Apparently, optimizations for low-end machines (I don't remember if it was GPUs specifically) were mistakenly left out of this update and will return in the next patch.
Apparently, optimizations for low-end machines (I don't remember if it was GPUs specifically) were mistakenly left out of this update and will return in the next patch.
My machine isn't low end. I have a 2 x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Xeon Mac Pro. The frame-rate in TZ is so bad it can't even be played.
I don't understand why the Mac version of Pinball Arcade looks and sounds so crappy. The PS3 version looks beautiful, the lighting effects are really great. Mac version looks flat and boring, like it was ported from the iOS version.
I noticed quite a few bugs while playing tonight, including the frame rate issue (which of course I emailed a report about). This horrible iOS port really needs to be developed from the ground up. I've been begging for customizable controls and in-game tweaks from the beginning.
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