Bug Twilight Zone Bug


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Ah thanks for reminding this bug IS NOT PS3 Exclusive It also occurs with the PS Vita , which points to a ROM emulating issue.

Its almost surely on the Xbox version that it was ported from but the only people that could tell us that are at FS.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Has anyone else noticed a bug at the end of a single-player game of TZ, where the game switches to multi-player mode when you try to start a new single-player game?
**Another bug found** After changing ball skins and pressing the back button the game says I just finished a round with a zero score (I wasn't even playing) ... and then when I start the game it has me in 2 player mode ..... WTF??? QUALITY CONTROL ANYONE??
I have had the Gumball machine lock the camera (zoomed in on the gumball machine) and not returning to normal, when starting Gumball multiball (I think it was).

I have experienced all three of these bugs as well.


New member
Apr 13, 2013
I've had the multiplay bug happen. I start the single player game, it tried to connect to the internet. I back out and it shows a player 1 score of zero and then starts player 2 round. Seems to happen randomly.