

New member
Jul 30, 2015
This seems impossible. You have to make multiple shots on any multiball continent, like Antarctica. You can go thru all the continents & restart the cycle to get more letters doing the easy ones like Australia, but this is a hard way to get the letters as well, since going thru all the continents is not easy either. This Goal is a toughie for me, just like Warp on STTNG.

Will be doing some more studying of the tips section for RBION, but Trip just seems hopeless. :)


New member
Feb 8, 2014
There are a few things to realize that will make this easier:
1. You can stack several of the Continent modes together. Not all combinations are possible (you can't stack the multiball modes, for instance) but you can stack most single-ball modes into any of the multiball modes.
2. From the Continent scoop kickout, a well-timed nudge to avoid the slingshot gives a very easy trap on the right flipper. Learn this.
3. From a trap on the right flipper, it's easy to backhand the right ramp, which re-lights the Continent scoop.
4. Assuming the shot to the right ramp doesn't lock the ball, choose whichever method you prefer to shoot the Continent scoop to start the next mode. Some will advocate a nudge-trap, I'm impatient and hit it on the fly.

Of course, concentrate on getting the gimme letters. Australia is by far the easiest. Asia is pretty easy too but isn't 100% risk-free. Multiballs are tough to get letters from, but if you stack Europe into a multiball, that makes getting those gravestones a bit easier/safer.


New member
Jul 30, 2015
Thanks EOS. One thing I noticed on the cycling thru the continents method is the 2nd time thru them, you get no more "keep going mons" which makes the multiball ones that much harder. I'm getting some better high scores, but have gotten no closer to activating Trip.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Quick correction - the trap from the scoop kickout is on the left flipper. On my tablet a nudge in the left nudge zone just as the ball clears the spinner gets it done. I think that would correspond to a nudge left with the stick.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk


Jan 30, 2013
Oh come on you can do it. It's not that hard to get letters. And going through continents is easy too. If you hold the ball on the right flipper, the backhand to the right ramp (which lights the scoop for next continent) is very easy, like Eldar said. When you start a game you have Europe lit. Start Europe, then shoot the right ramp to light scoop for next mode which will be Africa I think, a multiball. Now Europe is much easier to complete. Just shoot at any spot targets. Also the left ramp is easiest from a ball that's held on left flipper. So when you complete Europe, try to get the Africa letter. Ramp, ramp, idol, ramp, ramp.
Like you said Australia is easy, and so s Asia. South america is also really easy. You usually don't actually have to shoot the head, you can shoot the right ramp and the ball will get kicked out into head! Then just let the ball bounce and it will end up back on right flipper, so you can hold the ball on on right flipper and backhand that right ramp again!

Make sure you learn to post pass, if you don't know how yet. So you can set yourself up for whatever flipper is best to shoot from next. You'll have all letters and go through continents in no time now!


New member
Jul 30, 2015
Thanks EOS & Switch. Switch, I think Africa requires more shots than that, not sure. :)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I cannot stress enough how important it is to learn that right flipper backhand to the right ramp. Stacking your multiballs makes collecting continents so much easier, and the backhand is key to that. You can shoot the scoop with the right flipper too, but I personally find it easier with the left, so get good at that too. From there, the whole table will start to become so much easier and you'll see your scores leapfrog. When you have those two shots mastered, come back and a whole mess of other strategies can be discussed!


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Lots of great info, to make this table more enjoyable at have fun trying to beat my all time score, thanks guys.

Miss that segment on the podcast, enjoyed listening to the spoken word of strategies for the tables.


New member
Jul 30, 2015
Okay, thanks shut. I don't have those shots mastered, the right flipper to right ramp is easier than it was, right flipper to scoop is a bit risky, can result in a drain, but I still try for it, left flipper to scoop is easier as you say. I still need to study up on how to manipulate continent selection & get those easy ones first. Still topping out at 4 letters, but I'm working on it. As I said, a high of 140M didn't get on the leaderboard, for some reason. Trapping during multi usually just results in me losing the ball(s) in play, unless I trap & make a shot b4 the others get back down to the flippers. Post pass attempts still not working very well for me, but I try it when I can. Usually results in some whacky antics from the ball & some errant shots. That nudge you pros do to trap is a no go for me, can't seem to time it just right & lose control of the ball.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I find that for myself, I almost never need to nudge on Ripleys. So don't worry about that, and don't worry about manipulating continent selection. Those difficult continents, just let the ball drain! For instance, I cannot get Europe by actually aiming for targets without draining. Instead I forget it's even active and then shoot the right ramp followed by the scoop and activate another continent (usually one with multiball will activate). Then it's just a matter of getting the targets by default. And if I don't? Oh well! Earning the trip does not mean doing all 7 continents in one cycle, just doing it on one ball (I think that's the goal? Been so long...). When you come across a mode that worries you, just let it time out and shoot only the things you feel safe with. You don't even have to just cradle the ball, instead practice those shots mentioned while waiting.

What are your easy letter continents vs tough?


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Earning the trip does not mean doing all 7 continents in one cycle, just doing it on one ball (I think that's the goal? Been so long...)

Neither is necessary. To get the trip to Atlantis, you just need 7 letters total, you can do it on more than one cycle and more than one ball.

With one ball, you're thinking of the ROM bug that awards the Perfect Tour bonus repeatedly (which doesn't have anything to do with Atlantis or any wizard goal, it's just a 10M score award.) If you get 7 letters on one ball, the game gets confused and will continue to award the perfect tour bonus on every tour for the rest of the game.


New member
Jun 2, 2016
That nudge you pros do to trap is a no go for me, can't seem to time it just right & lose control of the ball.

My preferred method to catch after continent shot is to hold up the right upper flipper, that will steer the ball coming down towards left flipper. Then I raise left flipper and nudge left and the ball will roll from raised left flipper towards right flipper for a nice catch. Or you could just hold up all the flippers after shooting the continent box. Just tried and it seems to work as well, the ball will steer from upper right flipper and bounce to either left or right.

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