Top 3 Showdown: Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

Vote for a Pre-1980 Table

  • Fireball™

    Votes: 47 13.1%
  • Paragon™

    Votes: 149 41.6%
  • Xenon™

    Votes: 162 45.3%

  • Total voters


New member
Dec 27, 2014
Another pool theme pinball table…
I’d love to see Eight Ball Deluxe come to The Pinball Arcade. The earlier solid state pinball tables are the best. I think that if Farsight would slow down that ball on Big Shot and tweak it to simulate electro- mechanical physics a little more realistically… it would be a lot more popular.
I’m not really crazy about Cue Ball Wizard but I have to admit that Farsight did a better job than Microsoft on that one… however; Microsoft did a better job than Farsight on Haunted House… go figure…?

Eight Ball Deluxe brings inline drop target multipliers which I like. Centaur is the only Farsight table to have that feature… going for the inline drop targets is what I enjoy most about Centaur. EBD is not a congested table either… I have fond memories of that table… until I played the neighborhood unit that started having a weak- shorted- lower left flipper… then I wanted to smash the thing for eating all my quarters… the vender refused to service the machine then they finally replaced it with an Atari Centipede “video” upright unit.

That is the number one thing I love about EBD..the inline bonus multiplier targets..not sure what I like about them but they do make me hot..Dedpop..I did ask for your approval but you would rather stick up for Mr Reagan..let me know when you come to your senses and support an awesome table before your online crush


New member
Dec 26, 2014
“Heretic’s” Paragon has inline drop targets. I read where MontanaFrank also enjoys inline drop targets as well. You also enjoy the inline drop target bonus multipliers in Eight Ball Deluxe.

Hey Farsight! Thank you for Xenon but how about throwing us another bone… another solid state pinball with inline drop targets like Centaur… :)p-l-e-a-s-e…


New member
Jun 4, 2012
taste is always subjective but bekieve farsight could do karagon justice if they followed genie rules....check another friend for the new comp!

and how didja know fankies my lover?


New member
Dec 27, 2014
“Heretic’s” Paragon has inline drop targets. I read where MontanaFrank also enjoys inline drop targets as well. You also enjoy the inline drop target bonus multipliers in Eight Ball Deluxe.

Hey Farsight! Thank you for Xenon but how about throwing us another bone… another solid state pinball with inline drop targets like Centaur… :)p-l-e-a-s-e…

Yeah I admit that is why I loved Paragon.. I am not ashamed

And yeah Centaur is hot..long live the 1980's
Last edited:


New member
Jun 30, 2013
So Big Shot and Cue Ball Wizard fill your pool needs? EBD is a great table please try not to ruin it for the purists
Attention Nat-1969:

I never said anything against Eight Ball Deluxe. I said Big Shot was a better table than Cue Ball Wizard. I also said I've played Sharkey's Shootout (Stern) in real life, and I also think Sharkey's is a much better table than Cue Ball Wizard.

I openly admitted to never having played Eight Ball Deluxe, in real life or simulation. I then stated I would love to try it. Based on it's populatiry, it must be a good table.

Furthermore, I enjoy playing friendly matches of pool in real life (I'm not that great and even if I was, I would never play for money), and I think pool is a fine theme for pinball tables due to the way the balls can represent targets. I think Big Shot is an excellent and challenging EM and currently the best pool game on TPA.

I never said I did not want, or did not like Eight Ball Deluxe. I said I wouldn't mind having another pool-themed table on TPA, which translated means I would like to have another pool themed table thrown into the mix. I'm not sure what I said to get your feathers ruffled, but please stop accusing me of bashing Eight Ball Deluxe. I have no idea how you deduced that.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
“Heretic’s” Paragon has inline drop targets. I read where MontanaFrank also enjoys inline drop targets as well. You also enjoy the inline drop target bonus multipliers in Eight Ball Deluxe.

Hey Farsight! Thank you for Xenon but how about throwing us another bone… another solid state pinball with inline drop targets like Centaur… :)p-l-e-a-s-e…

Metallica has inline drops too. So I'd take that one as a substitute to EBD :D

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
BS..I know you are a TPA all star but he was straight up dissing on EBD with no knowledge of it come on give it some love..

Ok OBVIOUSLY DID NOT READ WHAT I WROTE. I said something to the effect of " I'm sure I played it but I can't really remember, I've spent a lot of time recently looking at the play field, I specifically said I COMPLETELY understand why someone would want it since there were so many tables produced that I can understand the attravtion just like mine towards Whirlwind which many people also hate. Have you EVER seen me go off on someone bc they don't like a table? NOPE. let's put this to bed now. Hopefully this time you will read what I write a comprehend it. I'm all for the table because I understand the nostalgia factor I personally don't see the attraction. PERIOD. Although, I do love the in-line drop targets. No hate, just talking here. I love everything that TPA does bc they do it so well. Admittedly some tables are better them others. Each month I buy the pro version on the table before I even play it. Why? Bc I support what they do. Pinball have no idea whew you got the "hate" thing from but perhaps you should start at page one and c a r e f u l l y re-read all the posts, especially mine. Ok? Also, I have no hate for you, I think you misunderstood what I wrote. It happens to all of us from time to time. Hopefully this is now over. Friends?

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Another pool theme pinball table…
I’d love to see Eight Ball Deluxe come to The Pinball Arcade. The earlier solid state pinball tables are the best. I think that if Farsight would slow down that ball on Big Shot and tweak it to simulate electro- mechanical physics a little more realistically… it would be a lot more popular.
I’m not really crazy about Cue Ball Wizard but I have to admit that Farsight did a better job than Microsoft on that one… however; Microsoft did a better job than Farsight on Haunted House… go figure…?

Eight Ball Deluxe brings inline drop target multipliers which I like. Centaur is the only Farsight table to have that feature… going for the inline drop targets is what I enjoy most about Centaur. EBD is not a congested table either… I have fond memories of that table… until I played the neighborhood unit that started having a weak- shorted- lower left flipper… then I wanted to smash the thing for eating all my quarters… the vender refused to service the machine then they finally replaced it with an Atari Centipede “video” upright unit.

I agree with everything you said whiz!!

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
1/ He's a nice guy.
2/ I really like EBD too and I wish it will come at some point.
3/ You should read again what he exactly wrote.
4/ Take it easy. :p

This should have been first. Thank you Julien. Apparently I have "zero knowledge" but thanks for having my back


New member
Dec 27, 2014
Yeah we can all be friends. I admit I am obsessed over EBD, if they ever said there is a zero percent chance of it coming to TPA I would be distraught to say the least. Hate is a strong word, I regret using it. In my defense I was pretty worked up after watching the Iowa State-Kansas basketball game and was three sheets to the wind. No amount of pool themed tables will ever equal EBD, I stand by that.

Mike Lindsey

FarSight Employee
Jul 23, 2013
“Heretic’s” Paragon has inline drop targets. I read where MontanaFrank also enjoys inline drop targets as well. You also enjoy the inline drop target bonus multipliers in Eight Ball Deluxe.

Hey Farsight! Thank you for Xenon but how about throwing us another bone… another solid state pinball with inline drop targets like Centaur… :)p-l-e-a-s-e…

We should be re-creating tables for a while, so I'm confident Paragon could eventually be digitized. :) (not an official announcement haha)

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