so just chill peeps. :)

I hope that you are right,Jeff. All three are very worthy of being in TPA. But,honestly - Xenon is in all likelihood getting into the game anyway. It's been highly requested,both here & on FB and its a good early 80s SS table.

Look,I blame FS for this kind of debacle. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm very supportive of them,and usually see the glass as half full. The poll should have been for an EM table,period. That would have taken any problems/issues out of the equation. You could have the people who really care about getting more EMs in TPA voting for the table that they really wanted. (Not to mention the release date of certain pinball machines).

Now,unless Fireball makes a big comeback - you are going to get a SS game,albeit an early one. Both of them deserve to be here.

I stuck with my Paragon vote. I've played Xenon,and it's beautiful to look at - but Paragon plays better,IMO. My guess is that whatever doesn't make it into S4 goes into S5.

But I'd rather have Banzai Run over all of them :)

Oh,in closing? New members should be allowed to vote,and have their voice heard. The more people interested in pinball,the better. But - I personally give more weight to the vets of the forum in what their opinions are.Whether I agree with them or not.

PS - Heretic is AWESOME :)


Mar 25, 2013
Look,I blame FS for this kind of debacle. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm very supportive of them,and usually see the glass as half full. The poll should have been for an EM table,period. That would have taken any problems/issues out of the equation.

As I stated in the previous poll I don't care for either Xenon or Paragon. But the way I look at it is their poll their rules.

And even if it was just all EMs that would not have stopped people from complaining. This communities loves to nitpick, over analyze, and express how unsatisfied they are with anything Farsight does.

I still keep an open mind though. There's been a few pinball tables I wasn't so thrilled with initially that I've really enjoyed.

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