Transporter, Mousin' Around, Space Station, Fire!, Police Force, Jokerz, Party Animal


New member
Aug 2, 2014
... Banzai Run, Riverboat Gambler, Radical, Swords of Fury... That's 11 awesome UNLICENSED games that should be in TPA before Farsight is done... along with Data East reps! I mean, there's a lot of tables I feel like aren't as deserving that are already in the game. I think Police Force and Jokerz both have really fun themes, Banzai Run has the neat backglass playfield and Party Animal completes the Party Zone set... Breakshot from Capcom would also be sweet, but I'm not holding my breath for Cap tables.

Now, throwing licenses into the mix, I really want Rollergames, Blackwater 100, Dirty Harry, Indianapolis 500, Nascar, Rocky and Bullwinkle, No Fear, The Shadow, Johnny Mnemonic, Stargate, Congo, Judge Dredd, Demolition Man, and Guns n Roses (I'm hoping we'll see the modern Sterns in the new app.) There are other great licensed tables but I feel like they are based on properties that would be very expense. IMO, Farsight should use that money to obtain more unlicensed tables.

If Farsight can put those Williams and Bally tables above in TPA I think all remaining tables should be Data East, Sega and Capcom. There's a huge swath of pinball tables being left out by ignoring these companies. To really represent the history of the game and paint a complete picture of each era you really can't leave out Data East, even if many of their pins are mediocre. DE still has some really fun tables, and to be honest, i'd rather play most Data East tables than most Gottliebs.

We have the rest of season 5 and probably 6. Assuming FS stops there then there's no way all or even half of these tables will make the cut. Hopefully the Sterns everyone wants will end up in the Stern app and won't detract from TPA production.


New member
Feb 27, 2015
I think in your first sentence at least 3 and maybe all 4 of those make it. Bobby pretty much came out and said that Banzai Run or Pinball Circus is coming. DP said that Radical! has been mentioned as a good possibility as well. Swords of Fury seems like a foregone conclusion. Jokerz was another table that many folks want. Mousin' Around and Fire! would appear to be must haves. Rollergames may have licensing issues. Played Blackwater 100 today. Fun table but it would compete with Banzai Run. Most speculate that the last of the Sony license deal is either Johnny Mnemonic or LAH. Congo seems like it might be possible. Judge Dredd I would think is a must have. It's not licensed with the movie and a very popular table. Demolition Man would require a Kickstarter. Dirty Harry would too (Fox). Just some random thoughts. Maybe invitro will chime in.

I think much of it comes down to what happens in the next 12-18 months to see if the Williams license can be extended again. If so TPA could go to 8+ seasons as several TPAers have projected.


New member
Aug 2, 2014
I could easily live without Dirty Harry or Demo Man. I feel that the unlicensed tables should be a priority due to the lower cost and hi-quality. I want to see as many of them make the cut as possible.

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