Triggers vs. bumpers


New member
Apr 19, 2012
I like using the bumpers (LB/RB) instead of the triggers (LT/RT) in options because it seems to be a lot easier on my fingers over long play periods. I was just wondering, is there any drawback to using them? I didn't know if the triggers register pressure and make the flippers kick harder or anything like that. I really don't understand why there's an option to pick one or the other when they could just map both bumpers and triggers to the flippers and have one less option to mess with in the menu. I know Pinball FX1 let you change from triggers to bumpers but in FX2 you can just use either/or on the fly.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I'm hoping they make you switch because they intend to have tables with secondary buttons that can be used (like the SWEP1 Lasers and such). Flippers are not analog in nature so in TPA they will not be analog unless they start simulating those table top toys with the plastic fully mechanical flippers, there is no advantage to using the triggers. Switching to the bumpers was the first thing i did when i got the game


New member
Apr 5, 2012
I like using the triggers since I use my middle fingers on actual machines and they have the squishy feeling of Wico buttons found on many real machines. They activate with light touches, so it doesn't really make a difference as to whether you use the bumpers or triggers. It's just personal preference...use whatever feels most natural to you.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
I like using the bumpers (LB/RB) instead of the triggers (LT/RT) in options because it seems to be a lot easier on my fingers over long play periods. I was just wondering, is there any drawback to using them? I didn't know if the triggers register pressure and make the flippers kick harder or anything like that. I really don't understand why there's an option to pick one or the other when they could just map both bumpers and triggers to the flippers and have one less option to mess with in the menu. I know Pinball FX1 let you change from triggers to bumpers but in FX2 you can just use either/or on the fly.

There is no difference using either or. They work the same way real pinball flipper buttons work. Either on or off, no in between.

As superballs said, whichever ones you choose not to use for flippers will activate secondary buttons when we tables that have them.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
Mike, a feature request: please add an option to adjust the trigger sensitivity.

(Due to the "travel" of the triggers, it's harder to nuance the flippers than in real life.)



New member
May 6, 2012
I rock the bumpers. The trigger are more comfortable, but the bumpers just feel much more like real pinball. They have that instant "snap" when you hit the bumper...rather than the slower pull of the trigger.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Mike, a feature request: please add an option to adjust the trigger sensitivity.

(Due to the "travel" of the triggers, it's harder to nuance the flippers than in real life.)


As of right now, due to the current flipper mechanics, it's pretty tough to nuance them even with the bumpers.

I'm hoping to see some work done on that and I'm sure it will be in a future update, some flipper techniques are mostly impossible as it is now. (Mostly)


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Yea, was watching this RBION tutorial earlier today and the more nuanced flipper control in it would be lovely to imitate

I don't expect to do a live catch, but a reliable drop-catch or a cradle-seperation should be in the realm of possibilities. Right now you can't do a quick flick with your flippers like he does to send one ball lightly away or to another flipper. If you do that you immediately skyrocket it to heavens and beyond :)


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I've done the cradle seperation with limited success on MM on the mobile. Like i said in another post somewhere on these forums, I don't think it's a physics problem but a flipper mechanics problem where even if they are let down only a bit, they return at 100% force. I question also if they calculate that they are moving 2 balls and are thus a bit weaker due to that.

Only the coders know for sure.

BTW, I do know how they get caramel in caramilk bars, the sound of one hand clapping and i know that the egg came before the chicken

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