TPA PS4 US launch countdown!


New member
Jan 1, 2013
I've got my ps4 preordered but if TPA wants to be a day 1 buy for me they need to start releasing some information soon. We still don't know how much it will cost, if it will support 3D, and probably some other stuff that hasn't come to mind. I'm already budgeting for other games


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I've got my ps4 preordered but if TPA wants to be a day 1 buy for me they need to start releasing some information soon. We still don't know how much it will cost, if it will support 3D, and probably some other stuff that hasn't come to mind. I'm already budgeting for other games

It won't support 3D at launch. The FarSight guy that I talked to at the Chicago Expo said that 3D isn't finished yet because they've been busy on other stuff (presumably the PS4 and PC versions). He said that once they're ready to roll it out for the PS3 they could roll it out for the PS4 as well but he hasn't been told if they will roll it out for the PS4 at the same time.


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Apr 20, 2012
Yoshida said he spoke with the development team and this was not a business decision. They will look into adding this back later (as far as the DLNA and MP3s go).
Pretty sure they said the same about Bluetooth headsets, support for those will be added later. Because apparently even the Sony Bluetooth headsets won't work either.

edit: just saw this come through. Looks like the 3 things I mentioned above might all be added with the 2nd system update which would be late 2013/early 2014.

Every decision Sony makes is a business decision. ;)

It's no secret that their Music Unlimited service is not performing well. They couldn't even move a decent amount of subscriptions when it was marked down to 75% off. Making MU the ONLY way of listening to music on the PS4 would move more subscriptions.

I hope they do follow through and add it in a FW update. It's clear that people were rather angry with their original plan. I've never seen so many angry replies to anything on their PSNBlog before. That combined with Microsoft's definitive answer that the XBOne WILL support media streaming and mp3 playback, they really had no other choice, but to change their decision.

I really want to be able to at music in the background of TPA without having to rig up an iPod and Y-splitter again. I also still hope that Farsight will consider adding this function on the PS3 version.

I've got my ps4 preordered but if TPA wants to be a day 1 buy for me they need to start releasing some information soon. We still don't know how much it will cost, if it will support 3D, and probably some other stuff that hasn't come to mind. I'm already budgeting for other games

According to the podcast interview with Bobby he said they will offer a 50% discount (iirc) if we have already purchased 4 or more table packs for Season 1 on the PS3/Vita. I'm not sure if the entire Season 1 Pass will be an option to buy on day one (11/15) though. I'm hoping so because I want to buy it right away.

Hey Brakel, have you tried playing Pinball Arcade on the PS3 using the Dual Shock 4 controller yet? I heard it works well with TPA.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Hey Brakel, have you tried playing Pinball Arcade on the PS3 using the Dual Shock 4 controller yet? I heard it works well with TPA.

Ooh, is the DS4 supposed to work on the PS3? I've got one waiting for me today, I'll pick it up and give it a shot.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Every decision Sony makes is a business decision. ;)

It's no secret that their Music Unlimited service is not performing well. They couldn't even move a decent amount of subscriptions when it was marked down to 75% off. Making MU the ONLY way of listening to music on the PS4 would move more subscriptions.

I hope they do follow through and add it in a FW update. It's clear that people were rather angry with their original plan. I've never seen so many angry replies to anything on their PSNBlog before. That combined with Microsoft's definitive answer that the XBOne WILL support media streaming and mp3 playback, they really had no other choice, but to change their decision.

I really want to be able to at music in the background of TPA without having to rig up an iPod and Y-splitter again. I also still hope that Farsight will consider adding this function on the PS3 version.

Or they didn't get around to implementing it yet. They never said the PS4 would never support it. I mean, look at all the stuff the day 1 patch activates because it won't support right out of the box. Day 1 patch is already out there, so now they're talking about the 2nd patch.
What are the conspiracy theories against the Bluetooth headset support not being available at launch?
There's even other stuff they're still working on adding like Gaikai and suspend functionality which they talked about 6 months ago.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Hey Brakel, have you tried playing Pinball Arcade on the PS3 using the Dual Shock 4 controller yet? I heard it works well with TPA.

No, I haven't. I'll get it out again today and give it a try. It does work on the PS3 while wired except that the PS button doesn't work so you need to use another controller to quit games. It was annoying so I put it back in its box.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Hey Brakel, have you tried playing Pinball Arcade on the PS3 using the Dual Shock 4 controller yet? I heard it works well with TPA.

Ok, I just tried it. I wasn't expecting any real difference. I was wrong. I immediately thought that it seemed like I had better control. I don't have an issue with flipper lag anymore but maybe there was an otherwise undetectable amount less lag? I only played one game of Tee'd Off but I got three extra balls, one multiball and one Par-tee so I had plenty of opportunities to plunge the ball. With the PS3 controller the plunger misplunges half the time on this table for me. With the PS4 controller I didn't have any misplunges.

This does make me think that the way TPA handles the PS3 controller is wrong in some way. With the issues that they had with the PS3 controller in PHoF it starts to make more sense. The good news is that it seems that FarSight isn't having this problem with the PS4 controller based on my time playing TPA on the PS4 at the Expo. It also makes me think that some of the problem must lie with Sony and their design of the PS3 controller because obviously FarSight hasn't changed their code for the PS3 version of TPA to work better with the PS4 controller. It's all very interesting.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
The DS4 feels nice, much more precise in all the controls than my OG Motion Controller.

