TPA to Return to XBox 360

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New member
Sep 22, 2013
Doesn't need to be a firm date, and they probably can't give a firm date due to legalities with Microsoft, on top of the usual issues that find a way to pop up and derail testing/certification. But if they have a rough timeline that they're attempting to follow, give it. And update people along the way, especially since some believe the whole thing is a smokeshow. I don't feel that way, but the lack of information just fuels that portion of the fanbase. X360 is still in TPA's promo materials and it's long since been off XBLA due to the Crave issues. So for people who see their site or newsletter for the first time, and see X360 in their marketing materials, those new people are going to wonder where the game is.

TPA/Farsight can't just market to us, the TPA community. They need new eyes and new players. The PS4 retail version may help, though information on Alliance is pretty bare, which doesn't give me a lot of confidence about how that'll last. I hope it does, but the lack of a track record (aside from their sister distribution company) gives me a little caution.

I totally agree. A freshman in a marketing program would do a better job than Farsight has thus far.

I'm just saying what will happen on this site.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
I totally agree. A freshman in a marketing program would do a better job than Farsight has thus far.

I'm just saying what will happen on this site.

I just did a google search titled "Alliance software publisher" and got:

Disgaea 5
Marvel Alliance
Jagged alliance on PC
some rap music alliance

but nothing on TPA. Not even info on the aforementioned "sister distribution company", which I'm not sure who that is.
It's hard for FarSight to market to us when big publishers won't touch TPA.


New member
Aug 2, 2012
Farsight would be silly not to want this back out on the X360. The user install base is still a huge number and only growing. With the price drop a lot of families are buying the system this holiday season. Plus you can get games from unbelievable prices at used places like Gamestop and they still look good. I kept mine just to play some of the games I didn't want to buy at $60 and now many of those are around $10.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I would imagine now that Xbone and PS4 are out, they'll be able to focus a little more on 360, dx11, ROM emulation, and maybe even Wii U.


New member
Jul 4, 2013
Why are we still here? It's on both next gen consoles already. Why are we holding onto this so dearly? They are never going to make back the cash they spent to develop it at this point; it's a niche game to begin with.

I'll probably just hold out since none of the tables will transfer over and the 360 servers will eventually go offline anyway.

Edit: Although it will be one of the last things released for the system that is worth a damn, so maybe......nah.


Nov 1, 2013
Why are we still here? It's on both next gen consoles already. Why are we holding onto this so dearly? They are never going to make back the cash they spent to develop it at this point; it's a niche game to begin with.

I'll probably just hold out since none of the tables will transfer over and the 360 servers will eventually go offline anyway.

Edit: Although it will be one of the last things released for the system that is worth a damn, so maybe......nah.

Not everyone has a X1 or PS4 and don't want to spend the money for one just for a game they could already get (or should get eventually) on a system they already own.


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Yeah, really. I don't post much here but I check in to read frequently. If people have moved on, fine. If they don't understand why people still wait, fine. If they don't have faith that this will happen, even that is fine.

But I don't see the need to post about it and cast a negative pall over those of us who are still content to wait for what Farsight has told us is coming. Given their recent info drops, it looks like at most it'll be another month. The unacceptable early build that needed to be revised after MS told them it wouldn't work, and the focus on geting the Xbox One ready put the 360 re-release on the back burner. Now it's getting the attention it needed. I've waited this long, I'm not about to quit just as the end finally nears.

I just don't get the negative posts. If you've moved on, it's not a concern for you anymore. What's the end-game for posting? Are you just wanting to vent? Trying to convince us to move on, too? I don't see the point of the negative posts. I want this for my 360. And I want more tables after this update for as long as I can get them on the 360. I'd respectfully request that people stop trying to ruin my funtimes and/or trying to convince Farsight to abandon me again. I've earned my new tables. Everybody who hung on to the bitter end has earned their 360 tables. Stop trying to ruin it for us, please.

Mark Miwurdz

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Fair enough. If it arrives, I'll buy the tables that come with achievements as the achievements on Xbox One are a mess. Btw, what makes you think it looks like at most it'll be another month, given there was no news in the latest newsletter?


New member
Feb 24, 2014
On the 6th a facebook post said they were working on polishing and last-minute things with Microsoft. That was 18 days ago. They've also stated in assorted places, including TAF kickstarter, that they plan to be back on the 360 before TAF comes out... which is Feb. Add time for certification and within a month is my guess, unless they run into a major snag.

While skepticism over dates is understandable, and something I've indulged plenty, too - we must remember Farsight *wants* to sell this to us. I mean, it's not like they're deliberately holding out. I've been on the inside of small companies trying to meet deadlines, running into problems, and trying to manage expectations. A lot of stuff comes up, and it's not always things that can be predicted. If the original build had worked as planned, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. The long delay during bankruptcy court was a big hurdle - it means a big update while simultaneously making changes (new publisher, re-release is almost a new game given 2 years of updates) while also not knackering high scores and tables already bought for early adopters (and our ten measly tables). It's a challenge. Add on to that the XBone build, small team... I can see how it can spiral past projected dates. And every blown date just makes people more agitated and prone to fits of hyperbole.

