Tournament Jan 30 - Feb 6


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Here we go again! I'm a day late as always as I never read the newsletters :) What do you think of the selection of tables? Looks pretty good to me. A few tables I like and a couple I've only played a few times. SST I only played once this week, and it looks cool. I noticed there's no time limit on Big Shot which is unusual, right? Not that it needs a limit anyway I guess...

Bride is bugging a lot for me. Balls fly past her face into the pachinko area often when she's in human form, they're supposed to always stop and drop for a big wheel spin at that point I think. But the worst is that sometimes when the balls are returned from the face to the left flipper and I shoot both up the heartbeat ramp, one of them gets into the wrong lane and rolls to the plunger, which causes the camera to lock on the plunger for a few seconds, and my second ball drains obviously as I can't flip. I don't nudge at all and the balls are not in contact with each other. I have never seen that happen before.

Good luck to everyone this tournament!


New member
Aug 27, 2014
BOP is crazy - I can get the billion club the first go and then after that it seems to just spin to 100k? I know you just have to keep hammering that big wheel over and over till you get lucky and not lose a ball - but with the time limit this one is metallic Lady Luck and she be a heartbreaker...

Having fun with this the selection of tables. Teed off has def even overlooked by me - feels like a brand new table. Glad SST and earthshaker made it in - hoping BSD is in the next one since it missed it ios window when it should have been included 2 tournies ago.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It's definitely an interesting mix. Lots of earlier tables this time around along with the two most recent releases. I always love when the tournaments feature big shot , centaur and Gorgar. Very fun. Bride of Pinbot is fine but I hate it for tourneys. Then there is el dorado. Awful sound and visuals but the table is, for me, pretty decent. I like the drop target sniping but I still wish they had put forth the em version instead of the el dorado we got. Earthquaker seems to be playing weird lately.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Da5id: BSD was in the Halloween tournament when it was released. I'd love to see it again though, such a cool table.

Agree with you Bowflex about ElDor - it looks and sounds crappy, but it plays alright for a tournament. I've never liked Gorgar much, but I just had a good game and wish I had more than 20 minutes to see how long I could keep it up. Maybe when it comes around for table of the week :)

Earthshaker plays alright for me, except the camera changes in multiball which it doesn't in regular play. That goes for many tables in tournaments. Centaur looks great, I have to learn how that works.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Not starting well again for me in this tourney. First game of starship was 200+ and force closed on the end of the game. Might not be in this one long.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Not starting well again for me in this tourney. First game of starship was 200+ and force closed on the end of the game. Might not be in this one long.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
About to see if the rollover issue is still there for iOS users on Centaur in the next 5 minutes. Wouldn't surprise me if it is. scpred 12,8XX.XXX. Should have wrote it down in anticipation of this.
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New member
Oct 6, 2012
Well, 15 minutes later and still not on there. Thanks for the tourney Farsight and good luck everyone, for the 3rd straight tourney I am out early since TPA can't get their act together.
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New member
Apr 24, 2013
Hey Chris is that only an iOS issue for the rollover on Centaur? I'm curious as to what platform Dylan and Gus are playing on as they have put up 15 mil+. I had a 13 mil+ game and didn't registar. I'm playing on an iPad mini.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
My centaur score was on my iPad mini on iOS 7.0.6. So far I had two games over 10 and they both counted.
What version of iOS are you guys on?


New member
Apr 24, 2013
It's too bad you're having these issues Chris I enjoy the competition with great players like you,Dylan,Crusty,Gus Maestroreese and Toolnit. Not. Having you giving your all lessens the tournament. cheers man!


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Well, 15 minutes later and still not on there. Thanks for the tourney Farsight and good luck everyone, for the 3rd straight tourney I am out early since TPA can't get their act together.

We need ya man! :)

Having the mentality of 'I've done it once before, so I can do it again' goes a long ways. And I always see your name way up there.