The plunger problem where if you pull the plunger back before the ball settles, the plunger doesn't hit the ball forward when released, still occurs with the DS4 on the PS3. Flipper lag is still present, too.

Sometimes in the menus the control freaks out and acts like its doing everything rapid fire--scrolling the menu (only sometimes when using the D-pad; never had it happen when using the analog stick), or pressing a button (so for instance it'll skip right from the main menu and auto-select whatever table is up on the table select menu). This is inconvenient but doesn't happen all the time so I'm not quite sure what triggers it. I had the same thing happen in the past when I tried using my Real Arcade Pro digital stick in the game menus.

I couldn't get the DS4 to work wirelessly on the PS3 (and it isn't compatible with the usual PS3 controller USB cable, you have to use a standard USB-to-micro-USB cable). Also couldn't get the DS4's audio-out to work on the PS3, which makes sense anyway since on the PS4 it's something you have to activate in a menu.


The HDMI audio extractor I ordered (ViewHD Premium HDMI to HDMI + Audio (sPDIF + RAC L/R) Audio Extractor | Converter (New 2013 Model)) also arrived, and that worked great on the PS3 (even when I checked every box in the HDMI audio output type menu ; )--and I'd swear the audio sounds much sharper now than when I was using the old analog out via the component cable), so I expect it should work fine on the PS4 as well.

Update: Aha, when I tried a 5.1 movie on Netflix, I got no sound, so I had to uncheck the 5.1 boxes, duh (my speaker setup is not 5.1). ; )
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
The DS4 feels nice, much more precise in all the controls than my OG Motion Controller.

The plunger problem where if you pull the plunger back before the ball settles, the plunger doesn't hit the ball forward when released, still occurs with the DS4 on the PS3. Flipper lag is still present, too.

Sometimes in the menus the control freaks out and acts like its doing everything rapid fire--scrolling the menu (only sometimes when using the D-pad; never had it happen when using the analog stick), or pressing a button (so for instance it'll skip right from the main menu and auto-select whatever table is up on the table select menu). This is inconvenient but doesn't happen all the time so I'm not quite sure what triggers it. I had the same thing happen in the past when I tried using my Real Arcade Pro digital stick in the game menus.

I couldn't get the DS4 to work wirelessly on the PS3 (and it isn't compatible with the usual PS3 controller USB cable, you have to use a standard USB-to-mini-USB cable). Also couldn't get the DS4's audio-out to work on the PS3, which makes sense anyway since on the PS4 it's something you have to activate in a menu.


The HDMI audio extractor I ordered (ViewHD Premium HDMI to HDMI + Audio (sPDIF + RAC L/R) Audio Extractor | Converter (New 2013 Model)) also arrived, and that worked great on the PS3 (even when I checked every box in the HDMI audio output type menu ; )--and I'd swear the audio sounds much sharper now than when I was using the old analog out via the component cable), so I expect it should work fine on the PS4 as well.

Your experience was slightly different than mine but I didn't report the menu wankiness as I figured that had to do with using a non-supported controller.

The PS4 controller actually needs a USB micro cable. The PS3 uses a USB mini. If you're ordering one you want a USB A male to micro male cable. The PS4 will come with one cable but the controllers do not include one. Our house has three phones and two tablets that use micro USB connectors so we have the cables all over the place. You can easily find 15 footers for $5 or less on amazon or monoprice.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Ah thanks, I'm totally ignorant on USB terminology! And yeah I've already got a couple of those micro cables right here in the room where the PS4 will go.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
It would be nice if Sony were to include support for the DS4 controller in a PS3 FW update. It would only sell more DS4 controllers at this point so it seems like a good thing.

If they don't I'll probably continue to use the DS3 controllers on the PS3 and DS4 on the PS4. I enjoy wireless, and rumble features to give them up.

Also, can you turn on the PS3 using a DS4 controller connected via USB?


New member
Apr 27, 2012
It would be nice if Sony were to include support for the DS4 controller in a PS3 FW update. It would only sell more DS4 controllers at this point so it seems like a good thing.

If they don't I'll probably continue to use the DS3 controllers on the PS3 and DS4 on the PS4. I enjoy wireless, and rumble features to give them up.

Also, can you turn on the PS3 using a DS4 controller connected via USB?

I doubt it since the PS button doesn't work for anything else.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
TPA PS4 has been crossed off the "what games will be available at launch" list on Sony's official PS4 FAQ, with the note "updated release info coming soon."

;| Can't say TPA missing a release date is a complete shock, hopefully they get updated info soon and hopefully it isn't much of a delay. I suppose this just means the game--which I think Bobby noted was in Sony testing when he did his last podcast interview--turned out to have some bug that Sony wants fixed before they'll put it out.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
TPA PS4 has been crossed off the "what games will be available at launch" list on Sony's official PS4 FAQ, with the note "updated release info coming soon."

;| Can't say TPA missing a release date is a complete shock, hopefully they get updated info soon and hopefully it isn't much of a delay. I suppose this just means the game--which I think Bobby noted was in Sony testing when he did his last podcast interview--turned out to have some bug that Sony wants fixed before they'll put it out.

Well, poop.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Yeah I was a bit disappointed, but I understand delays happen for a reason. I hope it comes out soon. I was really looking forward to it.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Yeah, I understand delays, but each of these is really adding up (Watch Dogs, Drive Club, and now PA) and hitting me since I have the week after off from work. Sounds like I'll be stuck with AC4 and Contrast until Xbox on Friday when I'll get Forza and Dead Rising 3.

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