Tournament schedule


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I am sure that the date for the next tournament is classified as "super-ultra-pinky swear-sealed in blood secret", but since I'm new here, can you tell me how often they come around? With there being ten tables in Season Three, do you think they'll be released every six weeks? How was it previously? I know there were more tables to release, so I'm sure the schedule will be different.

TPA, please DO NOT send large guys wearing suits and sunglasses to my house.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
They usually list it on the newsletter when the new mobile releases come out. That's if there is a tourney. Or you can hang around in here. There is usually a tourney thread when one starts.

No set schedule as far as I know.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
They really should look at how FIFA 14 does it. Have 10 or so levels that you need to move between, with constant tournaments ongoing. You confirm your entry and just like now, the top 10% go up, bottom 10% go down.


Jul 11, 2012
than keep an eye here! I dont think Ive ever known of a tournament that hasnt been posted here. PS3#1 all time player, it happens you just have to be willing/skillfull enough to beat time itself.


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
Knock knock !!!!!

Dave's not here, man!

I'd like to see a regular schedule for tournaments. Different kinds too, like one ball challenges, timed score attacks, one shot tourneys (you only get one attempt at the leaderboard). Just keep them somewhat short on playtime so you don't have to grind for hours to be competitive.
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They really should look at how FIFA 14 does it. Have 10 or so levels that you need to move between, with constant tournaments ongoing. You confirm your entry and just like now, the top 10% go up, bottom 10% go down.

There are three skill levels in tournaments presently. if you've never been in one you start at bronze, and if you finish in the to 10% you move up to silver. If you finish in the top 10% of silver you move to gold.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
There are three skill levels in tournaments presently. if you've never been in one you start at bronze, and if you finish in the to 10% you move up to silver. If you finish in the top 10% of silver you move to gold.

I have been in one, went straight up to silver. I just think there should be more levels available. I like some of the tournament ideas that are being floated in this thread.


Jul 11, 2012
what about prizes? only thing you win is a mention on FB.....really? what happen to write ups on the fan page or even dare I say a PRIZE!? No point in competing or winning.


New member
Dec 27, 2013
Me and Facebook? Not so much. Trying' to keep my world within my grasp, although someone out there is sure to make a comment or two. So be it...
Anyway, back to tournaments an' such. I too would like to see prizes for the winners, even though I may never get one. The problem I see is the *+%#'s that will try to game the system. If that can be stopped or prevented, prizes are a fine idea. And make the tournaments fun, like the ideas Squid and Dumpstar suggested. And the constant tourneys sound great! I think that would keep current players going, and draw in new players.

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