Bug TPA Flipper Bug Confirmed


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
All I can say is, the more I concentrated on one or two tables, the problem slowly went away.

I used to have the problem on Ripley & Theatre. It happens oh so rarely on those tables now.

I haven't seen too much of it (barely any, really) on CV FH & MB (my new favorite).

I don't recall too many occurrences on TotAN but, I absolutely loathe that table. (lamp + real table = Arrgh! Never Again!)

BH, I've seen it nearly every game but, I'm not fond of that table either, it barely gets played.

MM still has this problem somewhat frequently,however. It's the only quirk about the table that gets to me. (I don't have a problem with the flipper gap, ball speed on the ramps, etc...) I haven't played this one since before the update either. (gonna hafta check it out :) I wanna beat my old PHoF scores)

All in all, I don't know what to make of the through-the-flipper spiel anymore.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Just wanted to add that I too see this frequently now. I never used to notice it until reading this thread thinking it was my fault but lots of times now I've noticed it. Its as if the flipper teleports from down to up and doesn't actually exist inbetween.

Captain Rumwood

New member
Apr 25, 2012
I can also confirm that this bug occurs on the PS Vita as it cost me the Battle for the Kingdom on MM last night. I had two balls trapped on the left flipper and I shot the first one up the table with a quick flip and it got caught behind the right troll as I had hoped giving me single ball play without that 10 second timer. The second ball was still trapped and I tried to do a quick post transfer to get the ball over to the right flipper. I hit the button and the ball jumped up and hit the post and came straight down through the left flipper and drained.

This has happened to me too with the left flipper while playing Monster Bash.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
RBIoN and BH I've seen the ball ricochet and go right through the left flipper. As in right through where it would be sitting stationary but I've tried to flip the moving ball rather than trap...has to be moving really fast though to have that happen


New member
Jun 12, 2012
so here is another ball through flipper bug, and at the same time the one i have been talking about, when the flipper seems to interact with the ball when it is underneath the flipper itself

at around the 1:32 mark

so i captured these images and they are croped rather poorly (used the prt screen button and paint software that comes with win7), but they are frame by frame of what youtube outputs (30fps instead of 60fps)...

you can clearly see the odd behaviour that happens between the second and third picture... and then the ball gets lifted up on the left flipper somehow... also the two balls and/or the right flipper don't really touch from the 3rd picture onward, but do seem to interact...

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New member
May 15, 2012
I have found a very easily reproducible shot of the ball going through the flipper. On the upper playfield of Black Knight, hold the left flipper up then shoot the ball at the underside of it with the right flipper. It will pass straight though nearly ever time. Hopefully we don't see this on TZ where the little flipper over the camera shot can sometimes be helpful in getting it in. I am seeing this happen on the PS Vita with the version of the table that was first released.

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