Given that, I don't blame Farsight for being cautious until certain - so I'm not surprised there was no newsletter mention. I'd be surprised to see anything until it was just about to deploy (or has passed certification - not just entered it), because by then they know any hidden issues haven't occured and they won't blow past another deadline (to our fan fury). But I believe they are working hard to get this done, and that what remains is something that is solvable (they don't have to build every table asset from scratch, after all, just fix bugs and work out the new/old interface). So if they say they've been working on it, and it's close, and it's been 18 days since they said polishing and last-minute, I'm prepared to accept this and that gives me a reasonable calculated estimate timeline of the next 30 days. Unless they run into something major and unexpected, I expect we'll see it sometime before then.


New member
Feb 14, 2013
I agree with you, SuperKaladrax.
I almost hope that it will be a bit more delay so that TAF will be included in the release, otherwise TAF possibly never will be released on Xbox 360 because of the costly update rules.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Yeah, really. I don't post much here but I check in to read frequently. If people have moved on, fine. If they don't understand why people still wait, fine. If they don't have faith that this will happen, even that is fine.

But I don't see the need to post about it and cast a negative pall over those of us who are still content to wait for what Farsight has told us is coming. Given their recent info drops, it looks like at most it'll be another month. The unacceptable early build that needed to be revised after MS told them it wouldn't work, and the focus on geting the Xbox One ready put the 360 re-release on the back burner. Now it's getting the attention it needed. I've waited this long, I'm not about to quit just as the end finally nears.

I just don't get the negative posts. If you've moved on, it's not a concern for you anymore. What's the end-game for posting? Are you just wanting to vent? Trying to convince us to move on, too? I don't see the point of the negative posts. I want this for my 360. And I want more tables after this update for as long as I can get them on the 360. I'd respectfully request that people stop trying to ruin my funtimes and/or trying to convince Farsight to abandon me again. I've earned my new tables. Everybody who hung on to the bitter end has earned their 360 tables. Stop trying to ruin it for us, please.

I've gone on at great length about the Xbox 360 fiasco. More often than not, those of us who are posting negative things about the 27+ month delay in getting DLC for the 360 are simply pointing out what we see, and more importantly, don't see in terms of new information. Nobody on the TPA forums should truly want to ruin a potential release for anyone.

I would not rule out getting this DLC for my own 360 when it finally does drop, having "day-one'd" all previous 360 DLC. However, having had the option of playing it extensively on PC (and earning 156 achievements over more than 200 hours in the process), I am in no hurry to do so. But you're right about the negativity-and we should want TPA to succeed. Success on one console contributes to the overall success of TPA for all consoles. And maybe even an actual release on the still-advertised-on-TPA's-website WiiU.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I agree with you, SuperKaladrax.
I almost hope that it will be a bit more delay so that TAF will be included in the release, otherwise TAF possibly never will be released on Xbox 360 because of the costly update rules.

Perhaps it's why they set TAF for February?


New member
Jul 4, 2013
I just don't get the negative posts. If you've moved on, it's not a concern for you anymore. What's the end-game for posting? Are you just wanting to vent? Trying to convince us to move on, too? I don't see the point of the negative posts. I want this for my 360. And I want more tables after this update for as long as I can get them on the 360. I'd respectfully request that people stop trying to ruin my funtimes and/or trying to convince Farsight to abandon me again. I've earned my new tables. Everybody who hung on to the bitter end has earned their 360 tables. Stop trying to ruin it for us, please.

If I'm here, I clearly haven't moved on. I'm attempting to convince myself that dropping $100 for tables on a system that will have no servers in 12 months is not a great idea. I can simply spend that money on a new system with a superior controller that will keep an active community for over 5 years longer. I am here to see if there is news while I check the first reports of the XB1 version vs the PS4 version, and I want to know if there is insider news so that I can plan on downloading the demo and, maybe, the initial package.

If you are wondering why I am saying this, please refer back to post 1 and read all 290+ posts. I came in late, so you are welcome to skip the first 100 or so to simulate my experience. If you feel that my snarky post is at risk of ruining your expectations and, later, your experience, please don't read this thread or you will end up like me.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
I do. Awful,it was.

Hopefully,the 360 gets done soon for the people who want it there.

It's available according to the "title banner" on TPA's Facebook page, along with the WiiU version.

Will someone at FarSight please explain why you are STILL advertising TPA as being available for these consoles when the 360 version was delisted by Microsoft in 2013 and the only "evidence" of the WiiU version was in a "12 days" video clip in 2012?

And no, Farsight. Your standard "boilerplate" answer of "um...well....soon" will not stand with any of us.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
It's available according to the "title banner" on TPA's Facebook page, along with the WiiU version.

Will someone at FarSight please explain why you are STILL advertising TPA as being available for these consoles when the 360 version was delisted by Microsoft in 2013 and the only "evidence" of the WiiU version was in a "12 days" video clip in 2012?

And no, Farsight. Your standard "boilerplate" answer of "um...well....soon" will not stand with any of us.

From newsletter #35-New Information about the Xbox 360 version, to quote FarSight

" "

FarSight, take down the Xbox 360 and WiiU from your Facebook page at once!
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