TPA for Virtua-Pin or something similar?


New member
Oct 23, 2012

I love the concept of Virtua-Pin! Not necessarily the product its self... but the concept. Is there any way or (if not) any chance of getting an edge-to-edge, full screen portrait camera angle on TPA for PS3 or xbx?

I figure you could lay a tv down flat tilt it up a bit and get a pretty good atmosphere going. even with a console controller!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Yes, it's definitely in their plans, and Farsight has said that they even plan to buy their own PC pinball cabinet for their office.

I moved this to the PC section. Check some of the other threads here for info and discussion about cabinets.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Very cool, but let's actually get PA released on PC before we make any plans. Nice to dream as it is though........


New member
May 10, 2012
The easiest part is portrait mode. That will most likely come right away or in a couple of months (this is very nice for people like me who prefers to turn their monitors) Support for 2 and 3 monitors will also come eventually like Jeff says.

Absynthetik0, I am curious why you not necessarily like the Virtua pin product. I have been looking round and this looks like a great piece of work but very expensive like other virtual pinball cabinets. Have been pondering possibly buying one if I ever get enough money but if there is a better product out there I'd be very interested for any advice


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
The easiest part is portrait mode. That will most likely come right away or in a couple of months (this is very nice for people like me who prefers to turn their monitors) Support for 2 and 3 monitors will also come eventually like Jeff says.

Absynthetik0, I am curious why you not necessarily like the Virtua pin product. I have been looking round and this looks like a great piece of work but very expensive like other virtual pinball cabinets. Have been pondering possibly buying one if I ever get enough money but if there is a better product out there I'd be very interested for any advice

The cabinet is of outstanding quality and use genuine authentic pinball parts. Also the specs are excellent - there is no skimping at all and every component is named. The company is owned by the admin of vpForums Paul (Noah Fentz) and he knows his stuff and gives great service. If I was based in the US I would have definitely gone for a Virtuapin or one of the flat pack kits' but unfortunately European shipping is too high. If I add up what it cost me in gear and time I have spent more building one myself. If you are serious about getting one try one of the Expos where Paul will let you try one out as long as you like with no pressure.


New member
May 10, 2012
Thanks Silverballs. The shipping to Europe is the only reason I have not bought one yet. You get 2-3 quality Bally/williams games for the total price, but space is also a big factor for me. 2 machines is all I can squeeze in my apartment at the moment. Will probably buy one real table first to see If that tames the pinball beast in me. Damn I got to sell that car fast, and yes the beast blames Farsight for all this :)


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I have been waiting for the PC version for almost a year specifically so I start building a pinball cabinet. If Farsight does not include full-screen mode from day 1 on PC I am going to lose it, I am going to burn this mother &%@er down!


New member
Oct 23, 2012
The easiest part is portrait mode. That will most likely come right away or in a couple of months (this is very nice for people like me who prefers to turn their monitors) Support for 2 and 3 monitors will also come eventually like Jeff says.

Absynthetik0, I am curious why you not necessarily like the Virtua pin product. I have been looking round and this looks like a great piece of work but very expensive like other virtual pinball cabinets. Have been pondering possibly buying one if I ever get enough money but if there is a better product out there I'd be very interested for any advice

It's not really that I don't like virtua-pin, the concept is incredible and its truly a beautiful machine! Especially the twilight zone cab! However, I don't have the space, money or (to be honest) the will to struggle finding a half decent recreation for visual or future pinball...Here’s what I've been imagining as a simple way to make TPA even more atmospheric.

A flat panel TV on a wall mount with a fexible arm. similar to this:


Your tv remains a regular wall mounted TV. and when you're done watching the walking dead. you flip the tv to portrait... pull it out, angle it... and you've got a perfect pinball surface!

I realise this would be like the "ikea" version of virtua pin. But it wouldn't be that expensive. and you could use the TV you already have. throw in a controller like the DIY one I saw some where on here (please link if you know which one I'm talking about) and you've got the start of something grand (in my opinion)

I realise this is lacking the "cosmetic" look. but for functionality... Why not?


New member
May 10, 2012
i may have posted that a while back


i use an ergotron neo flex arm for my main pc monitor if you are interested

i did however order the pinball wizard controller from virtuapin and it should arrive this week to complete my ikea table. $300 bucks was a lot easier to swing than the $5000+ virtuapin, and i can use the guts to build my own table eventually. maybe ill get the flat pack stuff from them later down the road, but im waiting for TPA to come out on pc first before i make my build

i also have the xbox hooked up to the same monitor and i am hoping that they add in portrait mode soon.
there are plenty of us nuts that would turn our tv's and stuff sideways if you give us the option


New member
Oct 23, 2012
Bang on! That's exactly what I was thinking!

But would it be possible with say... A 42" television?
Is there a flex arm which can support that kind of weight?
If so all we'd need is an edge to edge portrait view for TPA!


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I've posted this here before, and my monitor is now de-bezeled but here goes again:

And yes i know it's not really a how to. One day i'll get around to a proper how to, but i hate video editing:

Eventually I want something around this size but as a proper cabinet with working coin doors and whatnot.

Whatever TPA supports I will adapt to the cab or setup though.

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