TPA to Return to XBox 360

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Jan 21, 2015
I got an email back from the support saying they are hopeful of something by Friday


New member
Jan 21, 2015
Pretty sure xbox live purchases are non-refundable. Not sure in this case, since I didn't look when I paid for the new packs, but pretty much everything else I've ever bought off the xbox marketplace specifically says non-refundable purchase before you click confirm.

Just checked this out with TAF, and it says in the righthand grey area of the confirm purchase screen, right at the top of the description: (No Refunds)

Money's gone, dude. Now we just sit and wait for it to... eventually... be playable. Only the fact I'm already paid in keeps me on board. But this was pretty much the last straw of aggravation and disappointment for me. I should have known better and had sense enough to wait and verify. Now I do, and won't be foolish enough to have faith again.
I don't really want a refund in all honesty so fingers crossed they sort it out, its just a bit upsetting to me to spend £70 on something like this and get nothing back, the tables that are there (ten or so)don't even work. This was going to probably be my last spend on games for a while as can't really justify spending a lot of money at the moment so feel a bit 'miffed' ( I suppose Americans have a similar word) with myself but I guess you just expect to get something off the Xbox Arcade and have it work straight away, thats why I made a snap call to buy it when I was it was out.


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Aug 5, 2014
I for one am just glad it may actually be happening in the end after all. Won't spend another dime until it's updated and ready to go though.

Do we know how the update will look in terms of lighting yet? I quite like the DX9 look compared to the Xbone's bloom-everywhere lighting.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I for one am just glad it may actually be happening in the end after all. Won't spend another dime until it's updated and ready to go though.

Do we know how the update will look in terms of lighting yet? I quite like the DX9 look compared to the Xbone's bloom-everywhere lighting.

Probably much like DX9.


New member
Feb 17, 2015
Why doesn't the Xbox360 have the trial/demo version of the game and tables anymore?
Are we supposed to pay $4.99 for a table without knowing if it will look pink or if the game still has rumble support?

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to invest $125 in a game without knowing how it plays or looks. I'll just stick to the PC version then.


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Why doesn't the Xbox360 have the trial/demo version of the game and tables anymore?
Are we supposed to pay $4.99 for a table without knowing if it will look pink or if the game still has rumble support?

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to invest $125 in a game without knowing how it plays or looks. I'll just stick to the PC version then.

Probably related to the update we don't have yet. Nobody knows how the tables play or look yet, even the people who already bought them. Until we get the title update, the base game doesn't know they exist.


New member
Feb 17, 2015
This has nothing to do with the title update, the demo versions just aren't available on the XBLA page anymore because that is what Farsight chose to do.


New member
Feb 24, 2014
This has nothing to do with the title update, the demo versions just aren't available on the XBLA page anymore because that is what Farsight chose to do.

Or the demo is part of the missing pieces we haven't got yet. Some people in this thread cannot see or play the first 10 tables. I can do both. I don't know why I can see and play them but others cannot. Until we have missing bits accounted for, there's no telling what's gone or why.

To clarify, a demo mode may or may not need the new code in order to work. So it may or may not also be delayed and will appear in due course. Or it might not, and you might be right. But with such a fractured re-release, presently it's not a stretch to presume my problem and yours may share a common root.
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New member
Feb 24, 2014
I switched to a different user to see the game fresh, and it gives me the option to play a trial with the first 4 tables.


New member
Feb 24, 2014
It's not a separate listed demo, if you go to xbla and go to the base game it should say in the lefthand squares "play trial". If it does not, the only explanation I have is that my secondary local account sees it because the main has the game downloaded to the system. It may or may not show if somebody does not have it downloaded at all, I can't say. But it does appear that at some point there *should* be a demo available.


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Oh, and I just discovered that NONE of the tables I can see are playable, not even the 10 I already had. I hadn't actually tried since redownloading on Monday, I guess I assumed if they were there they would work. They do not. So... actually I guess I'm worse off than I was before Monday, because now I have no tables to play at all.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
24.99 for season one, pro packs, and ball packs for season one, TZ, and ST:TNG.

Not bad.
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