I will say that I absolutely hate Earthshaker, and I don't know why. Yeah yeah, build up the jackpot, 1 jackpot per multiball, blah blah. What is it about this table? These tourneys usually get me to like certain tables that have been overlooked, but I still don't like this one. Oh and BoP


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Hey Chris is that only an iOS issue for the rollover on Centaur? I'm curious as to what platform Dylan and Gus are playing on as they have put up 15 mil+. I had a 13 mil+ game and didn't registar. I'm playing on an iPad mini.

iPad Air 2 on 8.1.3. This has been an issue in every tourney Centaur is on (and not just Centaur has this issue). Not sure why it is random as some are playing iPads and getting the rollover to stick. It is something different every tournament and it gets old. I guess it is just frustrating to put forth that effort and lose it. No matter, I prove my point to myself each tourney LOL. Those other guys are too good anyways.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
We need ya man! :)

Having the mentality of 'I've done it once before, so I can do it again' goes a long ways. And I always see your name way up there.

I will say that I absolutely hate Earthshaker, and I don't know why. Yeah yeah, build up the jackpot, 1 jackpot per multiball, blah blah. What is it about this table? These tourneys usually get me to like certain tables that have been overlooked, but I still don't like this one. Oh and BoP

I have said this before, but will again, the tournaments are awesome for gaining confidence and ideas on scoring. I was mediocre are TPA when I started, then played my first tournament and a light bulb turned on and I just started scoring, I suggest any newbie play these tournies. But when each one is bugged by lost scores, table freezes, stuck pinballs, occasional cheats, force closes, get the idea.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Understandable. And it's a bit confusing as to why the buggiest tables always show up in the tourneys. Yeah, FS trying to get people into some of the 'lesser played' tables. That's probably how they do it, and promote a couple of newer ones. I'll usually put up a thread of 'next tourney wanted tables' hoping that it affects their decision. Maybe the better way to go would be 'please don't put theses tables in the tourney'. Certain things don't bother me if all scoring is the same across the board. As far as the problems you've been having, can't help ya there. The only way to work around the cheaters is to do better than them on other tables. I'm having a hard time believing Gorgar can score over 2.5mil in 20min especially how buggy it is. Doesn't bother me though. (Maybe it is legit) I'm seeing less fake scores in this one than the previous ones


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Great job guys as usual. I finally was getting the hang of ES. But it still feels like 3 powerballs during multiball. After a jackpot do you cradle 1 with the right flipper and loop the ramp with the left for 250k a pop? Seemed better to just start multiball again. Also I hate cradling


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Thanks guys!! :) That was really close at the end. In the last 2 hours the leader changed from Crooker to me to Toolinit and then back to me again. I thought the tournament would end one hour earlier, and Toolinit had it at that point. When I saw the tournament was still open I checked the GMT time and realized I still had 45 minutes, which was enough to reclaim the top spot on Earthshaker.

Hey Chris is that only an iOS issue for the rollover on Centaur? I'm curious as to what platform Dylan and Gus are playing on as they have put up 15 mil+. I had a 13 mil+ game and didn't registar. I'm playing on an iPad mini.

I'm playing on an iPad4. iOS 7.1.2. I have installed TPA up to to SST, but not the latest update with ramp fixes that seems to screw up some tables. Sorry to hear about the rollover bug, I know that really sucks :( Too many tables with issues, although most of them played alright for me this time around. Only BoP acted up frequently, but I wasn't really planning on competing for a top spot there anyway. I really hope they can make some sort of fix for scoring and camera issues. It would be nice to see total score when paused or something on the tables that are easy to roll the score on.

I've only played Centaur a few times before this week to clear the wizard goals and the table never clicked for me until now. Man that table is insane, balls everywhere! :) I shot 15M on my second or third game and look forward to play it more now after the tournament for sure.

I spent most of my time on Big Shot as I thought I would be able to hit 600-700k, but DAMN that table is frustrating with the 5th ball never paying off! I must have played around 40 games in the 350-450k range over the week. 3-ball games are better IMO, but I am really not a fan of how the scoring ramps up on every ball.

Great job guys as usual. I finally was getting the hang of ES. But it still feels like 3 powerballs during multiball. After a jackpot do you cradle 1 with the right flipper and loop the ramp with the left for 250k a pop? Seemed better to just start multiball again. Also I hate cradling

Yeah that's a solid strategy if you're good at hitting the ramp consistenly. I can usually hit it a few times but when I miss I feel like too much time is lost to recover, so I just play the balls as fast as I can and try to hit the center ramp (200k) and side ramp (250k) as much as possible. Without the time limit cradling one ball on the right flipper is probably the way to go.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
And of course a big congrats to everyone who joined the fun and especially the top ten! Next time we are probably playing The Addam's Family :)

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