Twilight Zone Kickstarter Redemption


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Well, if my support is rewarded with an extra wait of at least three weeks (no matter if it's their fault or not), I don't see why I should support them the next time they ask for money on Kickstarter.


New member
Feb 7, 2013
Come on Farsight get on the phone to Sony EU and get those keys moving to your loyal customers. It's not even funny anymore. Me and many others made Twilight Zone and Star Trek happen, this just isn't on.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Wow, you guys still don't have TZ? that's rediculous, whoevers fault it is. Farsight have got to sort their delivery method out before the next kickstarter or I feel it might actually fail. There must be a lot of people, especially EU PS3 owners who are going to say ' you have got to be joking ' when the next KS is announced if nothing has changed.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
is it lack of planning from FS? Or the fact that Farsight are small fry in the eyes of Corporate Sony - hence they are not bending over backwards?

the ajp

New member
Jun 17, 2012
i have always defended farsight to the max but i am affraid this time with the eu codes episode words fail me .. this is just completely unacceptable and will probably happen again with STTNG as well .. no doubt it will put off a lot of people for the next kickstarter regardless of who's fault it is .. me for one ..


New member
Mar 29, 2012
I backed TZ and STTNG... and in case the same thing is happening with STTNG all over again I won't be backing another kickstarter. Actually I'm already very much on the fence.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I know I won't be backing another Kickstarter Farsight pinball table. It was cheaper and much quicker to buy the table on PSN 3 weeks ago.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Well, the point of the Kickstarter wasn't to give you cheap and quick access to the table. First and foremost it was to fund the table so it could be made at all. In that way it succeeded and I'm still glad I contributed.

But they also promised rewards for that support and with the situation now it doesn't seem like they are very eager to keep that side of the deal. The silence on that matter (apart from a "we don't have the codes yet" once) makes it feel like it's not a high priority issue for them when really this should be, because this is about their most loyal fanbase. And it really wasn't easy to be a fan of the Pinball Arcade so far, especially when you're a console player.

I won't back any of their future Kickstarters simply because I really hate this waiting situation I'm in now and I don't want to see it repeated. Well, maybe I'd support them if they really struggled to get a table funded, I still love their vision after all.

Mark Miwurdz

New member
Apr 7, 2012
This is probably SCEE's doing, not FarSight's. SCEE is notoriously slow; they took an extra 3 months to approve the base game.

Pfft. FS could buy some EU PSN points cards and email the codes to those waiting so they could buy it from PSN. Then again, customer service is a concept alien to them.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Yeah, buy the codes with their own cash and send them out. That would make good business sense, not. They don't want to lose money on this.
It is too bad future kickstarters are pretty much dead, I contributed $100 to each. I may contribute to another if it is a table I really want and they need my cash to make them reach their goal. I still haven't received PC, 360 TZ and STTNG and PS3 STTNG but am waiting patiently as possible for them to be released. Am I happy about it, no, but glad I contributed so that the tables are a reality. They are both excellent additions to TPA.


New member
Feb 7, 2013
Still no movement Farsight? How about just saying you're sorry? Is it really that hard?

I've had several opportunities to spend money on tables in the last four weeks across platforms - where normally I would have instantly purchased as soon as they are available - I'm holding fire till I'm satisfied that you actually give a damn about the plight of your EU backers.

Dont Troll Me

New member
Apr 29, 2012
holy #$%@ you have got to be kidding me EU still did not get their codes , i think its extremely sad how our friends in europe are being treated in the gaming industry.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
So, we've now been waiting for a month and still no sign of anything.
I really find it hard to believe that it takes Sony over a month to generate a few codes and send them to FarSight.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
So, we've now been waiting for a month and still no sign of anything.
I really find it hard to believe that it takes Sony over a month to generate a few codes and send them to FarSight.
Yeah, by now I just lost any hope that we're ever going to get them.

So, well... it may very well be that for Sony it really takes that long to churn out codes (which I personally find a bit baffling, but hey). But it isn't the primary thing that annoys me so much about the whole affair. It's the lack of communication on Farsight's side that bugs me. I'm not silly enough to demand that they put out a press release that says "We still don't have the codes." every two hours, but the thing is that I technically don't even know that they don't have the codes, let alone even that the game is out in the first place! The last update for the table's kickstarter page was in december. Everything I know comes from checking out this board and from actively contacting the guys via kickstarter, asking them whatever happened to the code. (Reply: "Sorry, we don't have it yet.") And that was weeks ago. I haven't anything from them every since. Yes, I know that it's a tight team that has a lot to do and many things to deal with, but this is just... sad. Some things just can't be excused.

You know... I don't demand an everflowing stream constant updates over literally everything, I'm merely asking for the very basic thing. And I'm not even sure if Farsight is actually aware of how badly it makes them look. Certainly, they may be just as annoyed as we are... but with this non-communication they just give me the impression that they can't be bothered.

And yes, it's not all about the kickstarter goodies and whatnot... but if they really want people to back their projects again, then this is not the way to do it. Actually I'm already concerned what's going to happen when Star Trek will see its PS3-release (or XBOX for that matter).

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